Online Quitting - Please Read

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Yea he did jump the gun a bit, you are anything but a statshorder, otherwise you wouldve never played all those matches against me when you were new at the game.
LOL 8 matches this morning i win all of them and 8 quits before the save.
Superb stuff.:rtfl
xtremexdesix quit

I got to play xtremexdesix last night. There was absolutely no lag or anything.

he lost the last wicket and promptly quit :banana2

I do not mind quitters, but thought he is not a quitter after seeing the messages in the forum.
I got to play xtremexdesix last night. There was absolutely no lag or anything.

he lost the last wicket and promptly quit :banana2

I do not mind quitters, but thought he is not a quitter after seeing the messages in the forum.

I can definitely vouch for xtremedesix, played him 7 or 8 times and hes never quit, and as we play in the same tourneys together, i have never heard any other person say this about him, but from what hmarka says sahils cousin could have something to do with whats going on.
Yea Sahil mate you might want to change your password or do something about this situation before your cousin completely sullies your good name.

narasimhabharati are you in India? You must have a great connection then if there was no lag.
I live in US (eastern time). I have a 6MBPS connection.

Dude add me for sure! There will be 0 lag, I am in Texas (CST)

Match sometime today mate? Just PM me or leave a message on my VM.

Also feel free to add me on MSN and PSN

my PSN is LeftArmFast
shotz786. Quit after being 50 for 9 in a 20/20.

Man, after the plastering I got at the hands of HMarka and E-N-I-G-M-A yesterday, it was nice to be in a winning position only to be denied by another quitter.

To xtremedesix: Dude, I'm sorry I called you out on the forum but there's no way for me to know its your cousin playing. As has been said, would be great if you get him another login possibly. In any case, if you've played HMarka and ever beaten him, I'm probably no good against you given the beating I was handed down yesterday!

Any non-quitters, non-stud-muffins of the leaderboard looking for a game this evening PM me please or add me on PSN ThandaMilk.
In any case, if you've played HMarka and ever beaten him,

He has beat me more times than anyone else :) we also play a lot.

Would love a rematch Thanda, Ill pick a lesser team, you have all the makings of a good player, just need practice!

What was the score against ENIGMA? I rate him as one of the better players too and have suffered my share of defeats against him.

Hmarka added 1 Minutes and 18 Seconds later...

shotz786. Quit after being 50 for 9 in a 20/20.

I never play anyone with the tag 786, 99% of the time they quit. It must be some secret quitters clan.
Yeah I caught ThandaMilk by surprised yesterday.... him batting first, he was unfortunately down 3-4 wickets before starting to adjust to the lag and timing, so in my mind the game was sorta over early on... and as I wrote to ThandaMilk after, it's probably more to do with I have more experience with lag than I'd like cause not many aussies play :( (I think I chased 25 to win in answer to your question Hmarka and of the shots I played, prob only timed half of them myself)

But yeah I also agree that it's just practice.... and really the biggest tip I can give anyone is to use custom fields!!! Every decent player here knows the holes and safe areas to play against the default fields, and I'd say I've won more games than I should just because the guy fielding second just used default fields and I never felt under pressure... I mean it's fun to score runs, but it's better to have a challenge - and ofc just don't be gay when it's laggy and put every fielder close inside circle :)

Also I note "narasimhabharati" is on here too.... he is a real good reason why you have to be careful labeling people as quitters. I have that PSN on my "quit list", but it was an early exit more due to lag from memory and no time was really wasted..... so he's on my quit list but with an ** next to his name.... ie. Never listed his as true quitter because when we tried to play it was basically unplayable. Though if you wanna limit ourselves to a lower team narasimhabharati (maybe 1 Fast each only), I'd gladly give it another try as it's hard to get lag-free games in Australia generally, so I'll take almost anything :D

.... and lol at the "786" comment. 2 people from the last 10 to quit on me have their names ending in 786.. and one ending in 86... not normally superstitious, but maybe there's something to your theory :eek:
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I got to play xtremexdesix last night. There was absolutely no lag or anything.

he lost the last wicket and promptly quit :banana2

I do not mind quitters, but thought he is not a quitter after seeing the messages in the forum.

ahh my bad for the quit. i cannot back myself up but i didnt play last nt caz of india match in the morning (had to wake up early)

i m making my cousin a new psn or he will ruin my reputation..

thanda milk... so i m sure my cousin had quit on u caz i have told him not to quit if u want to play but he just did twice, so new psn for him...
thandamilk where r u from

another guy called makhan is on the leaderboards (way down on them though) quitted on me yesterday everything was fine till he got quick 3-4 wickets but when i started to hit him around for some he quitted
what a ******
.... and really the biggest tip I can give anyone is to use custom fields!!!

Yeah, that's the one thing I know I should do more often. At the expense of sounding extremely stupid, here's my question to you guys - when I do custom fields, I have to go in and edit them each time I play a match. Is there a way to save custom fields?

ThandaMilk added 0 Minutes and 33 Seconds later...

thandamilk where r u from
Chicago. You?
Dude add me for sure! There will be 0 lag, I am in Texas (CST)

Match sometime today mate? Just PM me or leave a message on my VM.

Also feel free to add me on MSN and PSN

my PSN is LeftArmFast
Sure! If i am right, i tried adding you a few weeks back, not sure where that invite went. I will add this evening.

I will be online (PSN) after 7PM ET, hope to have a good game tonight.

Good game mate, thought you bowled well, to some good field placings, made it very difficult for me to score boundaries, not too sure on your tactics of using special team, for me it takes something out of the game, when you have 5 world class bowlers, and 8 world class batsmen. But anyway hope we can play again sometime, and the lag wasn't too bad at all.
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