Post your questions about the game here!

It's people like you that enable us to even consider supporting sales in India.

It's people like you that give me faith that there might be a future in India for software.

You have my respect.

I feel honoured, Ross :) I hope your efforts doesn't go in vain. Someday in the future India will emerge as huge market for software, hopefully.

Would have given you the steam code if I had won the IVG contest...Great mate...#RESPECT ....:D:clap

Hahah that's really sweet of you :)
when on online game team selection screen, it does not give enough time to change the lineup. Once opponent joins, the game starts immediately. Not sure why is that? any idea?
Why, because he didn't steal the game? Strange world.

The point is, as you've hopefully picked up by now, that it's not seen as stealing, there are no legal consequences for doing so and it's widespread. I think it's too easy to get on our high horses when we're not being placed in that situation ourselves.
When surveyed most people admit that they would commit certain crimes if they were sure of not being caught. Therefore I have no problem with applauding people with the character to do what is right not what is easy (little Harry Potter reference there for you ;)) and to think about the effects that piracy has on game development.
How to ask wicket-keeper to stand a bit closer to wicket or up to wicket in my bowling in career mode ? as lots and lots of snicks do not reach my keeper. It happens to often in every ground and pitch. once in a while it carries eg 1/6 per match, 5 of thew would fall short.
The ball physics over pitch doesnt seem realistic, it dips pretty early after pitching. and i dont see any use of slips as due to poor physics ball never carries to 2nd or 3rd or 5th slip even in england with bowling speed of 150+.


likewise never see bat pad catches at short leg, whats the use ? and ai use flood in close in fielders as if they'll get a snick or bat pad. this needs to be fixed
Had a few career games where the AI uses only 3 bowlers for an innings in a County match - worst I saw was 130+ shared between 3 bowlers. Is this common for other people?
@Gabe - I haven't seen that myself. Did you use Get Best? Perhaps the teams you've played don't have their lineups properly set up with a suitable number of bowlers.
1) What's the button to attempt a stumping on PS3?

2) How can I take my Batting Powerplay in limited overs?
@Gabe - I haven't seen that myself. Did you use Get Best? Perhaps the teams you've played don't have their lineups properly set up with a suitable number of bowlers.

I did use 'Get best' but it was my team (Hampshire), which has more than 3 bowlers in the side. It doesn't happen every game, but I have seen it a fair few times.
Why, because he didn't steal the game? Strange world.

When we are running at over one hundred to one on known pirate copies to known purchases in India/Pakistan then yeah, I respect anyone who buys it and respect also those that don't but don't pirate it.
How to download patch on PS3

When I search Playstation Store only the game is available, no patches. How do I download the patch?
It's people like you that enable us to even consider supporting sales in India.

It's people like you that give me faith that there might be a future in India for software.

You have my respect.
Even me and my friend from India purchased PS3 copy of DBC and are really loving ..Infact my sole reason to buy PS 3( which is 23 k in India) was to play DBC and FIFA...Respect to you for making such a beautiful game....As a kid I must admit I have played cracked versions of many games, but as you grow up and start earning, you do realize how much effort is gone into it and a appeal to all those people, before you pirate a game, imagine how would you feel if make you save your money after days of hardwork and one fine day its stolen...Hope all of your hardwork pays of and this series is big success.
Also one more point I would like to add is awareness of this game is not much here...Considering its big market for cricket I would be great if BA can market it more...Eg put in ad during ind Eng series so that more people are aware of game, but then again I am not sure if it would have cost impact
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Why, because he didn't steal the game? Strange world.

This guy. Does not. Get it. Ever.

Sibi, as always, massive respect. You're absolutely doing the right thing.
IMHO it doesn't matter whether you buy an original after using a pirated version. Its like steeling a HD TV because its too expensive then once it drops you go and pay the shop saying "I only stole it because it was expensive but now I'm paying for it". However I commend anyone who doesn't buy it for whatever reason, it shows self-discipline and self-control.
The point is, as you've hopefully picked up by now, that it's not seen as stealing, there are no legal consequences for doing so and it's widespread. I think it's too easy to get on our high horses when we're not being placed in that situation ourselves.
When surveyed most people admit that they would commit certain crimes if they were sure of not being caught. Therefore I have no problem with applauding people with the character to do what is right not what is easy (little Harry Potter reference there for you ;)) and to think about the effects that piracy has on game development.

Perhaps I'm judging people by my own standards then. No, I would not commit a crime if there were no consequences, but I was brought up to respect the rule of law and other people's property. Pirates know right from wrong, they choose to pirate a game, those who don't shouldn't be held up as heroes. In my book they are just normal people who go about their lives without breaking the rule of law.
Harry Potter references are wasted on me I'm afraid. Never seen it.


This guy. Does not. Get it. Ever.

Sibi, as always, massive respect. You're absolutely doing the right thing.

Was is this 'it' that you keep harping on about? The opinion of Biggs?
'Massive respect' for not stealing a video game? For goodness sake!

I didn't steal a car that I've always wanted. Massive respect?

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