Post your questions about the game here!

If you're having to block out for a draw chances are someone in the other team has scored 100+ or took 5 wts for you to be in that situation, I think its a great way of doin things and a nice addition to the game!
Apologies if this has been asked before, or answered already.

How does the adding teams/leagues yo career mode work? Is it something that has to be done at the beginning of the career? Or are we able to add more throughout.

The same for quick games out of career, are we able to organise teams into leagues/nations in order to stop it becoming cluttered?

If somebody could answer this I'd be grateful. It kinda got overlooked with the whole MoTM discussion
The same for quick games out of career, are we able to organise teams into leagues/nations in order to stop it becoming cluttered?
Yes. You can make as many groups as you like and tab between them on the selection screen. It's possible in the Cricket Academy at the moment.

For the other question, I'm not sure. The option to do so is in a menu inside the Cricket Academy so it might be possible to make changes as you go, but perhaps it might lock you in to using what you started with or something like that.
Apologies if this has been asked before, or answered already.

How does the adding teams/leagues yo career mode work? Is it something that has to be done at the beginning of the career? Or are we able to add more throughout.

The same for quick games out of career, are we able to organise teams into leagues/nations in order to stop it becoming cluttered?
In the Don Bradman Academy you can organise teams into categories such as English/Australian Domestic and you can also add other categories where you can add teams from different nations into them to keep it uncluttered.

I doubt you will be able to add teams or leagues during career, and there is likely a system to add leagues before you start career, in either the career mode menu or elsewhere.

Edit: Damn it, Matt beat me to it.
Ah right. Thanks, I've only got Macs in my house so havent been able to get my hands on CA yet.
I hope there will be blocking and leaving in TTC too!

I had the real game in the 80s there wasn't much fun in blocking!!! The fun was hitting the ball so hard that the fielders flew all over the place, it was 20/20 cricket for cavemen!!!!
I had the real game in the 80s there wasn't much fun in blocking!!! The fun was hitting the ball so hard that the fielders flew all over the place, it was 20/20 cricket for cavemen!!!!

20/20 cricket is still for cavemen *oooh*
I had the real game in the 80s there wasn't much fun in blocking!!! The fun was hitting the ball so hard that the fielders flew all over the place, it was 20/20 cricket for cavemen!!!!
I had the real game but I was never a huge fan of it. My family despised, and still despises, card, table and now video games, so I very rarely played it. I could never get the outfield flat either. I'm sure TTC will be much more fun. :yes

Loved Howzat though. I used to constantly fill out scorecards whilst rolling the dice. I don't think it would translate to a very exciting video game though.
20/20 cricket is still for cavemen *oooh*

Haha the bats are like clubs!!! I thinks it's ok for entertainment but its detrimental to the longer form.
It frustrates me when I see 50,000 people turn up for three hours of repetitive slogging, but one man and his dog turn up for a test match. Considering there are over 500 million cricket mad Indians, and about 5-10 million cricket followers in England, how are there constant sell-outs in England for tests? It's not just in India, but anyway...

That's why I don't like T20.
I had the real game but I was never a huge fan of it. My family despised, and still despises, card, table and now video games, so I very rarely played it. I could never get the outfield flat either. I'm sure TTC will be much more fun. :yes

Loved Howzat though. I used to constantly fill out scorecards whilst rolling the dice. I don't think it would translate to a very exciting video game though.

My parents had a decent size table and I learned to iron the pitch!! You had to wet it 1st!! The trick to keepin ti flat was blu-tack or sticky-back plastic. I eventually made a bigger pitch with an old subbuteo pitch and used twine for the boundary! I'm really looking forward to playing it on Xbox, and in the mean time I may have to get it down from the loft!!!
My parents had a decent size table and I learned to iron the pitch!! You had to wet it 1st!! The trick to keepin ti flat was blu-tack or sticky-back plastic. I eventually made a bigger pitch with an old subbuteo pitch and used twine for the boundary
Where were you when I was 10?
I'm really looking forward to playing it on Xbox, and in the mean time I may have to get it down from the loft!!!
I think I have a modern edition of the game from about 5 years ago in a cupboard somewhere, but I always forgot to bring it out. I think it's virtually untouched!

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