Post your questions about the game here!

I personally think BA should use the extended time to implement keyboard controls. I'd like to use a winking emoticon right now, but I'm a bit apprehensive.
No keyboard controls is a design decision, not something they didn't have time for.
No keyboard controls is a design decision, not something they didn't have time for.

I think you'll find it was actually a decision based on race, colour or creed (apparently).

There is no extra time... and I wouldn't use it to implement a keyboard control if there was for as you say, it was a design decision from the start.

I feel for the economic circumstances in which those that cannot afford a controller find themselves however those that can afford a controller should not be held ransom for it.
I was joking about KB controls by the way. I wanted to add the corresponding emoticon but apparently Blocker Dave finds them disgusting.:wave:yes:thumbs
We know...

... and I think BD said ciki's use of them, not emoticons in general :)
The problem with many jokes like that is a few posts down you get someone saying it in a fully serious manner.
That would never happen...
your use of emoticons disgusts me

the clause in ross' post of bringing the best possible game raises the possibility of a bit of extra polishing etc. but the likely timeframe (i.e. release date announced this month, released next month or early march) would as @ChinamanSpin says, not leave enough time for major development and QA

I'm Sorry for my use of emoticons.....;)

But I'm really happy about what you said that game will be released in February or Early March.....
What kind of work goes into the PS4/ Xbone release Ross? Is it mainly re-programming/optimising, or are there other considerations?
Ok, to bring up a point discussed previously, Ross, MikeM, MattW, or anyone who played at the play session, did you find you had enough time always to review the field positions when batting. I'm a little concerned with the amount of time we have to check the gaps before the bowler starts their approach, or if you have any sort of notification that the AI, in particular, have changed the field (i.e. the commentators always mentioning changes to the field, etc).
^ That's a good question. In multilayer games, keeping a short time limit for viewing the field is fair enough, but in single player mode it would be better to at least increase the cut off time.
^cant you walk away and look around before the bowler starts run up ,only after you return to take guard ,the bowler should start the run up? can someone clarify

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