The cooking thread

Can you cook?

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Here's what i cook when ever I get hungry.


Grab the stuff from the box, pour it in a bowl, add some milk - juice and some fruit on the side and you are done. Good any time of the day.

Yeah, i've been enjoying muesli lately.

your kids will love cereal.
I really need to learn to cook proper food, not just things that can be popped in the oven. :)
Without sounding arrogant, I'm always happy to give advice on food. I do chef occasionally.
Woof! Just came to my favorite section:D:D. But unlike you all, I'm a veggie!
I just make Biryani often:p, but too much is too bad! I've stopped making that since a month:yes.
Refreshing old thread...
Anyone grilling yet? I just did last weekend and tried this recipe for chicken kebabs (thats the source). Really great ;]
I've never understood trying to eat food off skewers - they don't work. Just fry it up and put it in a bowl I say.

My main problem in cooking - if I get a recipe exactly right once, or get something to taste brilliant, I can never repeat it. I even can't get things right if I use the same mixture - if I'm cooking something in batches I'll get one perfect and burn the next one.

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