Patch #2 Must Fixes

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Okay I must add :

In fielding when throwing the ball back to wicketkeeper / bowler / relay etc.... sometimes the throw goes straight to the nearest fielders hands :eek: it happened with me three or four times so far ... This is why I couldn't run out those running batsmen :noway

Fix this Please.
Pharoah, I dont understand how you are getting consitantly run out from cover?? PRESS CIRCLE FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!

Good cover drive back past the bowler. Camera angle changes to broadcast (better to see fielders) so I spot the bowler stopping the ball. I THEN PRESS CIRCLE to cancel the run AND I hold down R2....the bowler perfectly throws down the non-striker is run out whilst OVER the crease. Thats how. No bat down nothing. When its a quick cancel, the batsman will NOT put his bat down and gets run out. You give it a try and tell me if you can prevent a runout - I will happily hold my tongue.

The problem is that, by default, the batsman is about 3-4 feet OUT of his crease by the time the ball is bowled. They should be brought back into the crease as the ball is bowled (normally dragging their bat behind them) not in front of the bowler.

You hit a ball in the air too Mid Off where there was a fielder at mid off - why would you do that??

I hit the ball straight back over the bowlers head, not directly at Mid off - there was no fielder at Long On/Off - only at Mid On (and Off I think) - ball was short, so I performed a lofted drive over the infield - batsmen do it all the time. Give me some credit here.
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The stupid bug where you hit the ball along the ground and the fielder picks the ball up and your giving out caught.:mad.
The bug where the ball seems to go past the wicketkeeper and you go run but he has the ball in his hands the whole time and you are run out.:eek:.
The fact that a spinner cannot bowl a no ball.:noway
There are probably a few more which i cant think of.
Generally pleased with the game though and hey ive had no one quit on me online.:)
The fact that a spinner cannot bowl a no ball.

Let's face it, if a spinner bowls a no-ball they deserve to be crucified, 1) they aren't running in fast, so they have much less room for error and 2) they don't need to step right up to the line because they don't need to gain any extra pace.
We should be able to check the weather and pitch condition at any point rather than just at the beginning.

The trouble with fielders is they have no realistic weight or momentum. They can accelerate, change direction and stop moving as if they don't weigh anything. So while a real player would have to slow down and steady themselves after running for a high catch, fielders in the game are rock-steady even if they arrive at the last minute because they can go from full pace running to a dead stop in a millisecond. That's why there's so many ridiculous catches in the game - the fielders move as if they're weightless.
I've seen this multiple times in shield matches - the scorecard for the opposing teams second innings says 'first innings' - not every time though, only some times. I used to think I was just getting mixed up however I would go out to bat and would have x runs to win meaning it was their second innings not first. Can someone else confirm?

I'm in career mode playing for Warwickshire ie English domestic. It's not a biggie but worth noting if someone else can confirm.
Let's face it, if a spinner bowls a no-ball they deserve to be crucified, 1) they aren't running in fast, so they have much less room for error and 2) they don't need to step right up to the line because they don't need to gain any extra pace.

But spinners do bowl no-balls in real cricket. It's inexcusable but still happens quite a lot. Spinners not able to bowl no-balls at all in the game is an oversight that needs to be corrected. Maybe it should be more difficult for spinners to bowl a no-ball or the frequency of that happening can be low but it should happen in the game.
So what control failing would create the no ball? Not pushing on the right stick in the right timing window and doubling the complexity of the timing?

They'd have to design a way to have no-balls in there but be as uncommon as they generally are in real life.
So what control failing would create the no ball? Not pushing on the right stick in the right timing window and doubling the complexity of the timing?

They'd have to design a way to have no-balls in there but be as uncommon as they generally are in real life.

Either that or when you don't complete 2 rotations of the left stick or go beyond 3 rotations. Or they could have a more lax no-ball timing window for right stick. So even if you go beyond the green window but are within the 'no-ball' window, you are fine. Any option is better than spinners not bowling a no-ball. It's akin to stumpings not part of the game and detracts from a wonderful game.
But consider the rotation thing - how easy is it to rotate the stick wrongly compared to how rarely you get a spinner bowling a front-foot no ball?

Considering the necessary attention and accuracy that goes into timing the rotations, I also wouldn't want too much to be placed on the timing of release being perfect - it results rightly in a bad ball, not a no ball.

I'd only suggest that no balls be made possible if there's also a button added that forces extra spin or more pace - similar to the LB/RB modifiers while pace bowling. So if you want to go for the perhaps more effective delivery, you'd then need to be more accurate in your timing of the other factors.
With regards to the fielding issue everyone is complaining about. I don't see this getting fixed in the patch. They could possibly tweak it or get a workaround but not fix.

In past fifas (probably still happening but to a much lesser extent) the ball would be warping to players. It took new engine after new engine to get it to where it is today. DBC14 has a similar warping thing, but instead of the ball warping to the fielder, the fielder shifts quickly to the ball.

Hopefully it could be tweaked enough to make most of us happy.
Played if for quite a while now.

Things I'd like to see addressed first:

1. AI fielding positions.

2. Maybe splitting difficulty levels for batting and bowling.
Good cover drive back past the bowler. Camera angle changes to broadcast (better to see fielders) so I spot the bowler stopping the ball. I THEN PRESS CIRCLE to cancel the run AND I hold down R2....the bowler perfectly throws down the non-striker is run out whilst OVER the crease. Thats how. No bat down nothing. When its a quick cancel, the batsman will NOT put his bat down and gets run out. You give it a try and tell me if you can prevent a runout - I will happily hold my tongue.

The problem is that, by default, the batsman is about 3-4 feet OUT of his crease by the time the ball is bowled. They should be brought back into the crease as the ball is bowled (normally dragging their bat behind them) not in front of the bowler.

I hit the ball straight back over the bowlers head, not directly at Mid off - there was no fielder at Long On/Off - only at Mid On (and Off I think) - ball was short, so I performed a lofted drive over the infield - batsmen do it all the time. Give me some credit here.

Listen I know exactly what your talking about and i play with the same camera angles

a cover drive shouldnt go anywhere near the bowler, you also shouldnt be pressing run until you see the ball in the gap

I do everything exactly the same as you, except i wait to see where the ball is going before i press run, you need to get into the habit of keeping your finger over circle after playing the shot, so your default reaction is to press cancel not run.... you only run when you are certain... the simple fact is youd rather survive for the next ball then steal a cheap single! as I said, I havent been run out now for like 2 weeks.

The catch, well thats just bad timing and shot selection, happens to me often, we all know we shouldnt be playing front foot drives to a short ball, so if the odds are that you have pre mediatated a front foot drive and the bowler bowls a short ball, then well done to them really

the catch though is not unrealistic to thing that a mid off fielder can catch a ball thats not well timed, in the air, and going straight!!

If every ball went exactly where we pressed our buttons to go, then none of us would still be playing because the game would be too easy, is that not correct??
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