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Hoping to see Gambhir score a ton :upray

"Gambhir is King of all forms" (new adjective, REGISTERED!:D)
Hoping to see Gambhir score a ton :upray

"Gambhir is King of all forms" (new adjective, REGISTERED!:D)

You have started the Gambhir hate now among a group of people..... :laugh People are now going to call Gambhir "EPIC FAIL" and all those BS.
Hoping to see Gambhir score a ton :upray

"Gambhir is King of all forms" (new adjective, REGISTERED!:D)

me too.......even if any other batsman scores a ton, it doesn't matter coz the only option with the indian team is to stay there for 90 ovs else lose the match
I have faith in Gautam Gambhir. He's done this before, in Napier, in arguably more trying conditions. The pitch is flat, and looking at the figures there isn't much for the spinners. Gambhir is a great player of spin and is effective at nurdling these annoying medium pacers too.

Cricinfo hit the nail on it's head - Gambhir holds our fortunes.
Must be a pretty flat pitch. Huge scores. H Singh's days might be numbered. His performances lately in all forms have been very poor.
I think Gambhir and Dhoni will be the ideal candidates to see us through to the draw. Its an easy pitch. Stay in there and score at the rate that we have been scoring all through this match. In fact India has been more positive with their batting than Sri Lanka in this game, scoring consistently at over 4 runs per over. They need to keep that going.
Match is evenly poised so far. With Tendulkar, Laxman, Dhoni and Yuvi left India have the batters to play out the draw.
O would like to see Sachin to get a big one here, lets see....I still feel its not evenly poised, SL do have an advantage, even though 2 wickets are gone, its a 5th day pitch...
itz 60% SL to win and 39% Draw AND 1% IND to win:banana2
P Satish on cricinfo : "If there weren't so many complaints about "dust bowls" we would not have such matches. Every nation's wickets have a character of thor own and the BCCI has killed Indian spinning wickets by trying to pander to the whinings of others."

Was`nt that exactly what I said yesterday!

aditya123 added 8 Minutes and 36 Seconds later...

A nice solid first session for India with just the loss of Mishra, although they could`ve scored more runs and got closer to knocking off the deficit. I thought both Gambhir and Tendulkar went too much into their shells in the last half an hour. Getting into the lead is as important as just playing for time. The quicker they get ahead of the deficit and the bigger the lead they acheive, the safer they are.
By batting slowly, they are still leaving themselves vulnerable to a possible chance of SRL to sneak in if there is a collapse. So runs are still the key.
New Ball is the only hope left for SL nw....and Prasad is having that not a good news for SL
This has become too slow and has killed all entertainment out of the game. 1.8 runs per over in the last 10 overs, 66 runs off the first session? AWFUL! And they are surviving because the pitch is so placid and true that the bowlers cant find a hint of assistance.

This pitch seriously deserves a major backlash from fans and media alike, and people should force the preparation of sporting pitches (even at the cost of being rank turners that bite at you on Day 4 and 5).
This has become too slow and has killed all entertainment out of the game. 1.8 runs per over in the last 10 overs, 66 runs off the first session? AWFUL! And they are surviving because the pitch is so placid and true that the bowlers cant find a hint of assistance.

This pitch seriously deserves a major backlash from fans and media alike, and people should force the preparation of sporting pitches (even at the cost of being rank turners that bite at you on Day 4 and 5).

That slow scoring might end up hurting us today. We are still stuck with 59 runs in arrears and now Gambhir has thrown his wicket away.

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