Post your questions about the game here!

Arent we gonna have any ball pitch make while batting ? Mick or Ross .
You haven't really heard anything about batting yet though :)

I know...and I assume it would be great, but never have we had a cricket game in which bowling is as deep, realistic and variable as it seems in this game. Its something that I am sure a lot of people have craved for in a game....and looks like dreams are about to be fulfilled :D!


Arent we gonna have any ball pitch make while batting ? Mick or Ross .

If you meant the ball marker, then no!! No markers no hud!!!
Thanks Mike, this is just fantastic!
what are the different camera angles available for batting and bowling?
Speed of delivery is changed from the standard pace of your bowler by the speed you pull back on the RAS before delivery, pulling back slowly will take pace off the ball, just like in real life you can?t pinpoint the exact speed though and will take practise to get right.

I was partially right then :D
I wrote earlier that speed will be determined by the speed we pull the RAS up but this is just the opposite. But anyway feels gr8 :lol
Sounds like real cricket. Cant wait


I know...and I assume it would be great, but never have we had a cricket game in which bowling is as deep, realistic and variable as it seems in this game. Its something that I am sure a lot of people have craved for in a game....and looks like dreams are about to be fulfilled :D!


If you meant the ball marker, then no!! No markers no hud!!!



I agree!! I really think I would be spending more time bowling than batting in this game :D!!! Bowling sounds super fun really and a challenge to master!

I was partially right then :D
I wrote earlier that speed will be determined by the speed we pull the RAS up but this is just the opposite. But anyway feels gr8 :lol

Given that pushing up is the release and controls line - putting speed on it as well, was a bridge too far. we did try it though in the test beds.
Given that pushing up is the release and controls line - putting speed on it as well, was a bridge too far. we did try it though in the test beds.

The speed is controlled by how fast we pull back the RAS. Is something dependent on how 'far' back we pull the RAS?
Mike i already asked this..sorry to ask it there any control to choose whether to play with a flat bat or straight bat while batting?
Hi mike

Will there be onscreen help for the bowling controls? I have very impatient friends that might break my tv if i continiously smack them for six.
Just read about the spin bowling controls. That will definitely take some practice to become good at.
Can't wait for Mikey to spill the beans about batting. :D
It's okay to be greedy at times.
You could always do "an ic2010" and block on purpose just to keep the score realistic!!
Thanks for sharing mike. Interesting that you have changed the controls completely for spin bowling when compared to fast bowling. What was the reason behind it? Did you think a natural fast bowler will have trouble/not comfortable with bowling spin and vice versa? Or was it just because the fast bowling techniques wasn't working well for spin bowling?

Love the fact that pitch on both ends might not be the same. Great attention to details.
Mike...can the bowler run on the pitch (danger zone) and be punished for it? Will it effect the rough on the pitch? Is the rough on the pitch dependent on where the bowlers land or is it just random areas on the pitch?

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