Post your questions about the game here!

1. When I started my game for the first time, I got the option of downloading Players from other community etc. ? I skipped that option at that time. Now I am not getting that option again , How can I get it back?
2. The names of players are not real and is not giving good look and feel. How can I change them? Do I have to change it individually?
Go to the 'Don Bradman Academy' menu, select 'Teams' and 'Replace All Teams'.

3. By default the match setting is Amateur, How can I change it PRO?
Choose Options from the main menu and 'General Options' and choose a difficulty.
We cannot premeditate the circle as we do not know the trajectory until it has the final input/left the hand.

We could slow the ball down post release but that's about all we could do to give you the time you need.

Should be in as an option if it comes it.
go easy on me i'm back here after a long time and im not able to find the release date for pc and more specifically for pc in india
So I'm pretty new to cricket in general. I've been watching a lot on TV and playing the game a lot since I got it, so I apologize if this is a stupid question, but...what's the difference between batting using your front and back legs. I started playing on Amateur and I was just crushing the CPU, so I've moved up to Pro and I'm doing so-so, but it would help to understand the benefits/drawbacks of using your front and back legs. I pretty much load up on the left stick on every delivery and I block occasionally when there's a spinner up. Any help would be appreciated!

you'll find it effects where it hits on the bat, and causes you to mistime, if you e.g. play forward to a short ball - even if you play the right shot and "timing", the ball may strike the bat too high and you won't get the power, so you may be caught out.


not sure if its just me. but you appear to have more time to play shots in pro-cam and close cam, compared to far-cam

im trying to hold off switching from far cam. but its hard after i had to restart my career and still catching up to where i was before.

im still picking my shots prior to delivery for pace bowling. i dont see how there is enough time in the far-cam. will be interesting as my career progresses, if my timing window increases at the back end of the delivery in order to play a shot on its merits, or if my batter improves if the length indicator comes up earlier. or whether we are all forced to use pro or close cam for pace

for me, switching to close cam was a real epiphany, batting against pacers was so much easier... initially made spinners a bit harder for me but i have got to grips with that too. would never go back to far cam.
I would like to know why the fast bowling in the practice match is so much more lethal than in a game situation? There is so much more pace and bounce and consequently more fun. The slips actually do come into play.
When I face a very fast bowler as a batsman in the game, this is how it should feel to bowl it. Quite scary. Please give it a try and see what you think?
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I would like to know why the fast bowling in the practice match is so much more lethal than in a game situation? There is so much more pace and bounce and consequently more fun. The slips actually do come into play.
When I face a very fast bowler as a batsman in the game, this is how it should feel to bowl it. Quite scary. Please give it a try and see what you think?

We're checking everything out that people are mentioning.
We're checking everything out that people are mentioning.

I would like to add that the AI is able to place more than 2 fielders outside the circle during powerplays. In almost every match I have played, they have put atleast 3 fielders outside the circle in the first 6 overs of a T20 :)!

I believe this has already been striking it out :)!
How do I find out what sessions I'm in while playing a four day game?

Have a look at the scorecard


Is there any way to see a players rating in casual match when you go to fine tune your lineup. All I see is a list of names and with some of the downloaded teams not having lineups in place for different formats it makes it difficult to know who to pick if im using an unfamiliar team.
for me, switching to close cam was a real epiphany, batting against pacers was so much easier... initially made spinners a bit harder for me but i have got to grips with that too. would never go back to far cam.

Really? I find the far cam is the most aesthetically pleasing and have thus never tried close cam. Maybe I should give it a shot... although I'm unconfident against spin as is.

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