Post your questions about the game here!

I've been struggling to find good questions since this game covers so many bases but here are two:

1) Can you and the AI do relay throws on long boundaries? Particularly handy in the underage cricket levels.
2) Will the AI use nightwatchmen?
3) Will the AI always take the new ball at 90 overs or will they hold off if their spinners are doing well or it is reverse swinging?
4) In career mode will some of the players you start off playing with and against in the underage competition also go onto professional levels?
5) Can you use the team you are playing career mode in online? Say you're ten years down the track, you have likely grown quite attached to that side and would like to challenge it against other career mode sides or perhaps the original side.
6) Is there local coop play, perhaps with two players each controlling a batsman?


1 - yes
2 - yes
3 - they will choose as appropriate
4 - MikeM will need to answer this
5 - I think this is locked until the end of career, again MikeM? (this is what we did with RLL2) this celebration there in your game:

Ross....what can we expect to see in the trailer ;)

(As you can see...I have nothing better to do today :p)!!
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More than six seconds?


I do - I am off to watch the Blues smack some Dockers!
1 - yes
2 - yes
3 - they will choose as appropriate
4 - MikeM will need to answer this
5 - I think this is locked until the end of career, again MikeM? (this is what we did with RLL2)

You have religiouly avoided any question regarding local or online co-op play. knowing you i feel there is a pleasent surprise coming regarding that...
Will there be mishits in the game? Like how Afridi hits them? Just slog and the ball could be anywhere, some going for six and some high in the air to the keeper?
Will there be mishits in the game? Like how Afridi hits them? Just slog and the ball could be anywhere, some going for six and some high in the air to the keeper?

It has been said many times that this game has a very good physics engine so you will get all kinds of results, including the ugly ones like inside edges to fine leg for four and skied shots.
Ross how come you are so hostile towards the AC13 camp?

Got a few good reasons, such as being reported to Cricket Australia, however as said here before - that bit them on the ass BIG TIME when I explained that we are doing nothing wrong, oh, that and I showed them our screenshots/video compared to the "Ashes" just so they could see that they've backed the very much inferior product.
Ross how come you are so hostile towards the AC13 camp?

I think it all started when they tried to press charges by complaining to CA and ECB regarding the flexibility of Cricket Academy

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