Post your questions about the game here!

I'm thinking that he's asking whether the game will avoid duplicate numbers on kits during a game; so that some players might wear different numbers in different teams (IE a different national team, county and IPL number); while other players will have the same numbers throughout, without having 5 players with a number 12 on the same time at the same time.

That's what I get out of that!
Keh? English please, English!
I hope this will make things clear.
I have suggestion that the kit numbers in the game should be based upon team bases the way it happens in Fifa game because we see too much similar numbers and when you change the kit number of a particular player it still duplicates with other players in the other teams he plays for. If the kit numbers are based upon teams so a single player will have different kit numbers while playing for different teams or have same number without any duplicate numbers.
There will be a CA update soon, I can't say when exactly.

I do believe either yourself or Mikey hinted at some Easter eggs in the current version of CA. Happy to be wrong, but just remembered and thought it'd be interesting if nobody had found them yet.
Will the CA update have a few new batsman skills by any chance? I would like to see a batsmanship ability against pace and spin! Think it would be a good addition.
Hi, I am not able to install any version of CA and i get this error "Install integrity check has failed. Common causes include incomplete download and damaged media. Contact the installers author to obtain a new copy. Any help guys
Common causes include incomplete download and damaged media
^ The error message is quite clear IMO. Re-download the entire package.
Ashes cricket 2013 not Remain on Steam is well ...
Are any of these closer to what you mean?
Ashes cricket 2013 Remain not well on Steam is ...
Steam is on Ashes cricket 2013 Remain not well ...
Remain well Ashes cricket 2013 is not on Steam ...
Maybe he means ashes is no longer available on steam????

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