Season Goals

Here are my season 8 goals.

1) Stay in Div 5
2) Improve the bowling attack
3) Stay above 1 mill
4) Chavhanga getting a 500 average
5) Have at least a 50% success rate in FC.

1) Looking good just need to throw my promotion match if I stay first
Edit: Definitely in Div 5 finished 2nd!
2) Check
3) Check
4) :(
5) Done with me even rigging some
Syl was that 500 average in FC or OD?

Because I have a surprise for you :p

1. Meyer (BFN Bombers) 7 7 5 1104 244 552.00 113.2 0 6 41 3
Season 8:

1) Atleast in top 5 of Battrick League
2) Play-off of PC league
3) Start training a 17yo spinner traiee for pakistan u-19
4) Save a lot of money too buy atleast a remerkable bowler by the end of season.
5) Survive FC. To be in atleast top 3 postions of my league.
6) Atleast play 5 rounds of battrick cup.

1) Finished 6th :(
2) no more PC league
3) did train a spinner but not for u-19 he is going gooood
4) changed my plan halfway now i need a batsman looking for a remerkable or quality with good secondries got 6 mill
5) Finished 4th :(
6) Did that
1. Promote to Div. V.
2. Make sure that every player in the first XI has proficient+ primaries.
3. Find a good wicket-keeper.

Also, I hope that Eli has a good WC.

1. Did so for FC, but not for OD.
2. Failed miserably. I ended up with three sensational players, one respectable, and the rest abysmal or below.
3. Nope.
:O 3 sensational...

my highest primary is only wonderful.
though i hav
2 wonderful (both bowlers)
2 remerkablef (both batsmans)
4 quality (2 batsmans 2 bowlers. one batsman also has quality keeping)
1 strong (bowler)
1 proficient (batsman)
1 competent (batsman)
1 mediocre (batsman)

So Eli is sensational now. Great achievment.....only 19yo
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For season 8:

1. Finish in the top 4 of my league.
2. Win all my Planetcricket league matches.
3. I will be pulling batsmen with the hope of getting 2 Respectable's I can train.
4. Get my bank balance above ?1.6 million and keep it there.
5. Support Mark Ludlam in England's U19 team.
6. If FC games come in, finish in the top 4 to avoid any possibility of relagation.
7. Win my BT20 group on 3 TIE's.
8. Use spare nets made available by Ludlam's reduced training to finish some training I've had to abandon in the past: Stone bowling to Superb, Stiles bowling to Proficient, Alder bowling to Remarkable, and work on Dodd's stamina.

Time for marking:

1. Check, finished third.
2. Not sure and can't be bothered to check. However, I have won all my games so far in the new PC league so that'll do as a yes (altough a tough game against Briggsey tomorrow!)
3. That didn't happen.
4. Yep, done that.
5. Again completed.
6. Nope, finished fifth which I was really pleased with considering how hard my league was.
7. Think so, can't remember.
8. Got Alder to remarkable and working on Dodd's stamina, didn't have enough nets for the other two.

Season 9 goals:

1. Pull/buy 2 17YO batting trainees and give them 2 batting nets each.
2. Win my FC league.
3. Top 2 finish in my OD league.
4. Reach the 5th round of the cup.
5. Keep saving money and buy a Quality+ batsman if I get enough money.
Season 9 Goals:

All Mediocre Ratings
Potential U-19 player (Unlikely)
Do well in my new FC League, but don't promote
Get a million bucks.
1. Promote to div 3 in OD
2. Competant middle order and spin
3. End top two in FC
4. Get a min of 4 votes in U-19 election campaign
Season 9 Goals:
1. Play atleast 5 rounds of Cup
2. Finish in top 4 of my OD league
3. Finish second if not top in my FC league
4. Make atleast a million from YA pulls
5. Replace Dulay m and possibly Hudson with atleast wonderful players.
1. Finish in the top 4 in OD III.15, assuming Volde calculated it properly. :p
2. Avoid demotion from Div III in FC
3. Get back upto max interest and stay financially strong.
4. Pull 3 profitable youth pulls for sale.
5. Improve parts of my squad I neglected.
Season 9 goals
1) Play 4 rounds of cup
2) Finish top 2 in FC
3) Stay in Div 5 of OD
4) Pull a good bowler
5) Train a good bowler
Season 9 goals

Stay in same divisions
Get rid of rubbish players and get stats up to mediocre
Learn how to make money
Season 9 Goals

1) Go past Second Round of Cup.
2) Get promoted in OD, if not finish in Top 2
3) Top 2 of FC
4) Expand my ground (filling out in OD)
5) Get my academy up to Superb
6) Pull one good batsmen, one good fast bowler, at least one with U/19 potential
7) Train those pulls well
8) Keep max interest (most of the season)
9) Play Hadland, Pearse and Dunn more because chances are they won't be getting trained at all.
10) Hadland = 50 OD Wickets, Dunn = 800 runs + 25 w/k catches, Pearse = 300 runs + 25 wickets, Lampard = 600 runs

10 Goals. I reckon the hardest will be 6,8 and 10. If I can get 7 or more goals correct it will be a good season, I hope.
My season 8 goals

1) Get back into the millions
2) Unbeaten in OD
3) 4th or better in FC
4) Buy better bowlers (for training if possible)

1) Nowhere near
2) Yep, 14 wins
3) 1st
4) Yes, got seam upto proficient

Season 9 goals

1) Get back into the millions
2) 4th or better in OD
3) 4th or better in FC
4) Round 3 of the cup
5) Increase batting strenght
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