Wow, come back overnight to find all these posts
. Can someone confirm for me who is now the reserve for the teams that got one as I got very confused as to what were the final decisions reading through there
The only problem I see with that is players end up in constant bidding wars and players prices become hugely inflated. The idea was to have the public rounds to start with to allow people to boost the price a bit and get a general feeling for the market and then bid what they are willing to go for in the private rounds.
The problem with a live auction is I think we'll find it VERY hard to find a time when all of us are online. The idea of this auction was that each round could take place over a period of a few days and people just send in their bids (discussed next paragraph
) and it doesn't make a difference then if you're the first bidder or last.
I'm happy to let someone else handle the bidding if they want to but it will be quite a lot of working going through taking down everyones bid and working out who has the highest then inputting that into a spreadsheet and stuff. The other alternative is I send my bids to an someone unrelated to the tournament just before the auctions start who can them confirm I'm not cheating
Also hopefully a new feature will come with the game allowing us some way around boosting players other then trust
Thanks everyone
Edit : I believe we are still waiting for the following to confirm :