New Zealand in England

Broad is the man. Just the bowler you ant to turn to when Jimmys decided he doesn't feel like taking 10fer.

Great throw from Colly for the run out too. This partnership is a big one now, Taylors the wicket we need.
Lol @ Jimmy's reaction when Wright missed the run-out.
Is it just me who has noticed Wrighty bowling at mid 80's? Surpised me I thought he was a 70's bowler?
Yeah he was giving it the beans a bit.

Comfortable victory :)
Is it just me who has noticed Wrighty bowling at mid 80's? Surpised me I thought he was a 70's bowler?

I noticed that in the Twenty20, he definitely used to be a proper Collingwood-esque medium pacer but has turned himself into a quicky. Some of his bowling was coming down at 86mph, which is Sidebottom and Mills sort of speed.

New Zealand were awful. Far too reliant on McCullum and Taylor. The batting was awful, How was OK, but again fell once he'd got his eye in. Their bowling was poor and were 1 bowler short, with Taylor having to bowl sort of nothing deliveries. Really poor performance from a team who are apparently far superior to us. I don't even think Oram could have saved them today. New Zealand really are on the downward spiral.

Pietersen has to be MOTM, best ODi innings i've ever seen, the left handed sweeps were awesome, I wonder how often he practises that shot. What a performance, that's why i've been bartering to have him in at number 3. The best player should be at 3 and finally our best batsman is at 3. Awesome stuff.

Looking forward to the rest of the series, this is looking a walkover so far, seems the NZ performance from the Twenty20 has carried over :D
Evening Dan :D

KP was brilliant today, as was Broad with his bowling. We've finally got a ODI team that has potential!
King Pietersen said:
Pietersen has to be MOTM, best ODi innings i've ever seen,

Geez, taking it a bit far there aren't you? Even KP has played better knocks then that.
I've not been into ODi cricket for long ;) but maybe I am taking it abit far I suppose. Was a cracking innings though, just when it was needed KP provides a beauty of an innings. Some of the shots he played were vintage KP, awesome stuff.

To be fair, Dan doesn't get out much ;)

Come on Culli, up your game, that's a terrible insult ;). Surely not getting out much would allow me to watch far more cricket, meaning the chance of seeing a better ODi innings would be far increased. If you're going to insult me, at least make it a good'un :p Stick to abusing Usy, he's a far easier target.
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The best ODI innings ever is either Michael Bevan's against England in the 2003 World Cup pool match or Collingwood's against Australia in the first CB series final in 2007. In my opinion anyway. Kev's today is nowhere near them. Just because he was audacious enough to bat left handed on two occasions against one of the weakest attacks you're ever likely to see outside of Bangladesh doesn't make his innings the best ever.

Well played England. Also well played Daniel Flynn. I'd put a bit of money on him making a big score in this series.
Lol @ Dan.

On a completely un-related note, how sexy was Jimmy's hair today, Matthew?
Wright should go back to first class cricket and develop. Without improvement he is nowhere near good enough to be opening and realistically should not be in the team.

He's not been in great form for us this season, though the Kiwi's bowled well to him. Not giving him any room. He contributed well in the field (with ball and catches) though. He should be given the whole series.
I quite like the balance in the England team with one exception. Tim Ambrose. I'm just not sure he's going to be able to do much at 7 unless we have a collapse. It's back to why Geraint Jones went out of the team in my opinion. Ambrose will either be batting in the last 10 and trying to slog or chase at 10 an over, or trying to rebuild the innings. He'll have to be very good to get a positive feedback out of this series. Unfortunate for him trying to cement a place really.

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