Update Later Today

Big Ant take a bow. IT WORKS!!! I played a straight drive and it went on the ground. I played a pull shot with a forward square leg and the ball went - on - the - ground!!!! This game went from good to fantastic. THANK YOU!!!!!
Dying to try a test match now.I have no friends though.:facepalm
Even less edges? The AI already gave away pretty much no edges... I hope this has been adjusted somewhat.

I guess I'll see when I get a chance to play later tonight.

Just a couple of posts above yours:

The AI has not been effected by the physics change to ball trajectories.
Top marks bigant, it seems yet again you've delivered what you'd promised with another patch! Really looking forward to getting the patch on Xbox, soon I hope. John Denver may well be full of shit, man, but you guys certainly are not!!
My only remaining gripe is that tailenders are a bit too good. If this patch, maybe with the defensive edge probabilities works, wow this game will be flawless
I played a few mins just now to test this and I have to say, very well done @BigAntStudios and to everyone who's been working hard behind the scenes. My initial impression is that batting feels much more balanced now. Playing defensively seems to be more effective, and the ball does indeed play along the ground when you do play some shots. It actually feels amazing by comparison to before, in that playing trigger shots actually does now feels like a risk! Thumbs up! :thumbs

Just a word to the wise. To anyone reading this who is thinking this change will suddenly make them demon batsmen who can play all manner of shots without conviction, then you are mistaken. You still need to time the ball well and get the foot work correct, otherwise you will still get out. This patch addresses bugs with good timing, so if your timing was off before the patch, it'll still be off now :D
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Ahh damn, edges not relevent to AI
So this is patch 3?:D
So this is patch 3?:D

Not really. I mean we get the changes on Steam, but these changes will eventually make it to console for patch 3, among many other I'd imagine. BA did say that changes will be tested first on PC.
will the ps3 users only get the finalised patch 3 that includes all these fixes and more? or we will also receive an interim patch like the PC users?
Seems there's still a nice bit of run out bug, but overall there's some well done improvements.

Nothing like watching your batsmen dive in safely, only to watch the bowler stand there and wait for him to get up, and stand out of his crease for no particularly good reason so he could be run out.
PS3 patches are expensive so there won't be an interim one.

This. I don't think it costs @BigAntStudios anything to push out updates via Steam, whereas like you say, there are costs involved for console platforms. This is why us privileged PC master racers are being used as a test bed :D[DOUBLEPOST=1409139513][/DOUBLEPOST]
Seems there's still a nice bit of run out bug, but overall there's some well done improvements.

Nothing like watching your batsmen dive in safely, only to watch the bowler stand there and wait for him to get up, and stand out of his crease for no particularly good reason so he could be run out.

To be fair, that was never mentioned as something that had been fixed :)

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