Post your questions about the game here!

So I'm pretty new to cricket in general. I've been watching a lot on TV and playing the game a lot since I got it, so I apologize if this is a stupid question, but...what's the difference between batting using your front and back legs. I started playing on Amateur and I was just crushing the CPU, so I've moved up to Pro and I'm doing so-so, but it would help to understand the benefits/drawbacks of using your front and back legs. I pretty much load up on the left stick on every delivery and I block occasionally when there's a spinner up. Any help would be appreciated!
So I'm pretty new to cricket in general. I've been watching a lot on TV and playing the game a lot since I got it, so I apologize if this is a stupid question, but...what's the difference between batting using your front and back legs. I started playing on Amateur and I was just crushing the CPU, so I've moved up to Pro and I'm doing so-so, but it would help to understand the benefits/drawbacks of using your front and back legs. I pretty much load up on the left stick on every delivery and I block occasionally when there's a spinner up. Any help would be appreciated!

Basically front foot means you step towards/into the ball/shot whereas back foot means you stay back in the crease and normally play the ball higher (sometimes stepping backwards slightly). Back foot is generally used for shorter balls (that bounce higher) because it allows you just in general get a bit higher up and therefore get a bit more power behind the shot as well as timing it better.

Back foot :
Notice how they stay back in their crease and get up high in comparison to getting forward with a front foot shot (generally more common).
DBC14 - Real Names + match setting

Hi Guys

Love the new game - DBC14 ? on PS3
Quicks questions

1. When I started my game for the first time, I got the option of downloading Players from other community etc. ? I skipped that option at that time. Now I am not getting that option again , How can I get it back?
2. The names of players are not real and is not giving good look and feel. How can I change them? Do I have to change it individually?
3. By default the match setting is Amateur, How can I change it PRO?

Your advises would be highly appreciated.

The average human reaction time is between 0.15 and 0.3 seconds and you need over a second to react?
BigAnt are trying to invigorate/re-invent the cricket genre and you want to go back to the way it was?

Yeah, pressing 3 to 4 keys at a time needs atleast a second.
That cicrcle around the ball should be visible atleast 1 second before the bowler releases the ball

You may as well go back to a pitch marker if you want to dictate what you're going to do before the bowler has even would entirely defeat the purpose of what they're trying to achieve.

And oddly enough, if you're going to make comments like this

Some thing has to be done for ai bowling, we cant judge where the ball is going to land. Batting in this game is impossible.

I don't think anyone is really going to be able to take you seriously
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not sure if its just me. but you appear to have more time to play shots in pro-cam and close cam, compared to far-cam

im trying to hold off switching from far cam. but its hard after i had to restart my career and still catching up to where i was before.

im still picking my shots prior to delivery for pace bowling. i dont see how there is enough time in the far-cam. will be interesting as my career progresses, if my timing window increases at the back end of the delivery in order to play a shot on its merits, or if my batter improves if the length indicator comes up earlier. or whether we are all forced to use pro or close cam for pace
The average human reaction time is between 0.15 and 0.3 seconds and you need over a second to react?
BigAnt are trying to invigorate/re-invent the cricket genre and you want to go back to the way it was?

Sorry but this is silly. The "average" human reaction time is not .15 to 0.3 of a second for starters. You cant quote a range and then call it an average.

Also what you are quoting from wiki answers is simple reaction time. That is how long it takes to pres a single button in response to a stimuli.

That is not even close to what we are doing in DBC.

You need to look at stats for Choice Reaction Time as well as movement time.

The combination of those is MUCH higher obviously.

In DBC the choices are significant, LAS back or forward depending on length, left or right depending on line. Then RAS 8 possible choices all dependent on a combination of both of those and additionally speed of delivery and field placement. Then you have LT/RT, R3, and also possibly LB and RB for good measure.

Thats 16 choices and 6 fingers required.

A CRT/M with only 4 choices takes the average time up to 0.7 seconds, I have no skill or inclination to figure out what 16 would do. Suffice to say it would be a lot higher.

I dont know if the game reflects real life physics when it comes to speed/time but if it does then the 150+kph deliveries take less than half a second from release to batsman. Considering in the game "ideal" timing involves make your input before the ball has even bounced that brings the time down to 0.25 seconds. Which is impossible to do.


Yes he does need over a second to react so do you and so does pretty much everyone. Perhaps the great DB himself and others in that league can do it a bit quicker in real life but thats irrelevant to the general population.

Does all this mean the game should be made easier? Im undecided personally. I find fast bowlers incredibly difficult to play. But Im inclined to think they should be. I do think the color circle should appear earlier based on the difficulty level selected and the current time should be for veteran or legend. Meaning the pro should appear slightly earlier.
DBC14 - Real Names + match setting

Hi Guys

Love the new game - DBC14 on PS3
Quick questions

1.When I started my game for the first time, I got the option of downloading Players from other community etc. ? I skipped that option at that time. Now I am not getting that option again , How can I get it back?
2.The names of players are not real and is not giving good look and feel. How can I change them? Do I have to change it individually?
3.By default the match setting is Amateur, How can I change it PRO?

Your advises would be highly appreciated.

We cannot premeditate the circle as we do not know the trajectory until it has the final input/left the hand.

We could slow the ball down post release but that's about all we could do to give you the time you need.
We cannot premeditate the circle as we do not know the trajectory until it has the final input/left the hand.

We could slow the ball down post release but that's about all we could do to give you the time you need.

I think the speed is good, really feels a bit scary having Mitch charging in.

Perhaps adjust the timing a little to allow "ideal" to be met slightly later in the delivery.

Im not talking in all difficulties of course. The challenge provided, while frustrating at times, has provided long lasting appeal.
Sorry but this is silly. The "average" human reaction time is not .15 to 0.3 of a second for starters. You cant quote a range and then call it an average.

Also what you are quoting from wiki answers is simple reaction time. That is how long it takes to pres a single button in response to a stimuli.

That is not even close to what we are doing in DBC.

You need to look at stats for Choice Reaction Time as well as movement time.

The combination of those is MUCH higher obviously.

In DBC the choices are significant, LAS back or forward depending on length, left or right depending on line. Then RAS 8 possible choices all dependent on a combination of both of those and additionally speed of delivery and field placement. Then you have LT/RT, R3, and also possibly LB and RB for good measure.

Thats 16 choices and 6 fingers required.

A CRT/M with only 4 choices takes the average time up to 0.7 seconds, I have no skill or inclination to figure out what 16 would do. Suffice to say it would be a lot higher.

I dont know if the game reflects real life physics when it comes to speed/time but if it does then the 150+kph deliveries take less than half a second from release to batsman. Considering in the game "ideal" timing involves make your input before the ball has even bounced that brings the time down to 0.25 seconds. Which is impossible to do.


Yes he does need over a second to react so do you and so does pretty much everyone. Perhaps the great DB himself and others in that league can do it a bit quicker in real life but thats irrelevant to the general population.

Does all this mean the game should be made easier? Im undecided personally. I find fast bowlers incredibly difficult to play. But Im inclined to think they should be. I do think the color circle should appear earlier based on the difficulty level selected and the current time should be for veteran or legend. Meaning the pro should appear slightly earlier.

All of that is great for stats and argument, but if people are being able to play the shots they want to and are getting the results that they are trying to achieve after a bit of practice then the current setup is working fine.

Just to add to the argument you are making, in real life cricket you might get more time (in microseconds i.e) to judge the line and length of the delivery however that is compensated by the time it takes to:

a) Physically move your feet to get into position
b) Physically move your body + bat to play the shot

as compared to the time it takes to move a couple of joysticks + input lag. Within the game, this time difference is even more compensated by the fact that:

a) Balls bowled at 150+kmph are not coming as fast at you as they would in real life
b) The batting animations are much much much faster than real life

The only area what I think BigAnt could have made the controls a little better is in the amount of button it takes to play a defensive shot. In real life, even if you are swinging the bat to play an attacking shot, you can control the swing and try to play a defensive shot within a fraction of a second. That is not possible within the current control scheme. Thats why I had suggested sometime back, that moving the LAS+RAS without any triggers or bumpers pressed should result in a defensive shot.

Rest everything works great actually! The more I play the game the more I am able to send the delivery in the direction I intended it to go. So far I have been able to play the ball all around the ground and I play without any HUD assists except the ball trail, which I enable to be able to view the ball after I hit it to the outfield. The system works fine in my opinion! If I am able to play it properly without any assists after a bit of practice, then anybody can do it!
1. When the red circle around the ball would be off ?
2. Any chance to fix AI fielding positions as 4 slips or the way AI batting as mostly 6-7 wkts gone in 5 overs and even then they played like openers?
We cannot premeditate the circle as we do not know the trajectory until it has the final input/left the hand.

We could slow the ball down post release but that's about all we could do to give you the time you need.

Hi Ross,

I was thinking about this issue and I think a lot of the difficulty is in trying to pick up the length in time (as opposed to the line). In reality you can pick up the length of the ball earlier (angle of release) than you can the line (post release + adjusting for movement) which is not currently reflected.

What I would suggest is that the circles initially appear ?whole? to indicate length before it then ?shrinks? to show line (if that makes sense ? I have an image in my head but not sure how to describe it). This would then widen the window for the circle to first appear to anywhere between the start of the delivery stride (when the RAS is pulled down and the length is locked in) to anytime before the ball pitches.

In this way you could make batting easier (or harder) as required.
Where in that window the circle appears could then be determined by three factors:
1) Difficulty level ? Duh(!)
2) The ability of the bastman ? to reflect better player?s ability to ?pick up? the ball earlier
3) The batsman?s confidence ? to reflect the concept of having your ?eye? in

Ideally how quickly the circle ?shrinks? to show line could also be determined by the above factors meaning a star, well set batsman would pick both line and length quicker than a new to the crease bunny ? but that may be a bridge too far for the current version?

Personally I wouldn't want the bowlers' speeds slowed down... I love the feeling of facing genuinely quick bowling - would just like a little assist in playing it...

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