Review Retail Version Impressions Thread

Mix it up then and stop being so boring lol!!!! Or take your copy back lol! iv had countless edges to keeper lbw's etc!!

I find that hard to believe. I've played the game for over ten hours (on hard) and only had LBW's occur due to the bug where the computer plays with the wrong footwork to a full ball or you get a bowled through the same thing.

I didn't buy the game, as I don't buy computer games, so the game being a bit of a dud offline really doesn't concern me. It is just a real shame that the promises which were made (speeds, created players playing in the Ashes et cetera) were not fulfilled and a game which feels unfinished was released.

As I said, there is a good computer game there but it needs work, particular on the basics to capture the real essence and nature of cricket.

TT Boy added 1 Minutes and 3 Seconds later...

I love medium pacers bowling a nagging line and length.

55mph half volleys?
TTboy when did you get the game? because if you've spent 10 hours playing a game that isn't officially released till tommorow you really need to get a life and go out more. 10 hours in a few days???? jesus!!!!
Wohoo India won 184 in just 14.2 overs playing on Hard mode got an unlock Harare stadium. for winning a T20 on a hard mode.
Score summary India
184/6 in 14.2 overs If anyone wants to play on xbox live can you please send me a PM
Yuvraj 60(21)
Dhoni 31(20)
Raina 26(11)
Sehwag 24(11)
Pathan 24(15)
TTboy when did you get the game? because if you've spent 10 hours playing a game that isn't officially released till tommorow you really need to get a life and go out more. 10 hours in a few days???? jesus!!!!


Got a life, pretty good actually but it isn't in the UK, hence why I'm playing far too much X-Box.

Cheers. :sarcasm
I wish there would be pad-bats sometimes instead of bat-pads all the time.
Burnsy1 :facepalm
So he played a game for 10 hours cause he like it, some people on cod 4 have had 50 days playing time on there online, some people watch test cricket for 5 days 11 am - 7 pm, there nothing wrong with that cause they like cricket,so playing a game for 10 hours, nothing's wrong with that.. maybe he was ill and he couldn't go out so he had nothing else to do. so shut up
Hmm thats why they kept the bowling speeds down as AI cannt handle anything over 85mph :( A brilliant strategy never the less as I am sure they will release the patch in a weeks time when people will be more focus on online play instead with the AI.
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yes but 10 hours, in 2 days. thats ridiculous. Fair enough he's not in his home country atm but still, there's other things to do.
yes but 10 hours, in 2 days. thats ridiculous. Fair enough he's not in his home country atm but still, there's other things to do.

stop judging people.

on topic: It seems the negative reviews are starting to balance out the great positives we have had so far.

Is it true that the AI cannot handle fast bowlers? and that bowler speeds have been adjusted because of this? Or were they just lazy and did not change them?

One thing is for certain, if they do not release an official patch for this, people will go ape ████
yes but 10 hours, in 2 days. thats ridiculous. Fair enough he's not in his home country atm but still, there's other things to do.

I would be playing the game a lot more than that mate when I get it tomorrow. It is not that just because some one does not have a life that he plays a game that long. It is because we love the game and would play all day if we could. :)
yes but 10 hours, in 2 days. thats ridiculous. Fair enough he's not in his home country atm but still, there's other things to do.

Mate, tomorrow when the test is on, I'll be playing the game and watching the match, so whats that? 11AM to 7PM, thats 8hrs, and i'll probably have a few games after that. You calling me sad?
Look at the standard of other cricket games of late, Steve. (It is Steve, isn't it?) It is a decent cricket game. The biggest problem is the AI, which goes from clever to idiotic quicker than Stephen Fry being hit over the head with an anville.

This game will split opinions. I will buy the game for PC, I'm not so sure I'd spend ?35-40 on it the for the PS3/360. Then again, I do know I have the option of the PC version, which is half the price. (That isn't a nag I fully understand the costs of development being the reason for different prices on platforms.)

I like the game, but I can so easily hate it. It's just not consistent and misses a key feature in stat tracking and feels rushed with some things which would not have got through any half decent testing programme. It's that feeling of, "I'm playing a really good cricket game" to "I hate this, it's as bad as some of the other efforts of late", in the matter of a few balls, which reflects the 68% score. It's decent.

I think it's the number more than anything else - I've got used to scores like 68% to mean 'not worth bothering with'. Probably reading PC Gamer too much. So 'decent' 68% in your view will probably mean about 78% in PC Gamer's view.

Do you think there will be patches?

Not that my order will arrive any time soon: the ****** Royal Mail is going on bloody strike tomorrow.
stop judging people.

on topic: It seems the negative reviews are starting to balance out the great positives we have had so far.

Is it true that the AI cannot handle fast bowlers? and that bowler speeds have been adjusted because of this? Or were they just lazy and did not change them?

One thing is for certain, if they do not release an official patch for this, people will go ape ████

I was bowling with Freddie and got spanked for 24 off an over.
:hpraise got the game today and i must say im very impressed.....had a couple of good close 20/20 games online .....( not a hint of any run out or stumping bug )

im playing on ps3 and it all runs pretty smoothly

cant get the hang of this catching business......drop so many , i know the system ...just doesnt seem to stay on green long enough talking split seconds.....

gotta remember to be patient at time cause if ya go into game even 20/20 gun ho you'll find yourself 5 down before ya know it

edges are the only real dissapointment for me so far.....very very random.....

jaynffc added 7 Minutes and 57 Seconds later...

sorry can i just add the fielding is pretty slack as well .....sometimes taking an age to release the ball......and i'd say 75% of the time they spill a bouncing ball around the boundry

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