Post your questions about the game here!

I know this question has probably been asked at some stage, but I'll ask anyway. If I create a tour in the game, can I use it online? (My mate and I are doing a full Test/ODI/T20 series and was hoping it would work)?

From here:

Every mode in Cricket has an online option, it is head to head or co-operative (all player controller selection screens have an online selection also). There are also online tournaments. BigAnt does host its own tournaments as well.

The co-op bit will now be in a patch released later. Not sure if online tournaments are still in the game though?
If I keep the current CA saved files, will my players, teams etc. get carried over to the main game on PC?
Sorry, the files will not be transferable, no need to go via online.
I was under the impression that both co-op and online tournament will be added through a patch later. Not sure about a series though.
Hi!!! I don't know if this question been asked before, in tour mode can we set up stadiums we want to play...There only few Stadiums in the game but there are lots of names of the stadiums in the game can we set these names during a Tournament or a series- like pick a stadium and name it as we got many stadiums name in the game...
Like select the oval from the stadium list and name it as Lords ????
Hi!!! I don't know if this question been asked before, in tour mode can we set up stadiums we want to play...There only few Stadiums in the game but there are lots of names of the stadiums in the game can we set these names during a Tournament or a series- like pick a stadium and name it as we got many stadiums name in the game...
Like select the oval from the stadium list and name it as Lords ????

Yes, you can pick any of the stadiums, name it whatever you wish and also set various pitch options.

So in effect, the stadium which looks like the Delhi Feroze Shah Kotla can play like the Perth and the SCG play like Colombo SSC!
If I keep the current CA saved files, will my players, teams etc. get carried over to the main game on PC
you can always upload your customized team and works and redownload it again when you get the game by using your username in search.
Yes, you can pick any of the stadiums, name it whatever you wish and also set various pitch options.

Not sure we have seen a confirmation on that. For Quick Matches, yes. But when you create Tours in CA currently, there is no option that allows you to select a stadium for every match in the tour.
Matt, have you considered doing a live stream of DBC like you did with Ashes?
When it comes out on pc I'll be recording some online matches, hopefully can organize some games with blokes on here, get on skype and get some duel commentary as well. Still a long way away though, and I haven'd done anything like it before.

I'm sure other people on here, will start streaming/recording once its on pc. There are a few youtubers that have console capture kits and will stream probably (BGL and TWISTIE?)

edit: Any chance we can get our hands on some high quality versions of the screenshots on facebook? That most recent one is a beauty!
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I think Twistie has a set-up to record from PS3 so he'll be streaming a few things I imagine via his YouTube channel? I'll upload a few vine videos from my living room of my reactions while I play. There will be a lot of --> :eek: and a few --> :wave

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