The Quitters / Disconnections Problem

What is the technical correlation behind this because I don't see it - it would have to be coincidence I think. Also I don't own another PS3 game...
What is the technical correlation behind this because I don't see it - it would have to be coincidence I think. Also I don't own another PS3 game...

I have no idea mate, this method is not my creation. Microsoft told me to play some other game online then insert the IC2010 game and try playing it online and I did the worked.
I think we need as much information as possible over what is causing it. 6s over mid on have been mentioned a lot.
I'm sure I've hit 6s elsewhere without a disconnect and in the last 5 over game I played he was hitting 6s to every part of the ground.
Can people describe the exact shot they were playing for each disconnect.
Last night I hit 2 sixes over long on - one against CaptainOz and one against DSB and it caused disconnection.

Also, in one game CaptainOZ drove the ball along the ground to long on and as soon as the ball rolled over the ropes it disconnected the game.

So it might not be limited to lofted shots
So let's only play defensive shots, right? :p

I think it has to do with the ball going into the crowd especially over long on. Whenever the ball is hit there the camera trys to focus into the pants of a member of the crowd and then it hangs for a couple of seconds and then disconnects.

Maybe they're just not throwing the ball back into play...
The 2nd match with Oz, we decided only to play ground shots to avoid the bug, obviously that does not work either :facepalm

I bet that even if they do patch it, it will not be until after the Australian release

Mark added 0 Minutes and 43 Seconds later...

As of now, the only thing I use the online for is to get into the lobby and have a chat with people :) cheaper than long distance calls :laugh
I'd like a game with you Mark, if only you had an Xbox. I feel our poor batting skills would make for an interesting game. That's assuming your batting is as bad as mine. If its not then i apologise for any offence caused. :p
That is the problem though mate, batting is realisitcally tough on Hard, on normal its a joke. Online, I dominate people. I even have to tell myself not to hit too many sixes because I hate the unrealisitc scores :facepalm

Offline though its almost as if its an entirely different game.
Last night I hit 2 sixes over long on - one against CaptainOz and one against DSB and it caused disconnection.

Also, in one game CaptainOZ drove the ball along the ground to long on and as soon as the ball rolled over the ropes it disconnected the game.

So it might not be limited to lofted shots

Actually, I was a right-handed batsmen and I played a late cut that rolled down to the third man boundary :)

It was fun playing and chatting, which added to the dissappointment evoked by the disconnection bug :(
Lol it was pretty late for me, I thought for sure you drove it between the bowler and mid on fielder
Actually, I was a right-handed batsmen and I played a late cut that rolled down to the third man boundary :)

It was fun playing and chatting, which added to the dissappointment evoked by the disconnection bug :(

Lol it was pretty late for me, I thought for sure you drove it between the bowler and mid on fielder

It wouldn't surprise me one bit if CaptainOZ did play a late cut, but Mark saw it as a shot through long-on on his TV. In fact, maybe that's why it disconnected...

Or you were just completely out of your mind.
Lol it was pretty late for me, I thought for sure you drove it between the bowler and mid on fielder


I remember it distinctly because the third man fielder (and his big butt) was trotting after the ball away from the screen, then the camera zoomed in on the ball as it rolled over the rope. Then the disconnection.

CaptainOZ added 4 Minutes and 37 Seconds later...

2am + wacky tobacky = my excuse

Hey, at least you're not this guy:

Wow, Id never let that guy step foot on my property, let alone give him the time of day. I can't stand people who look like that, he looks like a tweaking clown

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