PC Version Troubleshooting/Bug Reporting

What version? Go into credits and let us know...
Actually I can confirm that bug in another way - if you adjust the batting order and move yourself to the spot of the keeper, you become wicketkeeper in the next innings. It was fun being a career wicketkeeper-bowler.

But I was captain still in that case.
Getting huge frame rate drops after about 2 minutes. I have a high spec machine that runs dbc perfectly for the first couple of minutes.

Im tempted to say graphics card overheating. But ive cleaned it and still the issue persists. Anyone else getting similar?
Steam Id:cool_d97

in career mode whnever i take a wicket and if dont press all the button(x,o,y) then my player and all the players move and stand together beside the pitch ....no matterr which button i press i cant continue the match ...eitherr i have to forefit or quit the game ...so is this prob only wth me or u guyz to?
^ Very tempted to say it might be a "forced" bug
Mode: Career
Match Type: 50 over Aus Domestic
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): When I resumed my game after a save
Ground: Any
Teams: Melbourne Renegades vs other teams
Get Best: yes
Description of Issue:

I had been appointed as captain of my Domestic 50 over team, while playing I promoted myself from no. 4 to no. 3 and after playing some overs of the 50 over match I decided to take a break, saved the game. When I resumed, the graphic showed that the guy who I had demoted and was now supposed to bat at no.4 has been made the captain and I had lost control of the team as a captain.

I am currently on the most recently updated version of the game.
Pls help asap
Steam id: Dicky

It's version 1.08
Getting huge frame rate drops after about 2 minutes. I have a high spec machine that runs dbc perfectly for the first couple of minutes.

Im tempted to say graphics card overheating. But ive cleaned it and still the issue persists. Anyone else getting similar?
I noticed yesterday that after a few minutes I would get a small stutter randomly for half a second or so then it would go back to a constant 60fps again. It happened a couple of times and I hadn't noticed it until yesterday.

I was running HWMonitor and my temps were fine. I did have a web browser and Photoshop open in the background so maybe it could be related to that.
There wouldn't be anything in V1.08 that would cause a frame rate drop. Must be background tasks or something else effecting CPU/GPU speed.
One thing to do, which has helped me GREATLY is right-clicking on your taskbar where your graphics engine/manager usually lives and go to settings and make sure it's set to high-priority or high-power mode if you're playing on a laptop, also make sure you're plugged in (obviously) but checking that it's set to run whatever your graphics engine is at a high-power usage mode means it'll kill other tasks running in the background and prioritize the game first. Another good thing to do is set your Anti-Virus to "gaming" mode...
It appears that the Bangladesh Emblem is once more not being recognised by the game.

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