Super 8: 20th Match England v India

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6 :eek: Surely we can't lose it from here?

I'll do what I normally do here and put this into perspective;

We are England. We are good at losing. We can lose from any position because we are England. It's what we do, it's what all England teams do. We haven't won until it's finished. We are England. Never ever ever forget that. Ever.
Game Over.


England: My new favourtie team.
Well, we've won! Matt, your philosophy has loopholes! :p
Tell you who to blame. Harbhajan - 5 wides off the last ball.
Yup. Poor day in the field for us. Good job to England. India didn't deserve to win. You can't deserve to win a tournament if you can't play short ball.

England win by 3 runs. Bhajji's probably feeling really bad. :/
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