Post your questions about the game here!

Hard to keep up with this thread.. so sorry if asked before!
Will there be post-match presentation? For example receiving the man of the match/series award.. would be pretty awesome:)
Hard to keep up with this thread.. so sorry if asked before!
Will there be post-match presentation? For example receiving the man of the match/series award.. would be pretty awesome:)

Not confirmed but it was hinted towards a while ago.
Hard to keep up with this thread.. so sorry if asked before!
Will there be post-match presentation? For example receiving the man of the match/series award.. would be pretty awesome:)

You'll have to wait to see what we have with celebrations/presentations.

There is man of the match etc... but I do not want to mislead anyone - there are no post match press conferences and the like, individual honours are given but not to that level.

There has to be something left for the sequel, well that and all of the "plus more" ;)
You'll have to wait to see what we have with celebrations/presentations.

There is man of the match etc... but I do not want to mislead anyone - there are no post match press conferences and the like, individual honours are given but not to that level.

There has to be something left for the sequel, well that and all of the "plus more" ;)

That's fine. I'm not one to sit through cut scenes at the best times so I'm very unlikely to watch a virtual representation of Mark Nicholas talk to players and hand them an oversized cheque!

What I would like is some recognition of my hundred or 5 wicket haul. In past games, you reach these milestones, and the game just carries on with almost nothing to say what you've done. I hope there is something in this game to make up for that.
There will be acknowledgement of milestones.
You'll have to wait to see what we have with celebrations/presentations.

There is man of the match etc... but I do not want to mislead anyone - there are no post match press conferences and the like, individual honours are given but not to that level.

There has to be something left for the sequel, well that and all of the "plus more" ;)

Ross, as long as the game nails the gameplay we will be more than elated. Good gameplay with career mode (Be a Pro), customized tours, mechanism to share teams/players and decent online gameplay is more than enough to keep us hooked for a long time :yes

Rest of "bells & whistles" can be added in future iterations but I am not too bothered about that stuff. As you mentioned some time back "Gameplay is the king" and if the game conforms to that philosophy, we are golden :cheers
agree with cricket _online. you are talking here about a bunch of people who have been happy with c07 and ashes 09 and the likes and been playing these for years lol. get coregameplay right and we would keep playing this one for the next 10 years. we really don't ask for much when it comes to cricket game...Well that was until u kinda spoiled us.
There has to be something left for the sequel, well that and all of the "plus more" ;)

oh stop it. :mad just stop it.

because of you and the rest of BA, I'm constantly checking this forum 50 times a day for tidbits of info, getting my blood up, dreaming of what I can do when I get this damned game in my hands - how am I supposed to focus on my day job?

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