Post your questions about the game here!

It's probably a bit soon to give your views then. Did your 'friend' not explain the controls to you?

yes he did.I agree it's a bit soon to give my views.But i just given my views of what i have seen.Controls part i agree i may be wrong as i din't played properly.
yes he did.I agree it's a bit soon to give my views.But i just given my views of what i have seen.Controls part i agree i may be wrong as i din't played properly.

If you didn't know how to control the direction of the delivery I'm surprised that your friend didn't tell you. If you want to swing the ball you have to allow for the swing when you deliver it.
What format is your friends game?
If you didn't know how to control the direction of the delivery I'm surprised that your friend didn't tell you. If you want to swing the ball you have to allow for the swing when you deliver it.
What format is your friends game?

He's having it in dvd.He just given me info when i needed.
I think it is about time people started to help people on these forums instead of berating them at the first opportunity.

Until proven otherwise that is.
I think it is about time people started to help people on these forums instead of berating them at the first opportunity.

I think it is about time people started to help people on these forums instead of berating them at the first opportunity.

There is literally bucket loads of info all over the place, not least of all the massive header at the top of the page. Sometimes you have to help yourself too.
I think it is about time people started to help people on these forums instead of berating them at the first opportunity.

That's exactly what happens when legit people have legit questions about the gameplay. Not when some dude plays the game "at a friends house" and makes a whole bunch of snap-judgements on a game he:

din't played properly. in closing. Happy to give people with legitimate queries about the game as much assitance as they need, as is the majority of the forum. Not going to bother helping suspicious sounding people that play "at a friends house" who didn't bother to ask said friend for the 3mins it takes to read the manual or play in the nets for a bit to get a handle of the controls.

You're welcome.
I think it is about time people started to help people on these forums instead of berating them at the first opportunity.

Until proven otherwise that is.

That's fair enough but the game controls are explained in the manual and in the game.
That's exactly what happens when legit people have legit questions about the gameplay. Not when some dude plays the game "at a friends house" and makes a whole bunch of snap-judgements on a game he: in closing. Happy to give people with legitimate queries about the game as much assitance as they need, as is the majority of the forum. Not going to bother helping suspicious sounding people that play "at a friends house" who didn't bother to ask said friend for the 3mins it takes to read the manual or play in the nets for a bit to get a handle of the controls.

You're welcome.

I always like to give people the benefit of the doubt though...

Your welcome too!
Im all for helping people out no issue there.

If he had said "I have read the manual, but I am still struggling to be bale to bowl efficiently can anyone help", I would be more than happy to assist him.

However when someone come out with comments like that and has not even read the manual then, well yeah, not wasting my time I'm afraid. :noway
So, you dont have the game....played it at a friend's place without reading the manuals...and your first impressions are full of rubbish??? all adds up now!!


Hmm...that didnt sound too right :p


Neither did this sound right :p

My first impressions might be rubbish.But i just given my views of what i have seen and felt, if you feel suspicious go on and say what ever you want.All i can say is i don't have the game yet and just played in my friends home and given my views if you feel suspicion about that i cannot explain and change your opinion.
i dont hv an Steam Id..!!
i download this Game from a Torrent Link..!!
Game Works Fine
But my Gamepads Right Analog is not working
How can i fix?
My first impressions might be rubbish.But i just given my views of what i have seen and felt, if you feel suspicious go on and say what ever you want.All i can say is i don't have the game yet and just played in my friends home and given my views if you feel suspicion about that i cannot explain and change your opinion.

People on here always get suspicious when someone says they have a friend, because most of them don't. ;)

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