Online Quitting - Please Read

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Why do I even try. Been quit on today 5 times. Some familiar names in there - hoolio and munners to name two. Waste of time, this.
This was what stopped me from playing AC09. It was just too frustrating to play 1-1.5 hours just to be quit on. I completed about 250 2020's and I had easily twice the amount quit on me
This was what stopped me from playing AC09. It was just too frustrating to play 1-1.5 hours just to be quit on. I completed about 250 2020's and I had easily twice the amount quit on me

Yeah.. am getting there mate. Its only the great games I have with the regular PC guys that keeps my interest up.

Just bumped into another <expletive deleted>. Goes by "Sule_". Batted first, and really well. Was off to 60 odd for no loss in 4 overs. I msged him - "great start". Messages back "cheers m8". I figure - he's a strong player, has responded to a msg - won't quit.

Obviously can't keep the aggression levels up - is out for 150 odd. I begin the chase, and am 5 for nil when he quits. I mean, <expletitive deleted>, its not like I've even taken a serious crack at the total yet.

Responds to my pleasantries saying "I like only batting. Not bowling". Sule my friend you're right up there in the list of <expletive deleted>-heads that ruin what is a good game.
Responds to my pleasantries saying "I like only batting. Not bowling". Sule my friend you're right up there in the list of <expletive deleted>-heads that ruin what is a good game.

That would have made my blood boil. What a little shithead.
Originally Posted by ThandaMilk
Responds to my pleasantries saying "I like only batting. Not bowling". Sule my friend you're right up there in the list of <expletive deleted>-heads that ruin what is a good game.

Oh that respond will get me banned from xbox360 as i will write a very abusive msg to this little fu*#. I am angry now:mad:
Oh that respond will get me banned from xbox360 as i will write a very abusive msg to this little fu*#. I am angry now:mad:

Well Alioz, I'm glad PSN doesn't have any such penalties. From the messages I sent him, I already feel like I know his family much better; especially the women-folk.
nanny_321 : was bowled out for 24(20 over match) in response I was 20/1 when he quit.. sends me a message for rematch after tht.. what a loser
How much do you guys want to bet that IC09 will have no penalty for quitters either.
i think it should and will have penalty for quitters
i remember alioz from here played the patched version on xbox and he said that
game showed player connection(good,bad,excellent) and also gave players ratings based on there quitting record
Well i hope they keep tracks of wins and losses also, I mean what sports game does not keep track of that!
i think it should and will have penalty for quitters
i remember alioz from here played the patched version on xbox and he said that
game showed player connection(good,bad,excellent) and also gave players ratings based on there quitting record

Yes that's true. I confirm again the things i noticed.

1- They had more sweet spots(yellow) for bowling and cursor use to start from the middle.....
2 - conection quality was displayed online.
3 - player rating was given based on their quiting habbit online.

I played for 45 min so cant realy tell about AI pacing themselves.
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