Update Later Today

There will be a lot more than this in the fabled "patch#3" however there may be an interim patch before "patch#3" :)
I found a few bugs...few of which is repeating from the previous version and few are new
(1)-The review system was faulty...even the decisions which were wrong were not corrected after the review system shows the correct decision(OLD v1.11) dono if this corrected in v1.12.
(2)-This happen 4 times in just 2hrs of play today after the update...i bowled and got a caught behind...the umpire gives out..i tap the A button on d controller to continue..and the wicket is not registered...it shows that the ball was a dot ball...this is after the team celebrates and the umpire raises his finger...(this happen only for caught behind and no review was taken by the opposition and it was clearly out)..facing this issue only in the new version(v1.12) please look into this....it happen 4times already in 2hrs.
(3)-MAJOR BUG.....i found the bug in v1.11 and its not corrected in v1.12....am the captain of my team in International T20, ODI and domestic and so i can choose when i wanna bowl...in T20 matches...both domestic and International...a able to bowl 10 overs....that is there is no over limit....i bowl the 1st over...simulate 1over...bowl the 3rd over...and so on....like this am able to bowl 10 over in a T20 match where i should be allowed only to bowl 4...dono if this bug exists in ODI....but in T20 it exits for sure....kindly look into these issues....(FYI i have video of the game to show this bug)...let me know if u wanna see it

Thank You
Stared a new career as a amateur after the patch.

Saw the difference straight away when I drove sweet as a bun all along the ground. Almost cried tears of joy.

Defensive shots are easier to play and appear to be more reliable than before.
Hooks appear to go straight to ground if timed well. The Off/on side leaping demons seem to be restricted now to stopping the ball when they dive, rather than the automatic out as before.
It also appears harder to hit boundaries now. Does the grass slow the ball more now I suspect.

I read that the skill increases for International games and drops back after you return to the domestic or lessor games.

Would like to thank the dev's for their release of the patch and thank them for listening to our repeated whining. This game is even better and more polished by this release and I thank them for that.

Neil W
PS3 patches are expensive so there won't be an interim one.

They've promised a few things in patch 3 that aren't in the PC version (playing on the same team in multiplayer is the one that I remember everyone moaning about); so they might delay patch 3 until their ready and release "Patch 2.5" or something with the gameplay issues that have been fixed? I'd imagine that they'd push something out to fix the Xbox issue as soon as they have solved that (I know that there is a workaround, but you don't want that sort of faff every time you play a game); so it may make sense that they bundle a bunch of other things into an Xbox patch for that, and surely then you'd have to release on both at the same time?
I posted a few bugs in another post (dancing down the wicket). Perhaps some of those made it in with "various crash bug fixes" but very happy to see a patch.

Thank you Ross.

Now only if we can fix those rage-quitters and pirates...! :)

Just in time for USA's labor day long weekend. Looking forward to it.
Sounds really good . Now please make me a promise you PC kings , PLEASE check all of the new stuff out in online mode , where this game will live on forever.

There is alot of Online bugs and smaller issues , that I`m not gonna repeat here, that I`m not hearing anything about.

@HBK619 , @BigAntStudios Quick Question on one of the Fixes:

- Tuning of ground friction in field. > Does this mean ball will travel travel quicker , or slower in the outfield ? Resulting in more/less fours?

Anyways , Great Stuff Ross and Co !!!!
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You can hit sixes if you time the ball well. We tested it thoroughly before putting it out for you guys. Play a couple of matches to get adjusted to the timing and you'll surely be able to hit sixes.[DOUBLEPOST=1409126688][/DOUBLEPOST]
No news on mods for now.

I don't know how many have played online with the new patch, but it turned very bad for me. Played a couple of 5 over game to check the patch, i can't even hit a single boundary. My opponent bowled only yorkers around 155 to 158 km speed and i tired hitting in different timings both ariel and ground shots but the ball was just rolling on the ground very slowly and most of the times it hasn't crossed the inner circle. It might be because of the lag but it hasn't been like this before the patch. The second game i invited a guy and the game crashed for him when i accepted the invitation. Looking some feedback from online gameplay
I for one love this update feels more alive thank you
I don't know if this is related to your changes, but I've had literally 5 or 6 edges in the past hour or so since I turned the game on that have gone straight at the keeper, sometimes hitting him, or going through his legs, and yet he's just stood there making no attempt to catch them at all. I've never had that before, and he's caught some others, but those have really bothered me. Otherwise, the update is fantastic, and the controls feel a lot more balanced somehow.
Has AI Improved the batting skill and Play according to required runrate ?
Well, I've tried the new patch and I have to say it's really great. It fixes one of the bigger issues that of ball trajectory off the bat. Moreover I did notice the Stroke Variation is a lot more analogous, in the sense that the variation in stroke is a lot more, corresponding to whether we hit early, ideal or late.

Also noticed that the ball is moving in the outfield more naturally and not stopping all of a sudden before the boundary rope.

About "Tuning of bowler speed differential" to be honest I didn't find much of a difference in bowling speeds of bowlers. It still shows either the fastest,medium or the slowest speeds in HUD.

Human Defense seems a lot more solid.

I think BA should now look to fix the field placings. It completely destroys the immersion. Especially when in an ODI/T20 the AI places a Silly Point & Forward Short Leg after you block a couple of balls and doesn't remove it for the rest of the match no matter how aggressively you play.

Anyway, thanks a lot @BigAntStudios for the patch. Looking forward for the future patches.
About "Tuning of bowler speed differential" to be honest I didn't find much of a difference in bowling speeds of bowlers.

Try playing some online against spinners or fast bowlers. Previously online you could drop from 150kmph to 85-90kmph. Now it's more 150 down to 100-120 depending on your skills. So it's still effective, but it's not completely unplayable. Same deal for the spinners, those loopy deliveries are still there, but there's not as impossibly unplayable... In my few short games, the lower-statted bowlers that some people were selecting are now, effectively, useless and easily hittable.

You still need to time the ball well and get the foot work correct, otherwise you will still get out

Totally, all of this. There's certainly more forgiving ground-shots if you were struggling with them before, but if you're still not timing it correctly then you're still going to get out. I'll also note, online play is a little more stable from what I've been able to play so far, so kudos... I've also seen more frequent caught and bowled dismissals online.

Ground shots are now much much better but some tuning to the lofted shots lol, it's literally impossible to hit a six off the short pitched or good length delivery

In Pro Mode; I thought the same thing, but it's just a slight change to the timing window (mostly online, but also in career it's a little different). It is possible, it's just less frequent now in certain areas and you're not clearing the in-field by a Kilometer when you hit it. You just gotta make a slight adjustment to way you previously timed the ball I found. It's subtle and it's much harder to belt a yorker for 6 off a pace bowler as it should be. Took me a couple of games to adjust.
Found a problem. First time i have seen it, so not sure if its something with this new patch or not.
Playing career and simming to player. It started raining with around 45 min to go on day 4. Then suddenly there was a extra day. As you can see on the pic it says match tied, however the match played on till the end and we got the win.
So not sure whats going on there.


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