Super 8: 20th Match England v India

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96 from 13! We are recovering. But the next two/three overs will decide the game. Go India! And strange batting lineup. Why is Colly coming this low down the order and basically a bowler, like Dimi is batting at no 4? Also what was KP doing at 3? Isn't he a no 4?
^ I wish you keep on only imagining. Hope it never turns to reality. Anyway, it will be nothing you think it will be. People will shout for one/two days, and then will move on with life again. BTW, why do you want that India should be knocked out? Support us at least once. :p

No need to such supporters. Let me keep hating India. We dont mind!
Come on England have a bloody swing then, singles aren't good enough at this stage.
Suddenly, the ball again is on India's court. Even after getting such a flamboyant start, took you guys this long to cross!!
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