Post your questions about the game here!

You know what... I figured it.

Thanks. That makes sense..

I have a question.. So am trying to create a new competition called "IPL T20" (8 team t20 league). How can I add 8 IPL teams to it? When I start that competition (after creating it in CA), it gives me option to only add some default 10+ teams (which is some mix of international & county teams).

So basically, my question is how can we add/change the participating teams in a league per our wish?

Please note that I do have all the IPL teams in my team lists.
How do u bowl at different speed's?

Can you only bowl fast, medium or slow balls???
How do you bowl at medium/fast or slow/medium pace???

Can you only bowl fast, medium or slow balls???
How do you bowl at medium/fast or slow/medium pace???


Steam id.......


Can you only bowl fast, medium or slow balls???
How do you bowl at medium/fast or slow/medium pace???


You read the manual that came with the game.....which of course you have dont you?


Mmm no answer.....strange........must be my internet couldnt be......could it.........oh my.......
Xbox 360 wireless gaming receiver? (South Africa)

Hey guys

Well as the title says...Im struggling my a$$ off trying to find the receiver to use my wireless controller on my PC. Any South Africans on here know where I can find this? Kalahari has a 3rd party seller, which Im not too sure about but otherwise nothing - Need to find one before I can even buy the game.


P.S. yeah I know this is probably the wrong place to ask, but as Im on here I thought it's worth a shot...and its all for DBC14 anyway
What (batting) camera angle do you prefer and why?

Hey there Cricketers!

I've been playing DBC14 for a few days now, and like everyone else I've had a good time. However, I'm not sure if I'm using the 'good' camera angle. Initially I went with the 'broadcast' camera angle used in traditional cricket games. With time, though, I switched to the Behind camera angle (far). I do find is quite easy to judge the ball and strike it, but it is difficult to judge the distance of a shot. At times I will feel like I've hit it over the fielder, when in fact, I have not. What angle do you use and why?
Hey there Cricketers!

I've been playing DBC14 for a few days now, and like everyone else I've had a good time. However, I'm not sure if I'm using the 'good' camera angle. Initially I went with the 'broadcast' camera angle used in traditional cricket games. With time, though, I switched to the Behind camera angle (far). I do find is quite easy to judge the ball and strike it, but it is difficult to judge the distance of a shot. At times I will feel like I've hit it over the fielder, when in fact, I have not. What angle do you use and why?

This might be strange for most folks here, but personally, I use broadcast view for fast and fast/medium bowlers, and far bowling view for medium and spin bowlers......

For some reason, I see the fast bowlers ball and line a lot easier, to such an extent,that I have just enough time to react to a ball quickly.....With only blocks being premeditated (and that's just to get my reaction time ready for when a new fast bowler is introduced, after another style bowler).
Making career mode a bit quicker

I've been playing a lot of career mode and love it, apart from having to stand at the non-strikers end and watch my teammate play ineptly! I can understand why you'd want to play non-striker if going for a full immersion experience, but frankly I find it quite boring. Would be great to have:
- simulation when not facing - option to simulate balls when you are non-striker. I guess this could lead to losing your wicket via runout but I would take that over spending half my playtime watching the PC battle it out.
- failing this, striker making the calls for balls in front of the wicket - I find that I cannot easily tell if a cover drive/on drive has beaten the field, so we miss singles or take crazy ones because I got an itchy trigger finger.
- also an option to auto-simulate - simulate every time it is possible to do so by default.


bleh meant this to be a new post.
This might be strange for most folks here, but personally, I use broadcast view for fast and fast/medium bowlers, and far bowling view for medium and spin bowlers......

I do something similar. I go for the Pro mode while facing the medium fast/fast bowlers and switch to the default view for spinners. The pro mode seems to be giving me that little fraction of a second extra to chose the right footwork and shot.
Does anyone know if any DLC is planned for DBC to be released in the future?
Steam ID: sauvir84

Guys is there an option of selecting the user team in the competition. I am not able to figure out how do I play all the matches for a single team:noway. By the way I am enjoying bowling for the first time in a cricket game:yes.
why cant i start a new thread any more

Can anyone help, I can only post questions

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