Patch 3 Requests/Wishlist

I've heard this mentioned a few times but it's simply not true. While the line is not decided until the point of release the length "zone" (short/good/full) is locked in on the "pull back" of the RAS (pace) and at the start of the run up (spin) both of which is quite a long time (in gaming terms) before the release. Yes we might not be able to know the line any earlier than now but there is definitely scope for an indicator for length.

Whether this is doable in a patch or is something for the next iteration is another matter...

My suggestion works whether in single or multiplayer and doesn't require any change in the mechanics themselves...

The length someone chooses, and the length they get, aren't necessarily the same thing.

See also: gkrama's post proving this.

Note that I've seen Yellow circles bounce in the bowler's half, and red ones nearly york me - and I play career mode exclusively, so this isn't related to human users gaming the system. These experiences are why I've turned the length indicator off.

*edit* also, IIRC, a human player can change the length at any time prior to actually releasing the ball.

It'd be tricky to do right before delivery given the RS is busy, but I think it's conceptually possible ...
That's because MS and Sony are greedy pigs, whereas Steam are not - witness the crazy savings you can make in their sales.

Prices are set by the publisher, not the platform. (You are sometimes asked whether you want to participate in sales though)
i would buy digital everytime on x1 only if they factor in it must be cheaper than in store! surely it must cost less as theres no manufacturing of disk/case/delivery of the product so why is digital always 10/15% more????
Again, publisher's call.
Just another reason to be glad I abandoned console gaming for good! How digital distribution is only the secondary/more expensive way to acquire your games in 2014 is a mystery to me.
Just another reason to be glad I abandoned console gaming for good! How digital distribution is only the secondary/more expensive way to acquire your games in 2014 is a mystery to me.

Yet they wonder why digital is not taking off on console...... -_-
My new biggest wish is that the field settings "page" will swap over when you have a left handed batsmen. Currently it stays the same, so you keep having to think reverse to change a fielder.
I sometimes forget and then keep moving the wrong fielder. So, in short, when you go to adjust fielders the layout is the same for both left handers and right handers.
The only way i can see this happening is doing it for singleplayer alone by having the AI give the inputs earlier and just showing the rough length, dont know how feasible it would be though.

I'm not a fan of this. Everything that was wrong with games in the past was that they became timing only because you knew where the AI/other person was bowling. Ashes cricket (or Ponting? I don't recall) became a slog fest after a few hours playing. I'd get annoyed if my opener got out without scoring at least 100 - 200 in a test in most other inferior cricket games.

The uncertainty adds to the challenge, and in turn the realism IMHO. I believe making it easier will dull the sense of achievement and kill the game.
Just another reason to be glad I abandoned console gaming for good! How digital distribution is only the secondary/more expensive way to acquire your games in 2014 is a mystery to me.

Sadly, prices are starting to creep up on Steam too though. There a probably a few reasons for this, but I've noticed it started to happen since most brick and mortar game retailers abandoned PC disk sales. There's simply no reason to keep digital sale prices low any more, since most people can not now walk into a shop and buy a game for £30 any more.
I'm not a fan of this. Everything that was wrong with games in the past was that they became timing only because you knew where the AI/other person was bowling. Ashes cricket (or Ponting? I don't recall) became a slog fest after a few hours playing. I'd get annoyed if my opener got out without scoring at least 100 - 200 in a test in most other inferior cricket games.

The uncertainty adds to the challenge, and in turn the realism IMHO. I believe making it easier will dull the sense of achievement and kill the game.

Totally! In fact they knew the games were a slog fest because AC09 even had an achievement for scoring 500 runs on a single batsman! It simply wasnt a particularly fun platinum trophy for me, because the game wasnt challenging in the slightest.
Sadly, prices are starting to creep up on Steam too though. There a probably a few reasons for this, but I've noticed it started to happen since most brick and mortar game retailers abandoned PC disk sales. There's simply no reason to keep digital sale prices low any more, since most people can not now walk into a shop and buy a game for £30 any more.
Except for pre-owned titles, when PC games were sold in stores I seem to remember them being sold for much more than you would pay if you ordered online and had them delivered from, ShopTo and whatnot. Going into a shop to buy the discs has never been the cheapest way to purchase new games.

There are a few games on Steam for £30-35+, but these are mostly newly released 'AAA' games or pre-orders. There are a few that look well overpriced but they aren't the norm, and usually if you wait a while then they tend to pop up on sales, particularly the seasonal Summer/Christmas sales. There are also places like where you can often slash £5-10 off the Steam/Origin store prices.

PC gaming won't suffer from the completely extortionate game prices that consoles do.
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No worries, apologies for the off topic.

I posted this in the bug reporting part of the download section, but will post it here too as hopefully it can be tweaked for patch 3... When there's an LBW shout, you can already tell whether the umpire will give it out or not because when it's out, you are not allowed to run, and the player will do the 'disappointment' animation like they know they're out before the umpire raises the finger. Also on run outs, if the players on the fielding team are visible when the camera focuses on the screen at the stadium for the pending decision, if it's out then the visible players on the fielding side will already be celebrating the wicket before the decision goes up on the screen.

Not massive issues by any means, but they do kill the suspension of waiting for the decision, particularly if it's a very close shout.
No worries, apologies for the off topic.

I posted this in the bug reporting part of the download section, but will post it here too as hopefully it can be tweaked for patch 3... When there's an LBW shout, you can already tell whether the umpire will give it out or not because when it's out, you are not allowed to run, and the player will do the 'disappointment' animation like they know they're out before the umpire raises the finger. Also on run outs, if the players on the fielding team are visible when the camera focuses on the screen at the stadium for the pending decision, if it's out then the visible players on the fielding side will already be celebrating the wicket before the decision goes up on the screen. (Also, I hope the third umpire decision screens are moddable :))

Not massive issues by any means, but they do kill the suspension of waiting for the decision, particularly if it's a very close shout.

yeah same with achieving five wickets ot ten wickets etcetera: if it is an lbw the trophy will come up before the umpire has decided.....not a big thing but would be nice to be left in that uncertainty for a little longer!

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