Review Retail Version Impressions Thread

I now have my first MASSIVE concern!

After the AI scoring 350+ in test matches!

They can now no longer get over 100!! and this is without run outs!

So now simulation is the only way of getting a realistic match! Very worrying!
What? This is a good thing, you don't have to make changes. Now that i know this i may see if i can improve the aussie side/make changes to make them harder to beat in the second test at lords.


This is rubbish because it destroys the illusion that you are competing against the A.I. In FIFA if you face Man Utd in the Champions League final, you can't change the line-up so Rooney isn't playing. It just doesn't make sense.

Maybe it does to some extent in exhibition mode, so you can play the exact teams that played in real life, but in the 'main' game mode it is quite shocking if you ask me.
will the AI ever declare an innings after scoring enough runs in the first innings..?
or is it necessary for us to make them all out..?

havnt read anything on this yet..!
so as usual the threads are turning towards negative comments even after many positive points in the beggining..a lot of annoyed buyers after the game release is a usual sight wen it comes to cricket games..!
anyway i thank codemasters for continuing to annoy us cricket fans :D
and well for transmission games thanks for trying , beter luck next time :facepalm
That was what I'm saying a few pages back. Most part of the bowling in this game is really enjoyable. To take wickets you need to vary your line and length.. like setting up the batsman for the wicket-taking ball. I guess people were always trying to bowl in the good-length area and after a while the CPU got to them because of same line n length. Also I guess they were bowling in the green zones for variation and got smacked. This is the mistake I also did with the demo and only after playing 15-20 matches I realised that there are good to medium quality zones for every delivery and length.
BTW I am talking from my experience on the demo. Has'nt laid my hand on the game yet.

Yeah I dont know why people are complaining about not getting fact its sort of getting much easier. Last game I played I got England out on hard mode for 179 and 127 at a rate of under 4rpo. You just have to think like a bowler...has an awesome over with siddle where I bowled 5 short ones and then speared in a full off-cutter and bowled Swan! He was waiting for another short one on the backfoot.
Yeah I dont know why people are complaining about not getting fact its sort of getting much easier. Last game I played I got England out on hard mode for 179 and 127 at a rate of under 4rpo. You just have to think like a bowler...has an awesome over with siddle where I bowled 5 short ones and then speared in a full off-cutter and bowled Swan! He was waiting for another short one on the backfoot.

I long for a cricket game where the AI plays each ball on its merits.
@Kamy - I found it totally horrible at first bowling to the AI but now I understand the bowling a bit more I can restrict them without just bowling in the same place on the wrong length. Hard to stop the AI going crazy though; I had WI scoring at 3.8 p/o after about 20 overs and suddenly everything I bowled was being whacked for 4 or 6 and the R/R shot up to 7 rpo. Brendan Nash (!) scored 49 off 17 balls in a test match with me bowling the same way as before.

This is annoying me too. They always seem to go along at a healthy 3/4 run rate up until about 20 overs in where the batsmen start to just mercilessly attack everything no matter how I bowl or what field I set. And spinners are just pointless; everything just gets clobbered!

Don't really know how I can keep playing Test matches like this but the on-dayers are still class I reckon.
This is annoying me too. They always seem to go along at a healthy 3/4 run rate up until about 20 overs in where the batsmen start to just mercilessly attack everything no matter how I bowl or what field I set. And spinners are just pointless; everything just gets clobbered!

Don't really know how I can keep playing Test matches like this but the on-dayers are still class I reckon.

Same here really. Had an overnight save with the Aussies at 38/0 after 15 overs and then after losing a wicket they decide to go mental and I have them all out for 147. 4 run outs in that and the rest were catches. Clarke got 33 off 14 balls ffs.

If this carries on then I will be returning it on Monday morning.
It's so stupid. Marcus North came in and scored a 50 of 21 deliveries, hitting his first ball for 6 and his second one for 4. It's just not Test cricket.
Now that i have grip of things in the game. I can get the AI out under 70runs evertime. Offside field,

1 slip
1 Gully
Short Cover
Deep Point
Deep Cover
Mid off
Mid On

Bowl quite fullish length AI will give you catch at point and short cover everytime.
Now that i have grip of things in the game. I can get the AI out under 70runs evertime. Offside field,

1 slip
1 Gully
Short Cover
Deep Point
Deep Cover
Mid off
Mid On

Bowl quite fullish length AI will give you catch at point and short cover everytime.

Yeah massive problem! you can role the AI easily!!

wealey88 added 1 Minutes and 46 Seconds later...

Quite disappointing to read this from you. You were one of the person saying the game is realistic and fun to play.

Still fun but im very confused!! I mean i role AI out for 90 in ashes test! The play SA v AUS is one dayer and the AI are 135-3 after 25 overs! Which is perfect really!

I cant work it out at all!!... if all was like the ODI would be perfect!

However i updated the SA skills so they are on par with Australia now!

But im massivly concerned then in tests you can role the AI with a few fielding positions!:doh

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