Post your questions about the game here!

mikey can u pls share the scores of any one of the matches you have played in testmatch,odi and t20 so far? this would help us to know a bit about AI

Not necessarily, Mike could be crap or very good. It would give us a small idea but nothing will answer your question better that playing it yourself. (Hint hint)
Well! I have heard about the inclusion of DRS in future dlc of ashes 13 ... Will u include this feature in the game instead of putting it in dlc?
Certainly does. You need to know your bowlers, At least to get that perfect spot on the crease. If you want to get that ultimate in the neck bouncer from your 2m bowler you want to time it perfectly. I've hits some beauties into the AI's helmet, might be unsporting on the pitch, but i've shouted "YEAH!" in the office a few times when it's happened.

Wow....really is there something that you didn't think of? The best part with you guys is that you have not put anything into this game just for the sake of it. Everything seems to be planned and implemented in detail. You have made sure that everything you have implemented has a meaning attached to it.


Well! I have heard about the inclusion of DRS in future dlc of ashes 13 ... Will u include this feature in the game instead of putting it in dlc?

Please read the thread "what we know about BigAnt cricket". It will answer most of your questions.
Will the ground wary in sizes like the Australian being bigger than the rest will it require more timing and energy to hit a boundary in a bigger ground?
Will there be fast and slow outfields?
Will the third umpire give a decision in a tv screen?

Please answer :)
What happens if release button is not pressed???dead ball?
how can we ball a no ball..Is it based on timing of release?

Was just thinking about it, if I pull the RAS down and realise I have not timed it correctly, will not pushing it up cause the bowler to simply keep running and thus a dead ball?

If you touch nothing after starting the run up then they will just run through the crease without releasing the ball, if there's been an action to bowl but no release then I think you get the worst timed ball possible (latest release).

Mike will need to clarify for me as I haven't tried not releasing the ball for quite a while.
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It won't be a no ball, you'll just bowl a bad delivery that's easy for the batsman. Once you commit to the delivery, you will bowl.


Will the ground wary in sizes like the Australian being bigger than the rest will it require more timing and energy to hit a boundary in a bigger ground?
Will there be fast and slow outfields?
Will the third umpire give a decision in a tv screen?


yes, yes, yes, and the scoreboards in each ground will be used to show third umpire decisions.
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It won't be a no ball, you'll just bowl a bad delivery that's easy for the batsman. Once you commit to the delivery, you will bowl.

Sorry, but how do you "commit to the delivery"? I thought you press a button to select short, full or good length and start the run up. Which part is committing to the delivery?
pulling back on the right analogue stick.

Ok. In that case shouldn't that be a no-ball? Coz the bowler started his bowling action (RS back) but since the other input (RS forward) didn't happen on time it should result in bowler over-stepping the bowling crease.
Ok. In that case shouldn't that be a no-ball? Coz the bowler started his bowling action (RS back) but since the other input (RS forward) didn't happen on time it should result in bowler over-stepping the bowling crease.

Pullng back starts the delivery, jump/arm swing - at this point the animation has started regarding where your front foot will plant, so you could already be putting your front foot well before the crease. Pushing up on the analogue times the release of the ball from the hand - if you don't do this or release too late we make the delivery slower and easier for the batsman to hit.
Pullng back starts the delivery, jump/arm swing - at this point the animation has started regarding where your front foot will plant, so you could already be putting your front foot well before the crease. Pushing up on the analogue times the release of the ball from the hand - if you don't do this or release too late we make the delivery slower and easier for the batsman to hit.

Oh ok. Now I get it! I was under the impression, "RS back" started the bowler's leap and "RS forward" terminated it, i.e. RS forward motion determined where the bowler will end up on the bowling crease.

What you just said clarifies the misunderstanding. Essentially, RS Back starts the bowler's leap and determines where he ends up on the popping crease whereas RS Forward determines the release point :cheers

Would be a fun system to play with as you can't rely on muscle memory since every kind of bowler will have a different run up... which leads me to the next question :D Can you decide what the length of a bowler is in the game? I can see myself making all my bowler's run up the same length so I can rely on muscle memory and get consistency in bowling.

Kudos for a well thought out and a unique bowling mechanism :clap
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So after we start the run-up, if we don't pull back on the RAS, then the bowler will just go through the crease? i.e.. sort of pull away from delivering the ball. Is that correct?
How is the seam of the ball changed and when does that happen?
It would be nice if you tell how the change of seam is shown on the screen...:)
Ross/Mikey, the floodlights don't start simultaneously. So does it mean that they will be switched on according to the amount of sunlight available??

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