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Is there batting confidence in the game? Just got this last night so I havent checked every screen nor do I know where every screen is yet.

I was batting against bangladesh and got on a tear hitting for 4 twice, a six, then defended a ball, then hit a single that got the other batter in the crease. He was having a bad day and only hit a single after a handful of balls. So back with the hot hand I batted well again.

It wasnt ratings as I checked them after the game and they were similar.

It just felt like after that player got on a roll that he had the mojo.

If there is then logically you would get in there and defend a few balls to up your confidence.
How do you access the delivery types pre-bowl?

In the tutorial I saw a delivery menu one time that said hold this way or that way for this type of delivery. It went away though. I think worst case with it not being displayed in-game, I can run the tutorial again and take a screen shot and just check that until I memorize the deliveries.

Or it could just be some button press away from displaying. I checked the controller screens and didnt see the button press listed.
Is there batting confidence in the game? Just got this last night so I havent checked every screen nor do I know where every screen is yet.

I was batting against bangladesh and got on a tear hitting for 4 twice, a six, then defended a ball, then hit a single that got the other batter in the crease. He was having a bad day and only hit a single after a handful of balls. So back with the hot hand I batted well again.

It wasnt ratings as I checked them after the game and they were similar.

It just felt like after that player got on a roll that he had the mojo.

If there is then logically you would get in there and defend a few balls to up your confidence.

There is a confidence system in game. Press right on the d pad to display (among other things) confidence and fatigue levels of current bowler and the on-strike batsman.

How do you access the delivery types pre-bowl?

In the tutorial I saw a delivery menu one time that said hold this way or that way for this type of delivery. It went away though. I think worst case with it not being displayed in-game, I can run the tutorial again and take a screen shot and just check that until I memorize the deliveries.

Or it could just be some button press away from displaying. I checked the controller screens and didnt see the button press listed.

There isn't a way to display that diagram, that i know of, in game in a non-practice match. I learnt it from the printed manual that was included in the 360/ps3 versions.
I shut off show tutorial and I am in practice match facing a good bowler on pro.

I am watching my foot and bat timing reports.

Am I supposed to push both L stick and R stick at the same time?

If I was to actually bat IRL would I not step/stride and then have the bat follow in sync using my stride momentum? Using baseball or hockey as a reference you would start from the ground up and the swing portion is a kinetic whip reaction from that initial movement.
You do whatever is best for you and feels comfortable.

Personally I do footwork first then bat swing after.
This game is great fun so far.

Is there a way to choose the teams that are in the tutorial practice match? I so hope there is.

I would love to be able to practice batting against some real quality bowlers.
When I first started the game on my ps4 I got the option to download the best teams which I did but I see you can make individual downloads as well so could I download umpires to replace toys in game? Can I choose the ones I want to get rid of?

Also I would like to replace some club teams, is this possible?
When I first started the game on my ps4 I got the option to download the best teams which I did but I see you can make individual downloads as well so could I download umpires to replace toys in game? Can I choose the ones I want to get rid of?

Also I would like to replace some club teams, is this possible?

There are "real-like" umpires created by the community, you can download them, change their uniforms to your liking, and have them ready for selection for each and every match
There are "real-like" umpires created by the community, you can download them, change their uniforms to your liking, and have them ready for selection for each and every match

Yeah I realise that and have looked through them and the 'not so real' ones lol. But if I download one I like does it replace an existing one and if it does can I choose which one to get rid of?
Yeah I realise that and have looked through them and the 'not so real' ones lol. But if I download one I like does it replace an existing one and if it does can I choose which one to get rid of?

When you download a umpire it adds the new umpire and doesn't replace any of the existing ones. If you do want to get rid of any click on the make unavailable button
Has anyone seen any AI run outs while playing T20 or One-day games?

I have played loads of matches but haven't run out anyone yet apart from the odd occasion when the batsman hits a close fielder and there is running confusion.

They never get run out by me.....never run when its not safe , play it on pro not sure if they get run out more on the less game difficultly
When a spin bowler comes in, how do you know which way to spin the LAS before the first bowl?

It can be clockwise or counter clockwise on the LAS but what tells me that? I know it's finger vs wrist spin but where do I see that info for the bowler?
Whenever a bowler starts a new spell it will show you what type of bowler he is.

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