Tutsi's A.I. Patch v6.0

tutsipoppy2 said:
Ya, so what about it?
Sureshot's probably trying to find out if that's what is being considered realistic for the Indian bowlers, and how that will relate to bowlers of other teams when you get round to doing them.
FishBowlMan summed it up exactly.

Because those stats aren't the original ones that EA made.

This isn't a angry rant btw tutsi, just a query.
Well, u can say that, it was just a experimental thing, well u all know that the real stats hardly make any difference in the gameplay, it was just an experimental thing to make a particular bowler specialise in 1 department.

u dunno whether to continue with in my next roster or revert back.(it hardly makes any difference.)
tutsipoppy2 said:
Well, u can say that, it was just a experimental thing, well u all know that the real stats hardly make any difference in the gameplay, it was just an experimental thing to make a particular bowler specialise in 1 department.

u dunno whether to continue with in my next roster or revert back.(it hardly makes any difference.)
I would say try and get them reasonably accurate in terms of amount of swing / seam etc. as these do make a difference to the gameplay - especially in conjunction with the CpuBallBatsman, CpuBallStump, CpuBallLength values and different pitch types. Try bowling with Collingwood, and then with Bell and see the difference this makes. Both are medium pacers, but Bell has minimal swing. I think also, having accurately represented special deliveries (as far as possible) would be good. e.g. I don't believe Giles will turn the ball the other way, wheras he relies on the "flight" ball. Having these sorted properly would definitely enhance the gameplay.
FishBowlMan said:
I would say try and get them reasonably accurate in terms of amount of swing / seam etc. as these do make a difference to the gameplay - especially in conjunction with the CpuBallBatsman, CpuBallStump, CpuBallLength values and different pitch types. Try bowling with Collingwood, and then with Bell and see the difference this makes. Both are medium pacers, but Bell has minimal swing. I think also, having accurately represented special deliveries (as far as possible) would be good. e.g. I don't believe Giles will turn the ball the other way, wheras he relies on the "flight" ball. Having these sorted properly would definitely enhance the gameplay.

if u take my word.......stats(all n every kind of) in cricket 2005 hardly make 20-30% of the difference in gameplay.....the rest 70-80% is sumthing which is in-built and we CANNOT alter it with CFG editing.....it can ONLY be done my EXE editing, prob. by SAM.
tutsipoppy2 said:
if u take my word.......stats(all n every kind of) in cricket 2005 hardly make 20-30% of the difference in gameplay.....the rest 70-80% is sumthing which is in-built and we CANNOT alter it with CFG editing.....it can ONLY be done my EXE editing, prob. by SAM.
Fair point, but we're talking here about editing the abilities in the roster file, not the cfg stuff. These attributes do make a noticable difference.
FishBowlMan said:
Fair point, but we're talking here about editing the abilities in the roster file, not the cfg stuff. These attributes do make a noticable difference.

thats exactly my point, since the cfg have very little power, they in mnay ways make the attributes in the roster, useless.
tutsipoppy2 said:
thats exactly my point, since the cfg have very little power, they in mnay ways make the attributes in the roster, useless.
A CPU spinner with a high spin attribute (in the roster) will turn the ball a lot more than one with a low spin attribute (in the roster). When batting, I have to think very carefully about playing a shot against a bowler who may spin the ball a long way. Same goes for swing bowlers. If I am facing a bowler who will not turn or swing the ball as much, I am more confident about playing an attacking shot.

The AI batsmen have less problem with differing amount of spin, seam and swing - as you rightly say due to the cfg files, but in terms of batting against these different bowlers, the attributes in the roster do make a difference. That's why I would like to see you carry on with your excellent work on the roster, as well as your cfg / shot patches.
Is it me or is the bowling cursor pretty big. I like it so far, havn't played much, but i didnt get any edges in two overs on a green pitch. I'll see how it goes later. What line are you bowling to get the edges, i've been trying just outside off, but against bangladesh i bowled there and just got pushed away with back foot cover drives.
Yeh they like the backfoot cover drives, even when the ball is ideal for straight driver/cover drive.

Tutsi, is it possible to make the spinners (some) pitch it up a bit more. Just played India vs Aus, and Brad Hogg was pitching half trackers, but reaching at stump height, he took 5-28 though, 3 in his first over!
FishBowlMan said:
A CPU spinner with a high spin attribute (in the roster) will turn the ball a lot more than one with a low spin attribute (in the roster). When batting, I have to think very carefully about playing a shot against a bowler who may spin the ball a long way. Same goes for swing bowlers. If I am facing a bowler who will not turn or swing the ball as much, I am more confident about playing an attacking shot.

The AI batsmen have less problem with differing amount of spin, seam and swing - as you rightly say due to the cfg files, but in terms of batting against these different bowlers, the attributes in the roster do make a difference. That's why I would like to see you carry on with your excellent work on the roster, as well as your cfg / shot patches.

thanks, so what shld i do, restore the attributes of all the major bowlers to defualt, OR make them specialise in any one department with respect to their real life counterparts.

cc2003btw said:
Is it me or is the bowling cursor pretty big. I like it so far, havn't played much, but i didnt get any edges in two overs on a green pitch. I'll see how it goes later. What line are you bowling to get the edges, i've been trying just outside off, but against bangladesh i bowled there and just got pushed away with back foot cover drives.

make sure ur playing with the bowling config file.

bowl varied deliveries for edges.

Sureshot said:
Yeh they like the backfoot cover drives, even when the ball is ideal for straight driver/cover drive.

Tutsi, is it possible to make the spinners (some) pitch it up a bit more. Just played India vs Aus, and Brad Hogg was pitching half trackers, but reaching at stump height, he took 5-28 though, 3 in his first over!

cant really alter as to where a bowler bowls.

if it was then we wouldnt need 2 seperate cfgs for batting n bowling. ;)
I think there are 2 stages to this.

1: This is the easier one to implement. Give bowlers the deliveries they have in real life or as close as possible within the confines of the game. For example, Giles does not turn the ball "the other way". So this can be removed from his special abilities.

2: This will require more work and will be open to interpretation. Define a series of categories. Accuracy, Discipline and Stamina are used for all bowlers.

For each bowler type, use categories of Seam, Swing, Spin and the special ball attributes according to bowler type.

Set a benchmark player for each attribute and give him the highest value in that category. I don't mean give him 100 by default - you may define the highest accuracy you wish to use as 70 for example. Adjust other bowlers accordingly depending on his real life ability.

Do the same for the other categories by setting the attribute of the best bowler in that category, and assigning downwards from there.

e.g. using England's bowlers.

I would set Flintoff to have the highest accuracy (but not as high as Australia's McGrath who would be my benchmark accuracy rating). Give him good seam and some swing.

Hoggard would have a high swing rating. Certainly higher than Flintoff, but his seam rating would be lower than Flintoff's. Good accuracy (again, not as high as Flintoff)

Harmison would have lower discipline as he can be quite erratic, but high seam ability as if he does get it right he can be dangerous. Do not give him the reverse swing special ball.

Giles would have low spin - way lower than a benchmark player (Warne, Murali etc), have good accuracy but remove the "other way" special ball.

By applying this idea to the bowlers (always in relation to the benchmark attribute) I think you can get a pretty accurate roster.

Incidentally, I like what you've done by reducing the accuracy and stamina to get more realistic bowling at the moment.

Hope this helps, and let me know what you (and anyone else) think.
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FishBowlMan said:
I think there are 2 stages to this.

1: This is the easier one to implement. Give bowlers the deliveries they have in real life or as close as possible within the confines of the game. For example, Giles does not turn the ball "the other way". So this can be removed from his special abilities.

2: This will require more work and will be open to interpretation. Define a series of categories. Accuracy, Discipline and Stamina are used for all bowlers.

For each bowler type, use categories of Seam, Swing, Spin and the special ball attributes according to bowler type.

Set a benchmark player for each attribute and give him the highest value in that category. I don't mean give him 100 by default - you may define the highest accuracy you wish to use as 70 for example. Adjust other bowlers accordingly depending on his real life ability.

Do the same for the other categories by setting the attribute of the best bowler in that category, and assigning downwards from there.

e.g. using England's bowlers.

I would set Flintoff to have the highest accuracy (but not as high as Australia's McGrath who would be my benchmark accuracy rating). Give him good seam and some swing.

Hoggard would have a high swing rating. Certainly higher than Flintoff, but his seam rating would be lower than Flintoff's. Good accuracy (again, not as high as Flintoff)

Harmison would have lower discipline as he can be quite erratic, but high seam ability as if he does get it right he can be dangerous. Do not give him the reverse swing special ball.

Giles would have low spin - way lower than a benchmark player (Warne, Murali etc), have good accuracy but remove the "other way" special ball.

By applying this idea to the bowlers (always in relation to the benchmark attribute) I think you can get a pretty accurate roster.

Incidentally, I like what you've done by reducing the accuracy and stamina to get more realistic bowling at the moment.

Hope this helps, and let me know what you (and anyone else) think.

well the 1st idea is a good one which is being implemented by me.

the 2nd one is also a good one but way to lengthy to be implemented, it could take 2-3 days to finish 1 team and that too will get very hectic.

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