Post your questions about the game here!

I am currently suing the manufacturer of my mirror as it produces an exact likeness of me without consent or compensation.

A stupid comment I agree, but one which actually hits close to the truth in all of this.
I am currently suing the manufacturer of my mirror as it produces an exact likeness of me without consent or compensation.

A stupid comment I agree, but one which actually hits close to the truth in all of this.

Lol. I see what you're suggesting, but I think anyone would say that you are consenting to have it reproduced by virtue of you standing in front of it: you have the power to have it removed (turn off the light)? :-)
When will eb play session take place?.
B O R I N G............:-P
Last thing i would like to hear from ross:"Sorry guys,Eb play session will not happen this month"
Theoretically speaking, what if those people contact you to hand over the information on the people who generated these contents without licenses, to sue them? Be it IP addresses or email addresses.

It would have to be court ordered and I cannot see that occurring.
Theoretically speaking, what if those people contact you to hand over the information on the people who generated these contents without licenses, to sue them? Be it IP addresses or email addresses.
Remember - always wear a fake moustache while uploading to the Cricket Academy - they'll then never be able to prove it was you.
It would have to be court ordered and I cannot see that occurring.

It would be completely unprecedented, as far as I know? I think that the common outcome recorded is that content is deleted, and *worst-case* I think it's possible that a user could be banned for constant repeated infractions.

There's some interesting stuff on this site: User Generated Content Principles Some big companies have adopted these, and they're interesting reading. Attempting to allow creativity without infracting on IP is tricky, but these try and give everyone a fair deal.

Anyway. If people are interested on carrying this on any further (if) then maybe let's adjourn to the Cricket Games (or otherwise I guess!) General category. :)
Theoretically speaking, what if those people contact you to hand over the information on the people who generated these contents without licenses, to sue them? Be it IP addresses or email addresses.

Ideally, if they want to go through all the troubles and get the court to pass the order, then they want to go after the big whale and not the tiny fishes that are hopping around

Lot of games these days have inbuilt editor. I don't see ICC or BCCI officials showing up on my doorsteps because I made Sachin who doesn't even looks remotely close to real one
not remotely boring to me ross, fascinating actually!

as i understand it - Big Ant Malaysia are publisher of CA, but who is counted as the publisher of the content hosted on CA? - presumably the user and therefore responsibility lies with them?

e.g. in libel/plagiarism terms it is usually the author and publisher that are sued as they have disseminated the offending material. the distributors/selllers etc. are not responsible. i once tried to start a social network / self e-publishing framework for authors and this seemed to be the distinction in terms of protecting the site from users uploading defamatory/plagiarised material - the user agreement specified that the uploader was author and publisher. i assume this is very similar.

mind you that distinction fell apart in the USA in the 70s and 80s when all the asbestos-related/mesothelioma claims started hitting the fan - once the manufacturers and insurers were all bust they went after the sellers, the haulage companies... anyone that had any role in getting asbestos into the market. we're still unravelling all that in the london insurance market now.

chris gayle.
Real Time TOSS

Hi Ross! I wanna ask u that will there be a real time toss with real announcements, match referree or just what AC09 had with very little to cheer. Another question is will the bat break after playing too much with it or not? And another main question what i did not understood well was u said that there are 40 hours of commentary and no commentary after that? can u explain it further please and who will be the commentators. Another question is what leagues will be there in career mode? will there be pakistani domestic league and teams.. thanks in advance. wish u god luck for your hard work over the years...........
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ross !!! u told before that big ant studios are not hoping of getting profit for dbc 14.. You guys are looking forward to dbc 15... do you still think like that?? i saw somewhere you told that you are keeping some secret things stored for the next edition to make that profitable... are they licensing things or something else ??:cheers
not remotely boring to me ross, fascinating actually!

as i understand it - Big Ant Malaysia are publisher of CA, but who is counted as the publisher of the content hosted on CA? - presumably the user and therefore responsibility lies with them?

e.g. in libel/plagiarism terms it is usually the author and publisher that are sued as they have disseminated the offending material. the distributors/selllers etc. are not responsible. i once tried to start a social network / self e-publishing framework for authors and this seemed to be the distinction in terms of protecting the site from users uploading defamatory/plagiarised material - the user agreement specified that the uploader was author and publisher. i assume this is very similar.

mind you that distinction fell apart in the USA in the 70s and 80s when all the asbestos-related/mesothelioma claims started hitting the fan - once the manufacturers and insurers were all bust they went after the sellers, the haulage companies... anyone that had any role in getting asbestos into the market. we're still unravelling all that in the london insurance market now.

chris gayle.

I knew someone would be interested - Law and programming are essentially the same thing so of course I love it :)

The publisher of the content on CA historically would have been seen to be Big Ant Studios Malaysia however the law has changed in many jurisdictions because of the internet, not by legislation but by case law (judge made law, precedent). It would now seem that the publishers of the material are the persons that uploaded it.

As Chief says above, probably a discussion for another thread somewhere else.
ross you said pre-orders are a waste of time (which is untrue) unless for an accessory however now you posted saying you will start pre-order campaign soon...
And your point....?

It's almost as if he has a personal opinion, and a separate professional opinion. Shocking, I know.
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ross you said pre-orders are a waste of time (which is untrue) unless for an accessory however now you posted saying you will start pre-order campaign soon...

My personal view is they are a waste of time unless there is an item that I really want such as a book of the art of the game or some such that I cannot obtain any other way.

As many people actually do pre-order then of course we commercially enter that space - the Don Bradman Cricket 14 pre-order bonus is awesome btw* :)

*MikeM has already told me that I am a dead man if he does not receive one.


Further to the point above, regardless of whether we "support" pre-orders, retailers will do it anyway.

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