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Commentary is important especially in the early phases of playing a sports game, its not like COD where you can just whack on the ipod and kill zombies for 2 hours.

Not too fussed on how popular or where the commentators are from just as long as it's a real name or two. No need to go out and waist money on 6 big name callers like they did on BLC05 and end up with dodgy arcade style gameplay.

Commentary definitely adds to the authenticity and gameplay experience in my opinion.

Absolutely :)
I'm not sure what you're saying. Are you expecting a 100% perfect cricket game?

As an aside, in my opinion Madden commentary is absolutely woeful, and if you play NBA 2k for an extended period of time (especially with one team in association mode) it becomes very repetitive (naturally).

It does not matter how great the commentary is, it will get repetitive after playing the game for a while but during the initial phases it's always fun to listen.

NBA2k commentary is by far the best in sports games and like you said that gets repetitive after a while. I have been playing FIFA since 1999 and 2k commentary is far superior to anything i have heard on FIFA the last 5 years.
Its not that bro, we are just so used to it cause we never had any cricket game w/o licensed commentary but anyway cant we really expect a 100% perfect cricket game.just look at FiFA.NFL,NBA even RLL2 so why cant DB14.

unfortunately not, because the budget is less than 10% of one iteration of the games you mention, as a series those games have had 100's of millions in budget.

RLL2 is not in that same league, however DBC14 is better than RLL2 because it is an iteration of the same engine, DBC14 is the best game we have made but as I've always said, it is the first in a series and I hope that one day we can come close to the FIFA's of this world.
Just to clarify with people, I'm certainly not saying commentary isn't important (just not as big of a deal maker/breaker for me personally). I still remember commentary from the EA World Cup game in 1999, so it obviously has a lasting impact!
I'm hoping for the likes of Jim Maxwell and Kerry O'Keeffe for commentary
unfortunately not, because the budget is less than 10% of one iteration of the games you mention, as a series those games have had 100's of millions in budget.

RLL2 is not in that same league, however DBC14 is better than RLL2 because it is an iteration of the same engine, DBC14 is the best game we have made but as I've always said, it is the first in a series and I hope that one day we can come close to the FIFA's of this world.

So your are trying to say, we shouldn't expect that much from commentary ! :(
Sorry to go off topic a bit but the Blocker Dave in me can't help but notice in the screenshots Bradman does not hold the bat with his personal grip. So can I assume that he will not in the game?
I'd love to see Michael holding :):yes

How I love Michael Holding's commentary,,,the Jamaican accent makes it even more awesome :yes

But then again, those names don't come cheap, I would think he is or was in the other game, since they have the Ashes license, and he does commentary when England is playing
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How I love Michael Holding's commentary,,,the Jamaican accent makes it even more awesome :yes

But then again, those names don't come cheap, I would think he is or was in the other game, since they have the Ashes license, and he does commentary when England is playing

nah the other game confirmed i think mark nicholas, david lloyd, and michael slater.

having michael holding as part of the commentary is one of the things i would hope for, though i expect it's unlikely as i am not sure how much commentary he would do in aus.
nah the other game confirmed i think mark nicholas, david lloyd, and michael slater.

having michael holding as part of the commentary is one of the things i would hope for, though i expect it's unlikely as i am not sure how much commentary he would do in aus.

Oh ok,,,I think its unlikely too, in my cricket watching years, have never heard the man outside of England, though I long for his voice when West Indies are in play,,,,,doing Aussie, nah! don't see that happening. If it does, Wow! I'd be ecstatic(no high hopes though)

tired of Ian Bishop's voice in cricket games:noway:facepalm, Mark Nicholas has a great voice and love his commentary:yes,,,"Bumble" Lloyd is a comedian, like him too:thumbs

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