New Zealand in England

Delayed start ? Pfft, tis a nice sunny day in Bristol. Awesome start for England, 3 of the 4 dangermen are gone, McCullum, How and Styris. If we get Taylor soon as well, we're in business. We're building good pressure, Broad's bowling beautifully. Broad's actually a very similar bowler to Jacob Oram, saunters in bowls slightly back of a length, takes key wickets and is very economical. He can also bat, his bowling is like Oram with improved pace. Looks a top prospect, and he's only 21 which is amazing. Hopefully we'll see another NZ collapse and an easy run chase for England.

As I type that, Broady takes another, now that's all the dangermen gone. Taylor gets frustrated, and plays a stupid shot. Great bowling from Broad and Tremlett, and good field placement from Colly. We're looking a top side today. Just need the rain to stay away all day now and this'll surely be our game. Come on England :D
I'd consider swapping Styris for Patel at this point.

Yeh, good plan......... :confused:

Styris is one of the main members of the batting line-up, and the batting is the main problem for New Zealand at the moment, removing another batsman, and one that has a good record would just make the problems worse. When they get a proper all-rounder back, in Oram, they could possibly afford to drop one of the bowlers, either Southee or Gillespie/Mason. I rate Patel highly, he's a quality bowler and an immense fielder. But Styris is one of the more important members of the NZ team.

NZ rely too heavily on McCullum though, this was proven by the drop in run rate after his dismissal. Just couldn't get going once he went.
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New Zealand are getting obliterated ;)

The problem with a team relying on McCullum is that he is mercurial. He can be a very destructive batsman and he has improved considerably over the last two years. However he still isn't the caliber of batsman that a line up can rely on. Just look at his averages and they betray his lack of consistency. That said, I'd love it if he played for us.
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I think i'm about done watching this tour. Pack of losers. We still have no Oram and won't play Patel. Bah. I give up. We started well, McCullum unlucky, probably didn't need to keep going afterit that particular over. Taylor was beaten by the pitch. I hope it does that for us.
Stuart Broad's figures defy belief, 8 overs, 3 maidens, 2 for 14. This is a proper Oram-esque spell of bowling. New Zealand now have to rely on the inexperience of Flynn, Elliot and Hopkins, and the disappointing Vettori (with the bat anyway). England will be disappointed if they get passed 150 I expect.

Also, just checked the weather on MetCheck for Bristol, and it says Light Rain till the early afternoon and then just cloudy throughout the afternoon. So i'd expect a little rain break at some stage, forecast looks OK though.
Man we are off to a useless start, why oh why did McCullum have to keep on going, he already had 16 of the over:mad:

Once he went out the run rate went downhill quick, How looked out of sorts and Styris is just to old and fat these days. He did get a great ball though. Lets hope Flynn and Elliot can get us out of this.

When is McCullum going to get that ODI centuy.
New Zealand are playing like we used to: losing early wickets forcing the pace and then retreating into their shell :D
Stuart Broad's figures defy belief, 8 overs, 3 maidens, 2 for 14. This is a proper Oram-esque spell of bowling. New Zealand now have to rely on the inexperience of Flynn, Elliot and Hopkins, and the disappointing Vettori (with the bat anyway). England will be disappointed if they get passed 150 I expect.

Also, just checked the weather on MetCheck for Bristol, and it says Light Rain till the early afternoon and then just cloudy throughout the afternoon. So i'd expect a little rain break at some stage, forecast looks OK though.

Broad has been bowling very well, he has improved alot since I first saw him. His control is very impressive.
Yeh, good plan......... :confused:

Styris is one of the main members of the batting line-up, and the batting is the main problem for New Zealand at the moment, removing another batsman, and one that has a good record would just make the problems worse. When they get a proper all-rounder back, in Oram, they could possibly afford to drop one of the bowlers, either Southee or Gillespie/Mason. I rate Patel highly, he's a quality bowler and an immense fielder. But Styris is one of the more important members of the NZ team.

NZ rely too heavily on McCullum though, this was proven by the drop in run rate after his dismissal. Just couldn't get going once he went.
What I mean is that Styris can't bat and can't bowl. In the past 2 and a half years, Styris has taken 17 ODI wickets at 57, with an economy over 5. Innocuous is a flattering description. Seeing as they're absolutely adamant that Fulton is not allowed to play, they might as well at least have someone who can bowl. When Oram returns, I very much doubt his spot and considering he plays almost no cricket outside ODIs now, the writing is surely on the wall.
Let's hope it gets rained off. Lets be fair, 3 of the 4 pitches so far have been pretty ****. In NZ every pitch was good. Of course the weather is so bad. It's not the groundsman fault or anything.
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You mean the pitches have been bowler friendly, not crap. New Zealand just have to deal with it, play to the conditions and don't make excuses.
What I mean is that Styris can't bat and can't bowl. In the past 2 and a half years, Styris has taken 17 ODI wickets at 57, with an economy over 5. Innocuous is a flattering description. Seeing as they're absolutely adamant that Fulton is not allowed to play, they might as well at least have someone who can bowl. When Oram returns, I very much doubt his spot and considering he plays almost no cricket outside ODIs now, the writing is surely on the wall.

His batting average for the last 2 years is 44 though.

(As an aside: he hasn't scored a 50 since December 2007. Also he looks horribly unfit.)
I'm not making excuses. Who honestly wants to watch 2 off 24 balls, 2 off 16 balls, 8 off 30 balls. This is boring as hell. I'm glad I didn't bother watching it.

Styris was one of the top batsmen at the last World Cup (from ANY side) I think he was in the top 5, top 10 for sure. People forget these things very quickly. His bowling is handy. He should never have been a 5th bowler in the first game. That was disgusting selection and disorganization.

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