Tri Nations (Rugby League)

Very nice game by GB, totally outplayed us and their attack was much more dangerous than ours. Long played really well, haven't seen that side of him before.

Too much dropped ball by us on attack and Hornby didn't work at halfback along with the stupidity of moving Smith to halfback.
I was very surprised to see the result. Good to see that international Rugby League is a contest again, even if it is only between 3 sides.
LOL I dont know what you boys are getting worried about??!!

GB will do what they always do, they will beat NZ to get to the final and then lose to Aust 2 games in a row!!!!

I really cannot wait for the second Aust vs GB fixture and then hopefully the final too!!! They are going to be crackers.

One major question of the game is how on earth was Mason not sent off????

Oh wait I know that it was the dodgy ref!!!!! LOL

And according to our commentators, the Australian players, coaches and press were saying the GB team was joke!!! And that the team and British game was amateurish! I hope this isnt true because last time you did that wasnt it the ashes in 2005 at cricket??? LOL, look what you had to answer to then!!!

All in all its nice to see GB getting there acts together!
Yep i hate that ref.

hes so crap man and is like NZ's Best ref lol

Should be a cracker at suncorp but i cant believe australia lost i guess GB played well and they deserved the win!
jdeus said:
And according to our commentators, the Australian players, coaches and press were saying the GB team was joke!!! And that the team and British game was amateurish! I hope this isnt true because last time you did that wasnt it the ashes in 2005 at cricket??? LOL, look what you had to answer to then!!!

They wouldn't say that Great Britain are a joke. Just they'd have no chance of winning. Australia are way too cocky at times, especially in Rugby League.
It's just the way we have been dominating, even when we were behind I felt we could come back and win it. Didn't happen, our hands totally let us down late in the game and GB defence was very good.
Brett_Lee said:
Yep i hate that ref.

hes so crap man and is like NZ's Best ref lol
He's actually an Australian ref who referees in Super League.

Willie Mason really needs to have someone calm him down, I'm sure his agression is what led to him dropping the ball when he had an easy run in under the sticks, and that led to him running the ball on the last tackle.

Although, his challenge on Long is on report, and I can't see them not penalising him for that. I guess he'll sit out the next Aus-GB game.
It was interesting to see that the Australians attempt to muscle GB out of the game in the opening 10 minutes didnt phase GB as it usually does.

To be honest I dont really mind if Mason plays in the next GB vs Aust match but he really should have been sent off!

What does it say for the game if you can punch people and stay on the field??? Thats the only thing Im concerned about!!!

I mean come on look at all other sports apart from ice hockey they dont tolerate it!!!

Although it does look dodgy when an Australian referee doesnt send off and Australian player for punching!
Mason is an idiot and thinks he is the toughest guy out on the field. Best moment in Rugby League was when I saw 2 Parramatta defenders pick Mason up and drive him 5 metres backwards and dump him. Then he thought he would act tough and try and go high on everyone. He can play, but becomes stupid.
jdeus said:
I mean come on look at all other sports apart from ice hockey they dont tolerate it!!!
Actually, despite the sports reputation, in ice hockey, players are sin-binned for fighting at the very least.

jdeus said:
Although it does look dodgy when an Australian referee doesnt send off and Australian player for punching!
Agreed. The sooner we move to neutral referees the better. Actually, we're supposed to have neutral referees now, but the ARL have a problem with New Zealand referees.

Iron-Haggis said:
Mason is an idiot and thinks he is the toughest guy out on the field. Best moment in Rugby League was when I saw 2 Parramatta defenders pick Mason up and drive him 5 metres backwards and dump him. Then he thought he would act tough and try and go high on everyone. He can play, but becomes stupid.
Mason is a little like Andre Nel in a way. Passionate, but lets that passion spill over into agression, which starts affecting his game in a negative way.
Yeh, Mason is very passionate about his Rugby. Read in Alpha about him and he is quite an interesting character. He doesn't really care about what people think about him, he only cares about how he plays.
Brett_Lee said:
Yep i hate that ref.

hes so crap man and is like NZ's Best ref lol

Should be a cracker at suncorp but i cant believe australia lost i guess GB played well and they deserved the win!

His name's Ashley Klien. He actually from Parramatta I believe and he is apparently the leading ref in the english super league
Yeh and what does that say for British referees??? LOL

They are all poor!!! We want some of your refs to come over here!

God knows how he won referee of the year?!
IloveGilly said:
He doesn't really care about what people think about him, he only cares about how he plays.

That's a load of crap. If things don't go Mason's way he either becomes stupidly aggressive or becomes the worst and most disinterested player on the field. Hardly showing that he cares about how he plays. He acts a little to precious for a forward at times.
So Mason's got a 1 match ban.

As expected!

But I think Klien should be talked after is questionable decision about Mason!

Anyways Im looking forward to a GB vs Aust final!

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