1. Come in the top 4 of my league
2. Not lose any of my PC league matches, with the possible exception of Borncricketer
3. Attempt to pull a decent batsman and train him if I get one, unfortunately sacrifing Stone and Alder's nets
4. Earn some money for my next big purchase
5. Progress far enough in the cup to earn at least 2 home games
Lets see how I did...
1. Yup, would have been higher had I not risked GFI'ing a game which I lost and mashed my fitness for the next few weeks.
2. Close, lost to Borncricketer and the Rabbitohs, but only because of Dawson.
3. Didn't manage that one.
4. Well, sort of, I'm above ?1 million again.
5. Nope, knocked out in the third round with no home games.
For season 8:
1. Finish in the top 4 of my league.
2. Win all my Planetcricket league matches.
3. I will be pulling batsmen with the hope of getting 2 Respectable's I can train.
4. Get my bank balance above ?1.6 million and keep it there.
5. Support Mark Ludlam in England's U19 team.
6. If FC games come in, finish in the top 4 to avoid any possibility of relagation.
7. Win my BT20 group on 3 TIE's.
8. Use spare nets made available by Ludlam's reduced training to finish some training I've had to abandon in the past: Stone bowling to Superb, Stiles bowling to Proficient, Alder bowling to Remarkable, and work on Dodd's stamina.