Patch #2 Must Fixes

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It'd be very hard for people reproduce the shots they are looking for consistently. If it could work, that would be a good idea. Just can't see that level of precision working well with the analogue sticks.

I cant see how it wouldn't work.

Currently its all or nothing with a small chance of something in between if you very lightly squeeze the block trigger.

Keep block as it is and add the rest of the range to the RAS and you have a distinct possibility to adjust shot power based on input. Full scale deflection results in exactly the same shot as played now while anything less will less powerful.

Add it in and make it a toggle. Just like all the other ideas.

Surely they must have tried it so maybe its not the ultimate solution but it might suit some people.
I cant see how it wouldn't work.

Currently its all or nothing with a small chance of something in between if you very lightly squeeze the block trigger.

Keep block as it is and add the rest of the range to the RAS and you have a distinct possibility to adjust shot power based on input. Full scale deflection results in exactly the same shot as played now while anything less will less powerful.

Add it in and make it a toggle. Just like all the other ideas.

Surely they must have tried it so maybe its not the ultimate solution but it might suit some people.

Hey if it does work for some people, I have no problem with that idea at all. Just have found that the analogue sticks variable sensitivity can be a hard thing to push to the right degree. I'm sure other people probably could though. :)
This is my point. Pharoah here is saying "slow the deliveries down, I haven't got time!", but the deliveries are already in slow motion anyway and slowing them further still just makes it less fun for everyone who is comfortable with the pace.

Obviously you're going to have opposing camps of players on an issue like that without scaling options.

Well, what I'm after is a little more time to decide my shot rather than premeditating. TBH I don't know how BA will/can do it. Although one thing I know I have a problem with is my RAS/LAS combinations...for some reason, my brain keeps thinking RAS = footwork, LAS = shot direction/selection, hence why I've asked if we can get the option to swap them (normally sports games allow you to change the buttons but not DB14).

Believe it or not, I actually WANT the speed. The real strength of pace bowlers is...well...their pace and we can't lose that or we risk making this game arcadish, which again is NOT my intention. It SHOULD be difficult to play quality fast bowling.

I was thinking maybe DB can 'pull' the release point back a bit so that we're given roughly .5 secs or something extra to see the ball, judge its length and choose shot/footwork accordingly - maybe thats the answer? I dunno. BA also has to make changes for knicks because thats pretty much what fast bowling generates and I don't see enough of it (ie. subtle swing, variations, etc that generate a knick off even the best forward defense).

Remember, seeing the ball and playing a shot is just the still have to time it AND not sky it or miss it. Thats why playing spin bowling is quite dangerous as well....its not all 4's and 6's or Warne/Muralidaran wouldn't have 700 odd test wickets each.
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It's more like 8% I think (possibly a typo?).
We did get quite a bit of feedback on AC09 and IC10 that some people struggled with the colours: changing the tones slightly fixed it for a lot of people (from memory making red significantly darker helped) so maybe this it something easily fixed.

Yeah 8 not 80 lol, sorry, but red green is most common one.
another important bug they must fix is.. when the ball is in the air late reaction by the fielder.. some times he dives/jumps after the ball past him
They already said they cant do that. Whats next on the preferred list?

I read where @Ross said it wasn't possible for the circle to appear earlier than it currently does and posted quite a detailed response elsewhere so I'll try not to repeat myself.

This issue with not being able to show the circle earlier is that the line of the ball is not determined until the push forward of the RAS which happens immediately before delivery.

My view is that the biggest difficulty is in picking length in time, once you know the length of the ball you can adjust for line atfter delivery (mimicking the practice of shifting your weight prior to moving your feet).

Length is "locked in" once the RAS is pulled back (start of the delivery stride) so ideally that is the beginnning of the "window" in which an indicator for length is displayed. I suggested that it begin with a complete ring around the ball in the appropriate colour (giving you time to judge length) which then "shrinks" in the appropriate direction to show line.

By thereby widening the window BA can then increase or decrease the amount of time you have to pick up both line and length to reflect difficulty setting, batsman ability etc...

Just my suggestion and not sure whether it's something that could be implemented in a Patch as it may be too large a change to the existing mechanic.
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I read where @Ross said it wasn't possible for the circle to appear earlier than it currently does and posted quite a detailed response elsewhere so I'll try not to repeat myself.

This issue with not being able to show the circle earlier is that the line of the ball is not determined until the push forward of the RAS which happens immediately before delivery.

That only applies to human players surely? Not when facing an AI bowler?
They should slow it down for 2 seconds (like in match batting practice) after the bowler releases the ball, you will be able to adjust for length without it ruining the random line and variation.

With the option of turning it on and off of coarse, and only for pace merchants.
Unless the AI bowls by simulating the mechanics.

I can't think of any reason that they would... There's no reason that the AI bowler can't have decided what it's going to bowl before release (unless, I guess, the batsman were to move around, but I'm not sure where that stops being an option?)

Even if it did simulate the mechanics, it could do it a couple of frames beforehand, allowing a bit more time for the batsman to "pick" the delivery.
I'm not sure either way, but Big Ant talk a lot about preventing the AI 'cheating' by doing things the user can't - one way to make sure of that would be making the AI 'use' the normal controls.
I can't think of any reason that they would... There's no reason that the AI bowler can't have decided what it's going to bowl before release (unless, I guess, the batsman were to move around, but I'm not sure where that stops being an option?)

Even if it did simulate the mechanics, it could do it a couple of frames beforehand, allowing a bit more time for the batsman to "pick" the delivery.

i guess there is still no reason not to be able show the length circle only a bit earlier.

i think a slowdown a la online play would be a terrible idea. it's an elegant solution to a specific online issue, and it's important to note the online slowdown is only seen at the bowler's end.

the game hasn't been out a month yet in any territory. people should just man up and accept they're not very good yet and be glad we have a game with a challenge. if they could improve the AI batting to provide a similar challenge in bowling we'd have a hell of a long-lasting game on our hands.
Another must fix is the straight hit fielding position. It is illegal in the rules of cricket so it annoys me that there is some guy directly behind the bowler.
Length is "locked in" once the RAS is pulled back (start of the delivery stride)

Thats not true. Actual length is determined at the last moment by the movement of RAS up. I dont know if it can change the color of the circle though. Like can a full pitched green become yellow.

i guess there is still no reason not to be able show the length circle only a bit earlier.

No reason apart from the fact that they cant do it.
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