Patch 3 Requests/Wishlist

A ' sledging' button so that you can put a new batsman off as he comes to the wicket/bats. Points for sledging could be made part of the game. The more sledging points that you accrue the better you can psyche out the oppo batsman. Big burly Aussie bowlers with macho taches would score high on sledging skill...whilst sensitive public school chinless England type batsmen could have low sledging skill. We could download an umpire like Dickie Bird to sort out any sledging in a humorous eccentric Yorkshire way.
following on from the conversation @zimrahil and @cricket_online have had, i'd say i really want to see a big improvement, via patching, of the AI field-placing and a few other things in this iteration. without it, i'd be highly unlikely to buy a DBC15 (or whatever iteration) until reviews were in and i saw there was an improvement.

it's churlish not to recognise that this game is overall a huge improvement in cricket gaming, and some elements (principally the controls and removal of pitch-markers) are quantum-leap improvements. equally, it's one-eyed not to note that at the same time there are things wrong in DBC that i don't recall other games getting wrong.

i played lara 96 and it's follow ups on mega-drive and ps1, and the EA 2004(or 5?) game on ps3, and i don't recall any of them having issues like the frankly nonsensical AI field-placings (and constant field changes), spinners regularly opening the bowling, extremely infrequent AI-edging, and lack of appreciable difference in conditions. (even in the first lara, batting on a green top, a cracked dust bowl, and hard pitch were three very different experiences, in DBC they're essentially the same).

i'd like to at least see them moving in the right direction on some or all of these before i would go for a second iteration.

I agree with all your points, especially pitch conditions. In BLC99 and Cricket 2005 I dreaded playing on the damp pitch where if the spinner or medium pacer bowled short it nearly bounces twice. The green tops seamed quite a lot so big scores were out of the question. Hard pitches you could trust the bounce and pace. Crusty dry pitches turned a lot so spinners were harder to face. In this game sadly none of those varied conditions and experiences exist.
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A ' sledging' button so that you can put a new batsman off as he comes to the wicket/bats. Points for sledging could be made part of the game. The more sledging points that you accrue the better you can psyche out the oppo batsman. Big burly Aussie bowlers with macho taches would score high on sledging skill...whilst sensitive public school chinless England type batsmen could have low sledging skill. We could download an umpire like Dickie Bird to sort out any sledging in a humorous eccentric Yorkshire way.

That would be amazing!

"Don't bother closing the gate, you'll be back through there soon enough"

Also it would be amazing to counter-sledge. A successful counter-sledge would result in an increase of confidence for a few deliveries!
That would be amazing!

"Don't bother closing the gate, you'll be back through there soon enough"

Also it would be amazing to counter-sledge. A successful counter-sledge would result in an increase of confidence for a few deliveries!

People are asking for too much, all these things they could fit in DBC15 to make an entirely fresh version lol. It'd be great to see these features included in the patch 3 though but it's very unlikely.
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One more thing that needs rectification is that AI get out easily on sweep shots...Bowling full toss on middle stump he sweeps to backward square leg or to forward square leg...
following on from the conversation @zimrahil and @cricket_online have had, i'd say i really want to see a big improvement, via patching, of the AI field-placing and a few other things in this iteration. without it, i'd be highly unlikely to buy a DBC15 (or whatever iteration) until reviews were in and i saw there was an improvement.

it's churlish not to recognise that this game is overall a huge improvement in cricket gaming, and some elements (principally the controls and removal of pitch-markers) are quantum-leap improvements. equally, it's one-eyed not to note that at the same time there are things wrong in DBC that i don't recall other games getting wrong.

i played lara 96 and it's follow ups on mega-drive and ps1, and the EA 2004(or 5?) game on ps3, and i don't recall any of them having issues like the frankly nonsensical AI field-placings (and constant field changes), spinners regularly opening the bowling, extremely infrequent AI-edging, and lack of appreciable difference in conditions. (even in the first lara, batting on a green top, a cracked dust bowl, and hard pitch were three very different experiences, in DBC they're essentially the same).

i'd like to at least see them moving in the right direction on some or all of these before i would go for a second iteration.

Although I agree totally with your views , you must not forget the "other" part of the game ie "Online" and all of its shortcomings/irritations/bugs .

We all tend to focus on different things , based on what the specific mode is we are playing , so I would dearly love if they dont ONLY focus on one mode only , but try and rectify all of them to a better than before state.
following on from the conversation @zimrahil and @cricket_online have had, i'd say i really want to see a big improvement, via patching, of the AI field-placing and a few other things in this iteration. without it, i'd be highly unlikely to buy a DBC15 (or whatever iteration) until reviews were in and i saw there was an improvement.

it's churlish not to recognise that this game is overall a huge improvement in cricket gaming, and some elements (principally the controls and removal of pitch-markers) are quantum-leap improvements. equally, it's one-eyed not to note that at the same time there are things wrong in DBC that i don't recall other games getting wrong.

i played lara 96 and it's follow ups on mega-drive and ps1, and the EA 2004(or 5?) game on ps3, and i don't recall any of them having issues like the frankly nonsensical AI field-placings (and constant field changes), spinners regularly opening the bowling, extremely infrequent AI-edging, and lack of appreciable difference in conditions. (even in the first lara, batting on a green top, a cracked dust bowl, and hard pitch were three very different experiences, in DBC they're essentially the same).

i'd like to at least see them moving in the right direction on some or all of these before i would go for a second iteration.

Wow Ea 2004-2005 on ps3:lol:lol:eek:
following on from the conversation @zimrahil and @cricket_online have had, i'd say i really want to see a big improvement, via patching, of the AI field-placing and a few other things in this iteration. without it, i'd be highly unlikely to buy a DBC15 (or whatever iteration) until reviews were in and i saw there was an improvement.
it's churlish not to recognise that this game is overall a huge improvement in cricket gaming, and some elements (principally the controls and removal of pitch-markers) are quantum-leap improvements. equally, it's one-eyed not to note that at the same time there are things wrong in DBC that i don't recall other games getting wrong.

i played lara 96 and it's follow ups on mega-drive and ps1, and the EA 2004(or 5?) game on ps3, and i don't recall any of them having issues like the frankly nonsensical AI field-placings (and constant field changes), spinners regularly opening the bowling, extremely infrequent AI-edging, and lack of appreciable difference in conditions. (even in the first lara, batting on a green top, a cracked dust bowl, and hard pitch were three very different experiences, in DBC they're essentially the same).

i'd like to at least see them moving in the right direction on some or all of these before i would go for a second iteration.

Whom are you kidding blocker. We all know you will be running down to your local gaming store as soon as the next iteration of DBC 15 is announced :p

Big Ant has gotten most of the things right and it's unfair to expect to nail every single thing in cricket in the first iteration. Generally it takes 2-3 iterations for a sports game to be nailed and I would say Big Ant are ahead of the curve.

As I explained in my conversation with Zim, it's not really that easy to patch some of the things we are talking about. And given the niche nature of cricket games with a limited custome base (the non-pirate ones), it stands t reason they address these issues in the next iteration but fixing the other small glitches like standard shots going in the air or batsman being given not out after being bowled etc. How I wish majority of cricket gaming fans would stop pirating and we would have a classic like MLB The Show in no time.
To be able to save replays :thumbs

Even in Online mode , as I cannot get one Video up of Online play , without some fancy recording hardware.

Would make showcasing all the weird stuff I`ve encountered and mentioned in online to @BigAntStudios a dream .

Because Ross needs proof before he acts .... :p
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Even in Online mode , as I cannot get one Video up of Online play , without some fancy recording hardware.

Would make showcasing all the weird stuff I`ve encountered and mentioned in online to @BigAntStudios a dream .

Because Ross needs proof before he acts .... :p

Not proof but more of details of the issue as in some cases Big Ant folks wouldn't have encountered the bug or wouldn't be in a position to recreate the same.
Whom are you kidding blocker. We all know you will be running down to your local gaming store as soon as the next iteration of DBC 15 is announced :p

Big Ant has gotten most of the things right and it's unfair to expect to nail every single thing in cricket in the first iteration. Generally it takes 2-3 iterations for a sports game to be nailed and I would say Big Ant are ahead of the curve.

As I explained in my conversation with Zim, it's not really that easy to patch some of the things we are talking about. And given the niche nature of cricket games with a limited custome base (the non-pirate ones), it stands t reason they address these issues in the next iteration but fixing the other small glitches like standard shots going in the air or batsman being given not out after being bowled etc. How I wish majority of cricket gaming fans would stop pirating and we would have a classic like MLB The Show in no time.

i certainly don't expect them to nail everything first time... but i also think in elements such as AI field placing, AI bowling choices, and even noticeable pitch variations, this game has taken a backwards step.

That's not even close to saying this game is not much better than those other games overall, but i do think we should recognise there are elements here that could and should be a lot better.
i certainly don't expect them to nail everything first time... but i also think in elements such as AI field placing, AI bowling choices, and even noticeable pitch variations, this game has taken a backwards step.

That's not even close to saying this game is not much better than those other games overall, but i do think we should recognise there are elements here that could and should be a lot better.

No doubt these improvements will happen in the future iterations. IMO DBC 15 would be much more enhanced and polished than the current one.
- Able to select difficulty in private online matches with friends.
- I've only ever once had the option to walk after nicking off would like to be able to do it more often.
- Online when LBW has been given and not reviewed show hawk eye of the LBW. Atm there is no replay at all.
-AI field placements need improving especially shorter forms always have close catchers throughout the innings. (also mid on and long on type fields)
-If downloaded umpires before starting a career should be used in career too. not just the same default ones.
-Visible pitch wear in career maybe other modes too but not played enough to notice. (looks exactly the same on day 1 to day 4)
-Hook/Pull shots i personally like them going in the air but maybe better if early/late goes how it is now then when perfectly timed its played like both triggers are used.
-AI walking fielders i know its probably to stop the run out problem from before but needs fixing a little.
-AI Bowlers still bowl a little too much on middle and leg. Maybe a way to bowl to a field they have set? i.e if they have 3 slips ring field should be on and around off stump.
-Straight drive needs a little tweak ;)
-Wicket keeper still dives through a 1st and 2nd nearly 3rd slip for catches, no point in having slips at the moment.
-When ball is hit over the top when it bounces it gains too much speed i feel.
-Have noticed a little difference on pitch types i.e green tops i nick off a little more but should be much more movement on them. really exaggerate the differences in the pitches. Because most of the time it feels the same on most.
-More stats during game.

That's all i can think of atm. Still the greatest cricket game out there :) sorry for the nitpicking just shows how much we love this game!
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I have three things to suggest that I feel is missing in the game and that will be important to be included in patch #3 to make the game even better and more complete:

1. This first front-foot drive through point/backward point by Jacques Kallis is not in the game as far as I can tell. It is an essential shot and it is one of my favourites and I have many times been awed by the likes of Jonty Rhodes (in a specialist fielding position for that particular shot ) taking spectacular catches at backward point if this shot goes wrong. The ineffective front-foot cut for a full ball on/just wide of off-side needs to be replaced with a front-foot drive that drives the ball to point/backward point. I would guess that a new shot animation will not be required as the shots that are included will suffice and as such I trust that it will be able to be patched in.

2. Within the limitations of it being a game played on a flat screen and with poor definition (low resolution), it is near impossible to determine where the ball will pitch without the colour and direction indicators. As a whole, I prefer that above the pitch marker that was used in previous games but I really have difficulties to efficiently decide if a "good" (green) delivery ball should best be played on the back or front-foot. I know that is one of the intricacies of batting, that searching length that bowlers aspire to, but I feel that it is beside the point here, as the issue is that there is not enough information provided by the game for me to base my foot placement decision on. I don't know how difficult it would be to patch in, but I would either suggest splitting "good" length into two with an additional colour e.g. blue or that shades of green is used to indicate differences in length e.g. dark for shorter, light for fuller. This would also be helpful for "short" (red) deliveries as you can't tell if a ball will fly way over your head or if it will hit you on your chin.

3. The fact that it is near impossible to keep no-trigger drives, cuts and pulls on the ground have been mentioned numerous times since the release of patch 2. I am currently not really enjoying the game because of this and really hope that it can be rectified with patch 3. I would love to play the Kallis shots as seen in the first video posted under point 1.

I hope that you would be able to tell that I am trying to be constructive here and off course, this is just my opinion, but I do feel that it is valid points. I would really appreciate it if this could please be considered to see if it could be patched in or not. It would also be great if I can please get some feedback on if it will be considered or not so that I can either way make peace and move on.
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