Patch #2 Must Fixes

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The game freezes from time to time (this is after installing patch 1), and it gets really annoying because I have to restart the ps3 every time....and it keeps happening time and there any way to fix this in the upcoming patch?...if so, it'd be great :)

Never happened to me. Atleast not after I bought a new ps3 :p!
As the title of this thread says "MUST" fixes.... i'm ignoring it and requesting only few things :yes

1. Runout issues
2. Difficulty settings (it's now very hard to bat on pro and and very easy to ball on amateur settings.)
3. add a little help for batsmen (player) to at least judge the incoming ball.
4. Fielders are still very fast as mentioned everywhere ...
5. (dropped) caught and bowl issue on every single delivery played straight.. it shouldn't always run to bowlers hands if you play straight...
6. I believe edge to keeper is not always bad timing at all as it happens alot on pro.
7. spin bowling needs some work, it's always very hard to rotate and match meter timings.
8. If you try to be defensive you still get bowled , caught , LBW (it should be very rare case)

and finally please make ODI matches much better, you get out within 30 overs or so no matter how hard you try to save wickets...

my best is 95 in 19 overs in an ODI on pro.. I hardly slogged 3 shots....
1. They know
2. Needs an edit
7. Spin bowling is not hard, at all. Not sure what you mean

Odi has no issue you are just bad at batting. Do not be offended, I am also terrible.
But if they adjust the difficulty / assist batting somehow then there is no problem with Odi
As the title of this thread says "MUST" fixes.... i'm ignoring it and requesting only few things :yes

1. Runout issues
2. Difficulty settings (it's now very hard to bat on pro and and very easy to ball on amateur settings.)
3. add a little help for batsmen (player) to at least judge the incoming ball.
4. Fielders are still very fast as mentioned everywhere ...
5. (dropped) caught and bowl issue on every single delivery played straight.. it shouldn't always run to bowlers hands if you play straight...
6. I believe edge to keeper is not always bad timing at all as it happens alot on pro.
7. spin bowling needs some work, it's always very hard to rotate and match meter timings.
8. If you try to be defensive you still get bowled , caught , LBW (it should be very rare case)

and finally please make ODI matches much better, you get out within 30 overs or so no matter how hard you try to save wickets...

my best is 95 in 19 overs in an ODI on pro.. I hardly slogged 3 shots....

8. The defensive batting in the game is actually about what it should be, the big issue is being able to actually push the ball into space, but that's more an issue of the ridiculous fielder speeds. Have you ever actually watched a test match, batting defensively is safer, but by no means is it uncommon to see a player batting defensively get bowler, catch an edge or be given out LBW.
I'm talking about edges to be more specific. On that no 8 point. Anyway run outs have many flaws like: if you dive your bat is always in air most of the time. Replays needs to be reworked too else its very close to a perfect cricket game.
I'm talking about edges to be more specific. On that no 8 point. Anyway run outs have many flaws like: if you dive your bat is always in air most of the time. Replays needs to be reworked too else its very close to a perfect cricket game.

Again, defensive batting is not simply a cure all for poor technique. A good bowler can get plenty of edges from defensive batting, particularly spin bowlers.

Let's just take any test match, how about the last Adelaide test: Here

Steven Smith is bowled playing quite a defensive stroke.
Stokes takes an edge off a push by Haddin, the wicket is overruled due to overstepping the line
Siddle edges it playing defensively on the back foot
Cook knocked over playing defensively on the back foot
Prior edges it off a defensive shot
Johnson demolishes the stumps as Anderson plays defensively
Johnson takes off stump as Panesar plays defensively
Rogers edges off a defensive shot
Panesar bowls Clarke as he tries to play a defensive stroke
Siddle takes the top of off as Pietersen plays defensively
Root edges it playing defensively
Stokes edges it playing defensively

That is from one match.
Again, defensive batting is not simply a cure all for poor technique. A good bowler can get plenty of edges from defensive batting, particularly spin bowlers.

Let's just take any test match, how about the last Adelaide test: Here

Steven Smith is bowled playing quite a defensive stroke.
Stokes takes an edge off a push by Haddin, the wicket is overruled due to overstepping the line
Siddle edges it playing defensively on the back foot
Cook knocked over playing defensively on the back foot
Prior edges it off a defensive shot
Johnson demolishes the stumps as Anderson plays defensively
Johnson takes off stump as Panesar plays defensively
Rogers edges off a defensive shot
Panesar bowls Clarke as he tries to play a defensive stroke
Siddle takes the top of off as Pietersen plays defensively
Root edges it playing defensively
Stokes edges it playing defensively

That is from one match.

All very fine for real world examples, but I think orangzeb is really making reference to the fact that right now, there is far, far more incentive to play an attacking shot to every ball. It seems like the defensive side of the game offers very little extra protection to the batsman and so little opportunity to add to the score to make players want to use it enough.

This is a video game and people will use the best methods that work for them and I myself see very little point in the defensive shots right now.
right now, there is far, far more incentive to play an attacking shot to every ball

Totally agree - I don't bother blocking anymore because I used to still get bowled anyway if I didn't get the exact line of the ball. No point staying for 30 balls for a score of 1 anyway when I can stay for 20 balls and get 15 runs.
More fixes -
- make it possible to hit front foot flicks to mid wicket
- make it possible to have leg glances properly without it being a super tough narrow angle

Both of these are very common shots in cricket but very rare and tough in DBC14
Totally agree - I don't bother blocking anymore because I used to still get bowled anyway if I didn't get the exact line of the ball. No point staying for 30 balls for a score of 1 anyway when I can stay for 20 balls and get 15 runs.

This is so true... my defensive technique is bollocks, so I might as well attack every ball... it works for me, but im now disappointed whenever I play out a dot ball:lol
More fixes -
- make it possible to hit front foot flicks to mid wicket
- make it possible to have leg glances properly without it being a super tough narrow angle

Both of these are very common shots in cricket but very rare and tough in DBC14

I'm able to both of these quite regularly now, it's really about timing and footwork - just keep practising.

I do think that flicks off the pads are far too overpowered though. If a spinner bowls at my pads with everyon on the leg side back on the boundary I should be able to just nudge it away for a safe single without worrying that the batsman is going to launch it straight down deep square legs throat.

I'd also love to be able to nudge the ball down to third man if the cordon is vacant, a shot no game has ever gotten right but a staple of modern limited overs cricket.

I?m final starting to get a hang of batting, scoring between 140 ? 160 (as a team in t20?s) on Pro as opposed to 80-100. BUT the batting for me is just not as enjoyable as it could be because all I?m doing is premeditating on the front foot and picking my spot.

I can do this because there?s little risk in doing so (if the ball is short I can just pull or cut it off the front foot or just let it hit me) regardless of who the batsman is. Ideally there should be a real risk of injury or damage meaning that I?m less likely to risk losing my strike bowler against hostile pace or risk losing my star batsman for the next game or two (in tournament or tour mode). At the moment there?s just no incentive to move onto the back foot (unless I want to hit it over long on with the back foot drive being best for this for some reason). This also takes away some of the thrill of using/playing proper express bowling as the key with such players is the risk not just of losing your wicket but of taking serious damage to your person. We really need a way to be able to judge length earlier so people can play the ball on it?s merits.

I?m also going to ask for a fielding radar again. I know I promised I would stop beating this drum but; batting with my career player, I managed to grind my way to 46 (the first and only time I passed 20). Facing the spinner I looked around and saw that point was vacant. Waited for a ball in the slot and reverse swept for 2. Two balls later another ball in the slot so I play the same shot and get ready to start celebrating ? but no, now there?s a backward point and a point both there and the latter takes a simple catch ? cue swearing and yelling at the TV. There was NO panning, no cut scene, nothing from the commentators, absolutely NO sign that the field has changed, I felt genuinely cheated. There has to be a solution to let players know where the fielders more quickly and simply than at present. I haven?t played a career mode game since then ? working on my game in Tour mode and Competitions in anticipation of Patch #2 .

On the subject of fielding ? I know the AI field placing?s have been discussed but I?d just like to raise the issue of the AI following the ball. I hit 5 4?s in an over by alternating between off drives and leg glances. The AI field alternated between a mid off, deep cover and long off but no one behind square on the leg side on one hand and three men on the boundary behind square (fielding restrictions be damned) plus a square leg but no one on the offside in front of point. They changed between these fields with every ball following every shot ? all they had to do was have a long off and 1 (maybe 2) men at fine leg but instead they kept alternating between two extreme and ridiculous fields. Equally ludicrous is if I?m batting well and the AI spreads it?s field, all I have to do is block a could of deliveries and suddenly everyone will be in off the boundary and there?ll be a couple of close catchers allowing me to score boundaries with ease.
More fixes -
- make it possible to hit front foot flicks to mid wicket
- make it possible to have leg glances properly without it being a super tough narrow angle

Both of these are very common shots in cricket but very rare and tough in DBC14

The first one is very possible... just not whenever you want to hit it there. Ill play to mid wicket three times and one goes to mid on, and the other two go behind square
I'm able to both of these quite regularly now, it's really about timing and footwork - just keep practising.

I do think that flicks off the pads are far too overpowered though. If a spinner bowls at my pads with everyon on the leg side back on the boundary I should be able to just nudge it away for a safe single without worrying that the batsman is going to launch it straight down deep square legs throat.

I'd also love to be able to nudge the ball down to third man if the cordon is vacant, a shot no game has ever gotten right but a staple of modern limited overs cricket.

I?m final starting to get a hang of batting, scoring between 140 ? 160 (as a team in t20?s) on Pro as opposed to 80-100. BUT the batting for me is just not as enjoyable as it could be because all I?m doing is premeditating on the front foot and picking my spot.
I can do this because there?s little risk in doing so (if the ball is short I can just pull or cut it off the front foot or just let it hit me) regardless of who the batsman is. Ideally there should be a real risk of injury or damage meaning that I?m less likely to risk losing my strike bowler against hostile pace or risk losing my star batsman for the next game or two (in tournament or tour mode). At the moment there?s just no incentive to move onto the back foot (unless I want to hit it over long on with the back foot drive being best for this for some reason). This also takes away some of the thrill of using/playing proper express bowling as the key with such players is the risk not just of losing your wicket but of taking serious damage to your person. We really need a way to be able to judge length earlier so people can play the ball on it?s merits.

Spot on IMO,

Just made my first ever 50 (72 to be exact) and all i did was premeditate front foot, then choose where i wanted to hit it. Actually really easy to bat this way but like you say, not nearly as enjoyable. If they bowl short and i am on the front foot, i leave it and let it hit me knowing i won't be out or hurt.
Would like to see maybe your confidence meter go right down to nothing if you get hit in the body to at least stop this "cheat" in batting. Although i must say it was a great feeling scoring that half century!
Online Save cushion for Quitters needs to be scrapped!!!

As the title says, Online Save cushion for Quitters needs to be scrapped in the next patch before every stranger you play with starts to do abuse it and force the people who play fair to leave online matches for good (which would be a real pity as this game is tailor made for online matches)!

I just played a match with some guy whose PSN id is small_b_saurabh and this guy quit the game 'as soon as' his last wicket fell (can be seen in the first screenshot. The umpire had raised the finger and he quit immediately) and the game did not register this as a win and instead the online save screen popped up saying that points would only be awarded for complete matches :facepalm! This is really absurd! People will abuse this system like hell if this is not changed. This guy did everything possible to disrupt the game.....appealed for 'each and every delivery' even when it hit the middle of the bat, then waited out for BARS timer to complete after every appeal, kept shining the ball after each delivery, saw 'each and every' cut scene completely....and then at the end he quit the game right at the end which resulted it in being declared as incomplete!

@BigAntStudios @HBK619 @mikemerren I think you should incorporate the same system that Fifa follows. If anyone quits the game or gets disconnected, his opponent should get the pop-up asking him whether he wants to save and wait for his opponent or just go ahead and take the win. Even if he choses to save the game and wait for his opponent, he should have the option to take the win at anytime incase the match is not resumed by the opponent. It does not matter what the match situation was when the DC happened. The party that is still connected should get the win and have the option to save the game incase he wants to wait for the opponent. Thats how it happens in Fifa. I have had DCs at 3-0 in the 89th minute in Fifa and yet never felt the need to curse the system. If I got DC, its 'my' problem and the opponent should not be penalized for it, simple. In DBC14, the online save system is just being abused with its current implementation. Let the online save option remain with the party thats still connected or through mutual consent so that people who know each other can save the game if they wish to continue later.

Here are the screenshots from that game (you can see the online save option came up as soon as the umpire raised the finger for the 10th wicket. The game didnt register that wicket at all):

1) Opponent quitting as soon as the umpire raised the finger for the 10th wicket:


2) The scorecard:


3) I was so pissed, I must have sent him atleast 100 invites!! Spammed his inbox!!


Talking about finding idiots online, here is another one.....this guy forefeited the game as soon as he lost 9 wickets for 3 runs with my turn to bat still to come and then sent a message to me stating "This is Bullshit. Batting is too hard in this game" and "how do you time it right" :facepalm


Edit: Sorry mods for making a separate post. I had created a thread for this yesterday but thought it hadnt been approved, so posted it here.
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Lost 9 wickets for 3 runs... Why wouldnt he forfeit? Seems like the only possible course of action followed by some screaming and yelling and possible controller throwing.
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