Tutsi's A.I. Patch v6.0

tutsipoppy2 said:
Work on 2.2 goin on :

1. The power of 6-HIT shot have been reduced. Now u can only get 6's wth slog batsmans, like Sehwag, Gilchrist,etc.

2. The pace of the out field has been reduced more so as to reduce the no. of boundaries and increase the 1s n 2s.

3. Direction and power of some more shots tweaked.

Anything else which REALLY needs to be chaged ?

Good work as these are the needed changes.Looking forward to it.
Yes I think some key aspects being fixed there. It was really weird having the likes of McGrath and Hoggard hit four or five sixes in an innings. Also the amount of runs scored in boudaries was just too high.

Apart from that, is there any way by which you can increase the size of the outfields. I get the feeling that the grounds are pretty small, and scoring 6s and 4s isnt hard at all even at grounds like the MCG.
Not sure if I like only getting sixes with slog batsmen.

Maybe batsmen with different confidence levels should only be able to hit sixes.
Hi Tusti,

Beside six hit shot, I have found another bug (dont know if its a bug or what). I was playing a Test match and i found that CPU is bowling too many delievries down the leg side which can usually be called a big Wide in one day matches. This line can be a perfect one for a left handed batsman but not for a right hander. I think CPU bowler is not sensing the type of batsman (i.e. Right handed or Left handed). Also, make the backfoot square cut short playable (left arrow + W), i found it very hard to connect and get to the boundary.

I hope you will fix these in your next patch. I found you and Boss as great patch makers really. Good Job! :clap
Hero said:
Good work as these are the needed changes.Looking forward to it.

ya thnx mate. i'm sure i can improve upon my patch even more.

m_vaughan said:
Yes I think some key aspects being fixed there. It was really weird having the likes of McGrath and Hoggard hit four or five sixes in an innings. Also the amount of runs scored in boudaries was just too high.

Apart from that, is there any way by which you can increase the size of the outfields. I get the feeling that the grounds are pretty small, and scoring 6s and 4s isnt hard at all even at grounds like the MCG.

i dont think its possible. i mean changing the size of the ground is way big task for any kind of patch maker since we have no idea how to do it. besides we a.i. patchers cant change it.

TFM said:
Not sure if I like only getting sixes with slog batsmen.

Maybe batsmen with different confidence levels should only be able to hit sixes.

yea, i've got sumthing like this only on my mind. will update u on this as i'm currently testing sumthing similar to it.

smqadeer said:
Hi Tusti,

Beside six hit shot, I have found another bug (dont know if its a bug or what). I was playing a Test match and i found that CPU is bowling too many delievries down the leg side which can usually be called a big Wide in one day matches. This line can be a perfect one for a left handed batsman but not for a right hander. I think CPU bowler is not sensing the type of batsman (i.e. Right handed or Left handed). Also, make the backfoot square cut short playable (left arrow + W), i found it very hard to connect and get to the boundary.

I hope you will fix these in your next patch. I found you and Boss as great patch makers really. Good Job! :clap

hi thnx for the feedback.

the thing is, since there is no such value in the configs which determines as to where the cpu should bowl. we patch makers have increased the bolwing cursor for the cpu so that randomly he is able to bowl on different line and lengths. the only drawback is that sumtimes it causes the cpu to bowl 2-3 wides in an over. but there is a difference in cpu's bowling in test and odi. in tests u may find cpu bowling way down the legside, but since there r no wides so no real prob. whereas in ODIs ur rarely find cpu bowling too many legside wides.

the bottom line is that, this is the best we patch makers can do this time to make cpu bowl on different line & lengths.

we may find a proper solution to this prob. untill then, u'll have to make do wth whatver is possible.
Tutsi,when you are going to release your next version?YOur patch definately have some unique aspects.
Now i am using Tutsi's A.I. Patch Version 2.1 for batting. It is doing good guns for multiplayer.
Straight frontfoot power shot is awesome.

Someshots are missing or not functioning properly.

1. There is no backfoot powershot in this patch.

2. Sometimes when we hit to midon the ball is going to midoff.
bhaskar reddy said:
Now i am using Tutsi's A.I. Patch Version 2.1 for batting. It is doing good guns for multiplayer.
Straight frontfoot power shot is awesome.

Someshots are missing or not functioning properly.

1. There is no backfoot powershot in this patch.

2. Sometimes when we hit to midon the ball is going to midoff.

thnx man.

1. Which shots r u talkin about.

2. It is added to add more realism to that shot. Sometimes in real life cricket, a mistimed on-drive shot goes to mid-off.
Hey Tutsi, I havent reviewed your patch for a long time. Here is mine on your v2.1


Extremely enjoyable! Lots of opportunities to score on the off side! The straight lofted shot works very well. When well timed, it goes for a six. Even if a slight mistiming, it ends up as a catch at deep mid on or mid off! Now able to play various shots over the ground. The late cut has now come in picture!
saisrini80 said:
Hey Tutsi, I havent reviewed your patch for a long time. Here is mine on your v2.1


Extremely enjoyable! Lots of opportunities to score on the off side! The straight lofted shot works very well. When well timed, it goes for a six. Even if a slight mistiming, it ends up as a catch at deep mid on or mid off! Now able to play various shots over the ground. The late cut has now come in picture!

good to hear a brief review from u man.

hoping for more in future.
tutsipoppy2 said:
good to hear a brief review from u man.

hoping for more in future.

great patch man. Batting is lot more fun. i loved the way you can play late cut to third man or play it early for playing the cut like a back foot power drive. Straight drive and cover drive are also fun. Only thing i find missing is hook or pull
Update :

Version 3.0 will be relased instead of 2.2

Sneak-Peak :

This is gonna be bigger, and better than the previous ones.
Most of the features have been perfected in the earlier version. The remaining will be perfected in this one.

Now u'll really have to pump blood to score runs in difficult situations.

A few hrs back, i was playing as IND vs PAK, Knockout Final, batting second under lights i had to get 8 runs from the last over wth 1 wicket remaining. It took me 24 Reloads before i got those 8 runs on Medium difficulty.

Batting under lights is one of the main features of the patch. U'll really feel the difference batting in the day as comapired to batting under lights.

Sweet Spot feature had been updated. Now, only the real Super Batsmen are able to peel the skin of the ball and hit it outta this world.

CPU Bowlers too are smarter than ever, they bowl deliveries which will spilt ur mind into two.

Now watchin the scene of the ball kissing the adboards wont be easy. Outfield speed and normal shot power have been tweaked.

Enuff for the sneak-peak.

!!! W.O.R.D L.I.F.E !!!
Waiting for your v3.0 patch Tutsi. v2.1 is very fun to play with and is superb! I want it more tougher for the batsmen in the ODI's

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