Post your questions about the game here!

Only the ones that don't require licenses
I'm sure you can't see anything else on the servers and would be totally shocked if someone misused the Cricket Academy in that way.

I certainly don't think that you can be blamed for what irresponsible users do with the game.
Well the next version of Cricket Academy has a report button for such abuses.
Hi Bigant forums!

Just a quick Q; when we are selecting stadiums, I've heard about the match designer but does that given stadium have features which are generally suitable and play a part regardless of your ideal settings. I.e, Cardiff getting a higher likelyhood of rain than Sydney etc.

Hi Bigant forums!

Just a quick Q; when we are selecting stadiums, I've heard about the match designer but does that given stadium have features which are generally suitable and play a part regardless of your ideal settings. I.e, Cardiff getting a higher likelyhood of rain than Sydney etc.


Weather is locality based.
Weather is locality based.
So say there was a stadium in Melbourne or a similar city that perhaps had a retractable roof that was included in the game - would the roof being open or closed also depend on weather?

Also, ever had a match fully rained out in a series? What about using lights during test/FC matches instead of going off when it is dark?
Matches can be fully rained out.

Lights are optional for all matches. You can begin a match at any time of day, even 1am.
I hereby surrender all rights to my name and likeness to Ross and BigAnt for use in any and all commercial advertising material. I choose however retain rights to the term 'this guy gets it' and also all merchandising content not limited to action figures, soft toys and pillowcases.
I once made a little mod for FM09 that expanded the English league system to level 9 before people much more informed than me made better ones and shared it on a little FM fan forum that died years ago; and got a lovely cease and desist email from the Southern League after they found it. Its saved somewhere on a computer; I probably should dig it out and read it again for laughs...

The fact is; if you make anything that relies on the internet, regardless of how legal or harmless it is; someone somewhere will feel that they've had their rights violated and threaten to sue you. Admittedly, Cricket Australia are scarier than the Southern League; and a little Football Manager .edc is different to a cool player editor for a cool game; but I think the point still stands...
Aah, Trickstar, playing damn dirty here. Ross, time to hit the game in their faces, isn't it? Couldn't believe that those guys could get so low!
Just release this game already, the wait is to soul destroying hearing all these features. :thumbs
Can the match get interrupted due to bad light[Like the umpire looks up and due to lack of light the umpires calls the covers]:thumbs

And will there be variations in appealing like only bowler appealing or only keeper appealing and team appealing all together....:)
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I always wondered (right from the time CA beta was released) if BigAnt could get into trouble for this. Not so for releasing tools to allow users to create anyone but for hosting the content on their server? Isn't this similar to megaupload and other file sharing sites where they don't have control over what users upload but yet they got sued anyway? I am really worried now.:rolleyes
Yep, clutching at straws, desperate actions from a team that does not want to go head to head in the market.

You'd have to ban everything from mspaint through to YouTube, basically any blank canvas.

Pretty hypocritical too since they ship with unlicensed teams and aparently a player editor.

Well.....CA does like writing letters....thats all they do it seems these days!! Maybe they thought you didnt do your 'homework' well :p

On a serious note, why not publish this news (if you are sure it cant harm you) and instead use it to your advantage to win more fans :D!!! History says that the 'sued' company is always the winner in terms of winning fans ;)!



The lol is that their licensed product that they endorse and apparently approve has a player editor, but hey if I was CA and seen the screenshots side by side I might not want C14 in the market either.

But the issue is that they can easily drop their player editor from their game (as anyways it might be crap) while for Cricket14, it is an integral feature! As someone mentioned above, this just might be a tactic to delay your game!
I'd say actions speak louder than words. Mail 505 a copy of your game at release with a bunch of flowers and a card reading 'R.I.P'. :D

Edit: And make THAT public...

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