Post your questions about the game here!

Only a pirate will ask for manual installation of patches on consoles or availability on disk.:spy

Yes Im the greatest pirate of this world and you'll always remember this as the day when you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow =D
Some thing has to be done for ai bowling, we cant judge where the ball is going to land. Batting in this game is impossible.
Some thing has to be done for ai bowling, we cant judge where the ball is going to land. Batting in this game is impossible.

It is quite tough, but I like that. You need to grind out the runs. Some people just have quicker reactions than others.
The bowling doesn't seem to give you the same feeling. I am a pace bowler, sometimes bowling 90mph deliveries but it just doesn't feel like it.
When you are batting, a 90mph delivery feels quick. When you are bowling, it just doesn't.


There appears to be two animations for polishing the ball. The short one I like because it doesn't hold up the game. The longer animation holds the game a little up and could be dropped from the game. @Ross If you click the button to continue (xbox green A button) to shorted the polishing animation do you still get the benefits of polishing the ball?
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Batting is more difficult in a test match or ODI than a t20 for me. I'm more suited to getting bat on ball than defending. I can hit 150+ easily in t20 but I get bowled out for just over 100 in FC games.
Pitch conditions

Do pitch conditions actually have any impact on the game? I'm currently mid way through year 2 of my career and I'm not really noticing anything hard pitches don't seem to bounce noticeably and dusty pitches don't seem to spin more
Pitches don't seem to deteriate either
Also is there an option in game to check the status of the pitch other than the quick 10 second voice commentary at the start of a match?
Apolgies if this has been brought up previously but I have scrolled through a couple of pages of threads and not seen anything on this
Also is there an option in game to check the status of the pitch other than the quick 10 second voice commentary at the start of a match?
Apolgies if this has been brought up previously but I have scrolled through a couple of pages of threads and not seen anything on this

none that I am aware of and it is quite frustrating
That cicrcle around the ball should be visible atleast 1 second before the bowler releases the ball
That cicrcle around the ball should be visible atleast 1 second before the bowler releases the ball

The average human reaction time is between 0.15 and 0.3 seconds and you need over a second to react?
BigAnt are trying to invigorate/re-invent the cricket genre and you want to go back to the way it was?

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