TAOC - Commentary Lines

jk16_4 said:
no problem! yeah.. the blending stuff is much to our advantage :)

btw guys, i did some commentary.. its more like EA (Richie) Style..
although my voice isnt that smooth or silky but ah well..
just did it for fun :)

I laughed and cried while I listened to that tragic recording. :(
On a happier note, good work on your stint at commentating JK. Great work. The EA Sports' cut-paste commentary method (aka Richie style) worked very well indeed.
On a sadder note, I can't stop laughing! :D
jk16_4 said:
no problem! yeah.. the blending stuff is much to our advantage :)

btw guys, i did some commentary.. its more like EA (Richie) Style..
although my voice isnt that smooth or silky but ah well..
just did it for fun :)


Some more plz...

Why dont you start a thread in the "Humor & Jokes" section and post samples like this? :p

Sorry, nothing to degrade or disrespect U but it was funny listening to that! Hope u dont mind!
duffarama said:
Gday Paul,

Using my high quality microphone I have saved an example of the same piece of commentary in various bitrates and it would be of great help to me if you could choose which one best fits your standards.
Enjoy! :)
I think 128 is pretty good for voice, although personally I love using ogg vorbis for audio, very good quality at low bit rates, but would be fine with mp3.
duffarama said:
Gday Paul,
So I can start ripping out lines for the commentary, I was wondering what you would like the quality of each sound file should be.
Using my high quality microphone I have saved an example of the same piece of commentary in various bitrates and it would be of great help to me if you could choose which one best fits your standards.
I am guessing you will be selecting a bitrate based upon both quality and filesize.
Here is a direct like to the zipfile.

Depending on the quality of each commentators' microphones, sound quality and bitrate will differ obviously. It would probably be a good idea that the other commentators do this as well.

You are doing a very fine job regarding the game and I commend you for your efforts so far. Keep up the good work and us PlanetCricket members are behind you 100% all the way.

Enjoy! :)

sorry for the late reply

i have not yet given a lot of thought to sound formats etc. and i really need to do a bit more investigation...I would really like to use Ogg, but in order for that to work, users would need the codecs installed on their systems in order to hear it properly, whereas everyone has mp3 codecs ;)

in terms of bitrate i'd like 160 or 192 but file sizes are an issue, so 128 may have to do...in any case it will require some samples...Duff, i'll have a suss of your samples and also test some out and see what will be acceptable...hmm..the more i think about it though, commentary is not necessarily ever really clean (in real life tv broadcasts), so perhaps 128 could be ok...i'll need to test it...

will get back to you as soon as poss.

whitehornmatt said:
I think 128 is pretty good for voice, although personally I love using ogg vorbis for audio, very good quality at low bit rates, but would be fine with mp3.
Cheers bud. Looks like 128K is probably the way to go then for my commentary. Hopefully Paul agrees with us. :)
Yeah, I've heard about ogg vorbis. Wikipedia use that for 'spoken text' articles, so obviously they want to save bandwidth whilst having adequate quality. I'm used to the mp3 format, so I'll stick with that.
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saisrini80 said:
Some more plz...

Why dont you start a thread in the "Humor & Jokes" section and post samples like this? :p

Sorry, nothing to degrade or disrespect U but it was funny listening to that! Hope u dont mind!

LOL !! thanx.. actually.. that was made to be funny
and i am glad that you found it that way :)
i never did the commentary on a serious note

awaiting more views from you guys ;)

legend_master said:
sorry for the late reply

i have not yet given a lot of thought to sound formats etc. and i really need to do a bit more investigation...I would really like to use Ogg, but in order for that to work, users would need the codecs installed on their systems in order to hear it properly, whereas everyone has mp3 codecs

in terms of bitrate i'd like 160 or 192 but file sizes are an issue, so 128 may have to do...in any case it will require some samples...Duff, i'll have a suss of your samples and also test some out and see what will be acceptable...hmm..the more i think about it though, commentary is not necessarily ever really clean (in real life tv broadcasts), so perhaps 128 could be ok...i'll need to test it...

will get back to you as soon as poss.

No problems about the delayed reply. You have good reason to me late my friend.
In regarding to ogg vorbis codecs, I think that the installation could install them, as well as the game itself. No problems there.
Yes, bitrates of 160K and 192K are quite clean but I couldn't really see a big drop in quality (well with my recordings anyway) when comparing to 128K. It also depends on how big you want your installation file to be really.
Enjoy listening to the samples that I uploaded... as mentioned before, background noises such as the crowd and as you said the cleanliness of real life tv broadcast audio - they will have a significant effect in helping the 'dirtyness' of a recording not apparent.
So I guess in that case, we don't have to have a perfect sounding recordings.
Cheers and awaiting your next reply. :p
Well just to forward my case for ogg, here is a selection of commentary in the various ogg levels, as well as a 128kb mp3 to compare. The 0 one is the lowest level, acording to a program I have it equals around 58kb, and sounds just as good in my opinion as the 128kb mp3, and half the size (it adds up after a while)
If you can't play oggs on your system this page may help: http://www.vorbis.com/setup/
If you want to make oggs:
http://www.vorbis.com/software/ (includes conversion tools)

Also MP3 has patents and stuff involved which could get annoying. As noted here http://www.vorbis.com/faq/#_dev

I'm a little bit passionate about this as you might have guessed
Muhammad Saad said:
HI JK u did a great job on mimicing Richie ,
But dont tell me that u r going to be commentator on TCP,

thanx ! :)

LOL ! haha.. i guess you didnt like my voice ;)
ah well.. i dont blame you :p
I suppose using the voices of T.V. commentators won't be a bad idea with the crowd noise in background.Maybe if some one has dvd of cricket matches...Ashes series or the world cup one that might be helpful.
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duffarama said:
Cheers bud. Looks like 128K is probably the way to go then for my commentary. Hopefully Paul agrees with us. :)
Yeah, I've heard about ogg vorbis. Wikipedia use that for 'spoken text' articles, so obviously they want to save bandwidth whilst having adequate quality. I'm used to the mp3 format, so I'll stick with that.

Yes ogg vorbis is the way to go.in fact many professional gaming studios have switched to ogg vorbis.
mp3 is now only a legacy.Only used for ripping songs, that too by people who do not know about various other formats.
whitehornmatt said:
Well just to forward my case for ogg, here is a selection of commentary in the various ogg levels, as well as a 128kb mp3 to compare. The 0 one is the lowest level, acording to a program I have it equals around 58kb, and sounds just as good in my opinion as the 128kb mp3, and half the size (it adds up after a while)
If you can't play oggs on your system this page may help: http://www.vorbis.com/setup/
If you want to make oggs:
http://www.vorbis.com/software/ (includes conversion tools)

Also MP3 has patents and stuff involved which could get annoying. As noted here http://www.vorbis.com/faq/#_dev

I'm a little bit passionate about this as you might have guessed.
Thanks for your effort for putting that together Matt. I was very impressed regarding the quality 0 clip and if it is 58K as you say it is... well now we have our commentary format indeed.

blackleopard92 said:
Yes ogg vorbis is the way to go.in fact many professional gaming studios have switched to ogg vorbis.
mp3 is now only a legacy.Only used for ripping songs, that too by people who do not know about various other formats.
Good point. I mean, why don't people have most of their songs in .ogg format? Maybe my podcast should even be in .ogg format when you think about it. Is there any reason for why the mp3 format is still so popular?
duffarama said:
Thanks for your effort for putting that together Matt. I was very impressed regarding the quality 0 clip and if it is 58K as you say it is... well now we have our commentary format indeed.
I have found out the 58k is a rough benchmark, it could be slightly over (up to 10%) or under, depending on how dificult it is to maintain quality, things with large vocal ranges would need more than a beep. Which means if you get very excited it won't sound horrible.

And yes your podcast should be in ogg, Although I normally offer a choice of mp3 and ogg, but use lower quality on the mp3. If I do one only I use mp3, because most people can't play oggs on their system.
That and oggs save me bandwidth. Like it would for the cricket project.

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