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Just beware of RizzyX crazy field placings.....

Not very comfortable when 6 guys looks at you in your field of view , and the bowler only bowls straight and fullish length :)
Just beware of RizzyX crazy field placings.....

Not very comfortable when 6 guys looks at you in your field of view , and the bowler only bowls straight and fullish length :)

First off, i am not the one who began using such field tactics, many of the best toughest players i have come across use such fields (ask king-fnk number 1 ranked online player), to conpete I had to come up with them too.

Secondly i do not place any fielders close in around the bat, the 6 fielders you say include mid on, mid off, fine leg, and 2 cover fielders.

Lastly my line is mostly out side off with the whole off side open, no one at point or third man. Leg side is also pretty much open, so straight deliveries can be played through their.

Length is also mixed up.
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Didn't read all the pages above, but here are my experiences based on whatever time I played online:

1) There is lag every now and then.

2) Players I have met so far have been fair without any rage quitting. Always nice to see that.

3) The game play itself is buggy in a few major places. For instance, the opponent and I both saw bowled outs not given where the ball clearly eradicated the stumps.

4) On PS3, one can view the field before facing a ball. But there is a bug that players seem to abuse. One can change the field, and not give the batsman an opportunity to view the field and quickly start the delivery. International Cricket 2010 handled this problem gracefully by having the batsman press a button to declare that he/she is ready. That the field view camera stays on only for 10 seconds or so anyway, I don't think it's too difficult to fix this just the way IC 2010 did.

5) Overall, the game play is quickly getting monotonous and boring. Not a great sign.
5) Overall, the game play is quickly getting monotonous and boring. Not a great sign.

Could you elaborate a bit more on that?? Will help in identifying the reason for that as personally I see a lot of depth in gameplay.

Please see my other post , regarding the dubious field placings of the online guys. I feel strongly that the fielders in front of a batsmen need to be controlled , otherwise it becomes a dull and frustrating affair online.

I have indeed played against some top of the leaderboard guys like FNK etc. etc. , and can indeed attest that alot of them set these ridiculous fields , because the game allows you to.

I had an enjoyable (but tough) game with yourself , but beg to differ on the line. Although you bowl a bit outside off, you bowl it full length , so what shot can I then play to Point or Third man ? Maybe you can tell me , it will assist me greatly.

Hope to meet you again online soon (Springbokgamer) .
How many ps3 players are there in the UK timezone as all my online games have been againt the southern hemesphere and its a bit laggy!! im hoping that the uk timezone wont be .

psn id : RedskinsUK21
Could you elaborate a bit more on that?? Will help in identifying the reason for that as personally I see a lot of depth in gameplay.

Hi Angad,

Sure, I should have been clearer than making a vague comment like that to begin with. I also see a lot of depth in the game play, but all this will soon (if not already) start to suffer from an inherent problem common to any slow sport simulation and that is lifelessness. I wrote about this in my review on Amazon.com as well.

The last edition of cricket by Codemasters handled many things better when compared to Don Bradman Cricket 14, e.g. visuals, camera angles, graphics, ease of controls, ball and shot selection, aerial fielding display, etc. but in the long run failed in this very department. Unfortunately I see Don Bradman Cricket 14 headed in the same direction. I am not bashing this game at all; it takes a lot to not replicate someone else's engine and instead go with a fresh approach to create a cricket simulation. I was pleasantly surprised, at first.

But very quickly, despite the depth offered in both batting and bowling, the overly quirky bowling controls, lack of intuitive camera angles, aging visuals and graphics, bad commentary, absence of two players option, serious fielding and other bugs discussed on this website, and most importantly the same-oldness of the game play without offering a variety of lifelike situations and movements a.k.a surprises start taking the fun away. You will agree that on a cricket ground, a lot more things are happening alongside the match being played. Capturing at least a few of them gracefully (just like TV cameras do) is very important for the overall experience. Of course, every little detail like that won't be possible to design and port to a system like PS3. I get that.

But perhaps it is not Don Bradman Cricket 14, and I really would like to think so. Perhaps it is just the way this cricket game is - great to watch a nail biting inning, great to play with a bunch of buddies, but monotonous when playing in the form of a video game. I do not know. Let's just say after playing Codemasters' cricket, I expected another cricket game to not lose ground on the things Codemasters already did well but improve on showcasing the life and soul of the game. Don Bradman 14 so far has definitely impressed me in some areas such as unpredictability in the basic game engine. However, after a few days, it screams that "meh" feeling to me!

I know they are coming out with another patch in a few weeks and if they think one more time from ground up about this issue, they may just have another shot at this. My comment was on the post-patch 1 version of this game.
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Please see my other post , regarding the dubious field placings of the online guys. I feel strongly that the fielders in front of a batsmen need to be controlled , otherwise it becomes a dull and frustrating affair online.

I have indeed played against some top of the leaderboard guys like FNK etc. etc. , and can indeed attest that alot of them set these ridiculous fields , because the game allows you to.

I had an enjoyable (but tough) game with yourself , but beg to differ on the line. Although you bowl a bit outside off, you bowl it full length , so what shot can I then play to Point or Third man ? Maybe you can tell me , it will assist me greatly.

Hope to meet you again online soon (Springbokgamer) .

I must admit I was not too different from yourself with regards to the field placings, but the only way I could really compete with those guys was to set more unorthodox fields.

With length, vast majority of my deliveries are bowled on a good length using the 'x' button, and a fair few full length using the 'o' button.

Trust me my tactics are not invisible, my last game online a few nights ago I was thrashed badly by Sohaib25 who would lose most games to me before he tackled a way around.

Anyway I will try and go with more orthodox fields with my games against you to make things more enjoyable. :thumbs
How many ps3 players are there in the UK timezone as all my online games have been againt the southern hemesphere and its a bit laggy!! im hoping that the uk timezone wont be .

psn id : RedskinsUK21

I'm based in UK.. Getting my internet connection back up tomorrow. Happy to give you a game or 10..

Add me: se77rn

Is there any players on xbox from the uk,looking for some good lag free games myself.:yes

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