You can do it like the Pakistan player. Run half the pitch and then start walking.
ya thats a great idea u should have a option if u hit the ball and fielder is on the bounday just make the batsman run half way then just walk

You can do it like the Pakistan player. Run half the pitch and then start walking.
well agree i have an idea in test stamina should not go down really fast since u dont need to sprint in test or hard and in test the stamania should recover after the break like lunch
It is essential for the Pakistan team. Otherwise it wouldn't be realisiticThat's correct. Stamina will go down slowly, but also depends on how much running you do and big hits etc. Defensive strokes will help to replenish stamina and lunch / tea / overnight breaks etc will restore stamina. Weather will also effect stamina.
regarding the running between wickets, i really would like to include the walk/sprint option for running, but as it is not essential i cant give a yes or no on that just yet...but definately something im considering.
Plus, each umpire will have individual stats, with weaknesses that will mean some umpires have a tendency to give more 'dodgy calls' than others.
I think you should have to say "no", and if you don't, you run the risk of your team-mate half-starting a run or something. Would be tricky to implement well but it would be good IMHO.
What, like speak into a microphone and say yes?
What, like speak into a microphone and say yes?
Still working hard, guys...please be patient...ill maybe try and post a few pix just for fun, but it wont show much new stuff, maybe just some stills of some of the new batsman reactions and keeper moves. Oh yeah, batsman now looks back in disappointment when bowled, looks back when edged and reacts when hit in the body - did i mention full body collision is now enabled for the batsman?