I was actually quite hopeful at tea we could get into a position where we could win the game. We had 6 wickets in hand with Chris Read to come and had we added another 180/200 it would have made for a very interesting 4th innings. Pakistan would still have been favourites of course but I thought that England fought really well.
Just to reiterate what I said before, I fully support Pakistan's action in protesting against the decision Hair made but I feel their protest was ill-timed and ill-concieved. It would have been far more effective imo to issue a statement saying how they completely disagreed with Hair's decision and then gone back out there, blown England away and given the paying fans what they had come to see.
Instead we are left with an utterly unsatisfactory result which no-one wanted and no-one will take pride in (and no it won't make any difference when we go to Australia whether we have x or x + 1 points in the World rankings) and a great sense of what might have been if the game had been allowed to run its course.
Regarding the issue in hand I agree with several of the pundits and commentators that if you are going to brand a team cheats you had better have some mighty good evidence. Due to the lack of any TV footage I suspect it will come down to Hair's word against one of the Pakistan players which won't get us any further than we are at the moment.
I'm also not convinced by the statement given by Shaharyar Khan. He said that Pakistan were only making a protest of a few minutes and intended to go out again for the session to restart but it is clear they overdid it as they were actually in the dressing room refusing to go out for over 45 minutes and not the few he claimed. After their initial protest they were told that they must now take the field or forfeit the game and still failed to do so.
Anyhow a real shame for this series and a real shame for cricket.
zub2005 said:
just a question what if they dont punish the umpire and punish pakistan what could be the punishment. i hope that does not happen because we have no proof of cheating but you never know. pakistan never refused to play they just were going to take a little while
A fine and Inzi can be banned for two tests as captain. As for forfeiting the match I don't know what penalty that might carry (aside from the obvious one).