Post your questions about the game here!

How will the use of crease come into play in the controls??
How will the use of crease come into play in the controls??

If you don't time your delivery start, you could be planting your front foot next to the wickets. That gives the batsman more time and also affects the trajectory the ball comes in at not allowing for as much bounce.
Hey team, just a few questions I am unsure about.
- will there be players or an upcoming option to give players tattoos like in RLL?
- if a player bowls a no ball or the DRS is used, will there be replays of the front foot landing on or behind the front foot line?
Cheers :wave
Thanks but how to bowl from wider the crease?
Ross/Mikey your take on this -

Was watching India vs WI match highlights and this came to my mind - Will there be a situation like while running between the wickets you're running in to the danger end, dives and ends up with your bat in the air (not grounded) - the ball hits the stumps - and so given out?? (This might be asking for too much, especially when I've been playing cricket games which doesn't even give me an option to at least dive into the crease) :) :lol
If you don't time your delivery start, you could be planting your front foot next to the wickets. That gives the batsman more time and also affects the trajectory the ball comes in at not allowing for as much bounce.

That is A.W.E.S.O.M.E!!! Excellent work guys.
I've hits some beauties into the AI's helmet, might be unsporting on the pitch, but i've shouted "YEAH!" in the office a few times when it's happened.

So thats your most memorable moment? Nice.
Ross when will you tell about the fielding and keeping mechanism ?I am sure that there would be different techniques for that as well....


Ross, Mike how abt opening the game for preorders?

They will announce the game's title and release date then the screenshots and videos will follow....Only after that they will set the game for pre order...
Ross surely would not want anyone to preorder his game without any knowledge of the game like the other one...:cheers
The question is; is Mike Merry
The answer is of course; very
He has a good job
And will earn a few bob
Even though Ross is a little bit scary
Please answer :)
What happens if release button is not pressed???dead ball?
how can we ball a no ball..Is it based on timing of release?
Was just thinking about it, if I pull the RAS down and realise I have not timed it correctly, will not pushing it up cause the bowler to simply keep running and thus a dead ball?
mikey can u pls share the scores of any one of the matches you have played in testmatch,odi and t20 so far? this would help us to know a bit about AI

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