Patch #2 Must Fixes

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Lost 9 wickets for 3 runs... Why wouldnt he forfeit? Seems like the only possible course of action followed by some screaming and yelling and possible controller throwing.

Am sure it wasnt that difficult to bowl one ball after his batting was over :p!

The point is when the opponent forfeits, you do not get any xp. I just got 50xp for the match. Not that they matter, but still......felt robbed!
Totally agree - I don't bother blocking anymore because I used to still get bowled anyway if I didn't get the exact line of the ball. No point staying for 30 balls for a score of 1 anyway when I can stay for 20 balls and get 15 runs.

I struggled with defensive shots as well but just recently I've discovered that I was playing at the ball to early hence the edges and bowled. Try playing a tad later than what you normally would and you should notice a difference.
I've figured out how to get my average score up....

Pace bowlers = front foot + shot to cover
Spin bowlers = reverse sweep or sweep (you reverse sweep until they move a point fielder in...then swap)
Medium = back foot + anywhere

you'll pick up 1s and 2s.


Anyway, guys...I'm totally got the $hits with the game. Its fkg ridiculous the fielding in this game...ridiculous. ie.

- bowlers who throw down the stumps every time AND the ball doesn't ricochet and go for 4 rests nicely at the BASE of the stumps. Thats just wrong. I've seen it go for 4 runs only once.
- fielders who can field offbalance AND throw a perfect pass to the stumps whilst facing the other way AND with an upside down throw. First - you can NOT be accurate throwing like that...second - you CAN NOT throw with the same speed as if a normal throw
- silly midon/off who have no fear/bones so that balls smashed into them will bounce off, whilst they go and field. :eek:
- drives along the ground (ONLY when you're the bowler) where your fielder will run towards the ball and then suddenly run after it.
- your AI team mates will happily hit the stumps every time EXCEPT when there's a batsman running, their throws will be offcentre such that, unless you're perfectly placed to field don't get the runout. Nice one; and finally
- I threw my controller at the screen tonight. yes I must be the wine, frustration or both...and I'm ashamed to admit it but I did. :mad why? I 6-hit a ball to mid wicket (no fielder there, see)....and I got CAUGHT BY THE FIELDER AT MID ON!! yes...he LITERALLY OUTRAN THE FRIGGIN BALL right before my eyes.

The euphoria of this wonderful game is wearing off. :facepalm
I 6-hit a ball to mid wicket (no fielder there, see)....and I got CAUGHT BY THE FIELDER AT MID ON!! yes...he LITERALLY OUTRAN THE FRIGGIN BALL right before my eyes.

That happened to me yesterday :p
No-one between deep mid off and square leg so I slogged through midwicket. The funny thing was that it wasn't even a diving catch. He ran over and then had what seemed like 10 seconds to set himself for it :D
That happened to me yesterday :p
No-one between deep mid off and square leg so I slogged through midwicket. The funny thing was that it wasn't even a diving catch. He ran over and then had what seemed like 10 seconds to set himself for it :D

i had one yesterday, the guy ran from fine leg to mid-wicket and did a 7m dive to catch the ball one-handed as it went over the rope... thankfully i got a six rather than out, or there would be a turd on it's way to Big Ant in the post right now.

it's a pity there are things like that in the game. thankfully, as i improve they are becoming rarer.
this is just total BS. How am I supposed to enjoy the friggin career mode with b/s like this? I get runout on 49 (my highest friggin score ever) because the idiot batsman decides to slow down and STROLL to the crease, even though I had the R2 depressed. hearing this frustration? I love cricket....I did love this game...don't let me down now.
I've noticed that if you press the sprint trigger too close to the crease it won't make the player slide his bat in. The player will only slide his bat it you're already sprinting by the time he reaches the crease.

That doesn't mean you have to sprint the entire way but you do have to press sprint before the very end of the run. You can't just suddenly force the last couple of metres. That's what the dive button is for.

If you were sprinting the whole way, then... well, I won't say I don't believe you, but I've never seen that happen.
While it's probably not at all comforting - but take a look at your fatigue occasionally. Obviously most has been noted about the bowling speeds - but perhaps some of it on bigger scores is simply that your batsman is too fatigued to sprint it in.

I noticed following the 35 I got as a number 9 bowler, the first spell I had lasted one over, because I was already well below 50% fatigue even with a slight rest between my wicket falling and the next innings.

The difficulty being of course, the reason you need to sprint so much is because the animation for running slows you down just before you make it to the crease, so you're always running hard, especially if you're taking a close run.
While it's probably not at all comforting - but take a look at your fatigue occasionally. Obviously most has been noted about the bowling speeds - but perhaps some of it on bigger scores is simply that your batsman is too fatigued to sprint it in.

I noticed following the 35 I got as a number 9 bowler, the first spell I had lasted one over, because I was already well below 50% fatigue even with a slight rest between my wicket falling and the next innings.

The difficulty being of course, the reason you need to sprint so much is because the animation for running slows you down just before you make it to the crease, so you're always running hard, especially if you're taking a close run.

i noticed, i came in when the fall of wicket was like 1-100, taking a "sprinted" single, i was 3/4 of the way down the pitch and my batting partner had hardly moved.
Around the time of the PC release, which is now about a month away.

I'm sure I speak for many in saying I'd rather they wait and get it right if they need more time to really get the handle on problems.
Around the time of the PC release, which is now about a month away.

I'm sure I speak for many in saying I'd rather they wait and get it right if they need more time to really get the handle on problems.

Couldn't agree more. I would rather wait for a few more days/weeks and get majority of the bugs fixed than get a patch early which doesn't address major pain points.
Dammit I was thinking of sucking it up and buying the game this weekend and all I hear is complaints. Seems there's so much good in the game but a couple of issued that totally suck the life out of it.
Dammit I was thinking of sucking it up and buying the game this weekend and all I hear is complaints. Seems there's so much good in the game but a couple of issued that totally suck the life out of it.

The game's a must buy, despite all the issues, for a cricket gaming fan.
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