Quarter finals - England vs Portugal

Eriksson droning about how much they've practiced penalties seemed full of ****. I say Carraghar sure as hell didn't practice penalties.
Neither team deserved to win but neither deserved to lose. Who'd have thought that Owen Hargreaves would be our best player and the only one to score a penalty. All our sporting hopes now lie with a Scotsman at Wimbledon now.
Geez that Lampard was bad. Can't shoot, can't take a penalty, what can the Chelsea boy do? Unlucky for Carragher to have to take his shot again but he should have listened.
England were the better team with Rooney on but once he left Portugal had far more chances but couldn't convert. Still good effort by them given they were missing a few players.
See I told everyone, rooney is waist of space in the squad, LMAO sorry english people but you got abit over confident over rooney, OK he is only a player like others, great reffree yes it was a RED card. The only time I was crying was when Gerrard missed, such a Legend missed.
i cried and cried and cried some more why doesnt it ever go our way i think that even though both teams played not so good we played better than Portugal and Ronaldo what a ********************* i cant believe he would do somthing like that but in the end of the day we had most of our good players injured or sent off well im not looking forward to next World Cup were going to loose again i bet!!!

Well played to England anyway!!!
Bad performance by England, simple as. Rooney fully deserved his red card - he's an amazing player, but I really do despair about his temprament sometimes.
england played well with 10 men but loosing in penalties for the 3rd time now certainly takes the piss!! well anyway England footy season is over bring on the cricket.... Pakistan!!!
Finally now all the hype can go, and those England car flags can go down.

Much better watching Wimbledon or the cricket, Andy Murray!!!!!!!!
Does anyone know the reason Rooney got sent off? Was it for the tackle of the push? I'm not moaning but i wanna know... either way he shouldn't of got sent off..
Seemed to be the push the ref didnt even look at Roo till he did that. Ronaldo deserved a thump though, he's an absolute disgrace.
aussie1st said:
It was the push on his team mate Ronaldo.

No it wasn't, he stamped between the legs of a Portugese player on the ground, then pushed Ronaldo away as Ronaldo was no doubt pointing this out to the referee.
No intent? I'm not sure. My first impression was that it was deilberate, haven't seen a reply since hearing the view it might have been accidental. There was no doubt in my mind before that, but I'd now like to see it again.

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